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Scribbles About Tv- Trueblood Episode:Almost Home

This episode was one of the most emotional episodes of the series as a whole... And it should be. It's the end of the road, lots of emotions running for all of the characters, people are dying it's going to be a roller coaster ride. 

I'm gonna start off with talking about "ships" because this was a very shippy episode. The first ship is Bill and Sookie. I thought their getting back together was actually kind of beautiful because it did give Sookie, and us a chance to get some questions answered. Sookie asked Bill what had really happened between him and Sophie Anne and he said that he was supposed to bring Sookie back so that Sophie Anne could start breeding fairies. He was just supposed to find Sookie and bring her to Sophie Ann. Nothing more than that, but Bill didn't bring her back to Sophie Ann because Sookie reminded Bill of what it was like to be human again. And I thought that was really sweet because it shows that Sookie really is a sweet, loving person. Bill felt like a human for Sookie because she actually treated him like a human. She talked to him like a person and didn't act like he was a monster or anything. She just opened her heart right up to him because overall, she's just sweet like that and Bill fell in love with that and that is what brought the two together! I dont think that them getting back together is going to happen... For obvious reasons, but it gave us all closure on what was to happen between the two of them. 

Now for Jason and Jessica... I think Jason totally loves Jessica and she loves him also and I really think they belong together. No one is going to make Jason fall in love with them the way Jessica did. The funny thing is though, the love between them isn't just a boyfriend/girlfriend type of love. I think Jessica loves him as if she is his maker. And I would not be all that surprised if that happened. I've always wanted Jessica to make Jason, and I think it's more than just the two are a good pair. I don't think that Jessica can live forever without Jason and I think she knows that and is especially aware do this now that her maker is dying. 

I was kind of disappointed though that it seems like Jessica and Hoyt will be together instead of her and Jason. I think it's adorable that even after being glamoured, Hoyt still loves her the way that you do with first loves...but I really don't think it would be right for them to get together without him remembering anything. It's like when Sookie was having sex with Eric that had lost his memory, it wasn't right because Eric wasn't in his correct state of being. Sookie was taking advantage of him and I think that is what Jessica would be doing with Hoyt if they got back together... And Jessica knows that too which is why hopefully they won't end up together. I don't want Hoyt to have a sad ending or anything, but it wouldn't be right for him and Jessica to get back together. 

It was very heroic and awesome that Hoyt just went in there and saved them all from Violet. I was really emotional during that whole scene and it was just like nail-biting type of awesome. Violet is absolutely insane and Jason was stupid for getting together with her in the first place, and even more stupid for cheating on her. And he obviously doesn't think anything he did was wrong because he's so smitten with Jessica, but still. Jason's never been all that smart. This was just scary because I thought Jessica, Addie and Wade would all be dead by the time Jason got there. Luckily they weren't and when Hoyt came there was a lovely reunion between Andy, Holly,Wade and Addie and Jessica and Jason were saved and everything was good! 

Side note: No Sam in this episode: that makes me really happy. They didn't need a Sam scene distracting from everything since it's such a "ohh what do we do with this guy" plot that the show didn't really need. I probably liked this week a lot more just because of that. Also no Hot vampire with Arlene. I didn't really miss it, but I wouldn't have hated a scene like that. 

The Lettie May story was also really moving, surprisingly so actually. She isn't just crazy, she isn't even a horrible mom. She had an addiction that was brought on by her violent husband leaving her. Tara always loved her mom and remembered that birthday, even after Tara's death. It was an emotional scene. It wasn't really something we totally needed in the overall arc of the show, but I loved the arc it gave with the relationship between Tara and Lettie May. It really added a nice little final touch to the show! I really thought it was a good story. 

And of corse the end: Bills decision. I don't really want him to die because of Jessica. I don't want Jeasica to lose her maker, that would be terrible. I don't know. I don't want him to stay with Sookie, but I want him to stay for Jessica. I can understand that he feels his life has been long enough and that he feels now he can die and all... But I just don't want Jessica to be alone. I'd feel better if she turned Jason. 

It's also a very meaningful storyline to say the least. Bill has never been threatened with dying before, but it's like Jessica said, vampires aren't really immortal. Bill is facing the same decisions humans in his condition have also. Well not in his condition really, but I mean humans that are facing their final days. It's quite meaningful and it's a brave decision for him not to drink Sarah's blood. 

Also, who knows if she really is the cure. Her sister was killed after she was cured. Eric was just cured. He could still die. Plus Sarah probably has Hep V now that 2 Hep V positive vampires have drank her blood, so that could probably affect the cure. I don't think this "NewBlood" will do anything at all! 

That is all I have to say for now. Good episode. This season has been really great so far, other than the Sam stories, it's almost as good as some of the earlier seasons. 



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