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Stuff That Happened This Week (5/25-5/31)

1) Nia Vardalos and John Corbett sign on for My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2- This has to be the first news because Nia Vardalos is one of my biggest heroes in life. She's such an amazing interesting person with a really great story and she's so great. She does a lot of stuff for adoption and her husband is awesome and her daughter is great and I just love her. I know she's been toying with the idea for a while, I feel like she can write and act in whatever she wants and she's super funny... but I think everyone just wants a sequel for MBFGW and I think she wants this sequel too. I know her and John Corbett had a lot of fun making it, and they have great chemistry together, and I just think this will be great. I kind of think the first one was perfect as is and that they shouldn't change it by making a sequel... but at the same time I'm such a big fan of Nia Vardalos and her in general that I think it'll be great. I almost want to audition or write or something.

2) Maya Angelou dies at the age of 86- This is a sad story also. Maya Angelou was such an inspiration to soo many people. It's interesting to see it on facebook, a lot of people are posting quotes and status's in memory of her, and really she was clearly an inspiration to a lot of people. And it's not like there's just one inspirational quote or thing that she's known for, she's known for so soo much.

I was just thinking of rereading I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings and I think its a really beautiful and inspirational story. It's her story about her early life, and it's just amazing how far she's come from that. She is and will always be an inspiration to a lot of people and she will be missed.

3) Bill Murray crashes a bachelor party and is awesome because Bill Murray-This is a nice story. He crashed a bachelor party at a steakhouse and told the single men in the group advice on how to find the one. He said to travel the world together and when you land in the airport and you're still in love get married at the airport! I thought this was great!

4) Lcvar Burton starts a super successful kickstarter to bring back Reading Rainbow- I have very fond memories of Reading Rainbow and Levar Burton hosting it. I know he's a little busy now sailing the Childish Tycoon with Troy Barnes, but I think he'll have time to host this show again and maybe bring Donald Glover as a guest host. He pledged to get a million dollars by July 2nd and he already raised a million dollars on his first day! I think this is really going to change kids futures. Like it seems silly, but Reading Rainbow really helped me get into reading and I think we really need that for kids today. I'm glad it will most likely be returning.

5) Bryan Cranston says Breaking Bad may not really be over- Wahhhttt? We never did see Walter in a body bag (spoilers) he just collapsed on the floor. Perhaps Heisenberg is still out there? Honestly I think the end of Breaking Bad was incredible, Walter got what he deserved and it was beautiful and poetic and just all around an awesome episode. Like even if that wasn't the finale, I still think it would have been one of the best episodes of the show. Of course if they did decide to bring Breaking Bad back, I'd watch it for sure, but that ending was just too too perfect. I kind of want to see a Christmas Special or a Musical. I'm actually debating writing one and pitching it to Vince Gilligan lol. I think that would be a fun way to bring it back, especially since Breaking Bad did have a very dark humor to it.

6) Brad Pitt was attacked by a prankster at the premier of Maleficent- This is kind of scary. I mean those events have always seemed really secure to me and its scary that a celebrity can be attacked during this... especially by someone that is just doing it for pranks. I don't think he was seriously injured or anything, but still that's kind of distressing.

7) Casey Wilson and David Caspe got married!- The Kimye of the comedy world Casey Wilson and David Caspe tied the knot over the weekend! David Caspe created the show Happy Endings, which Casey Wilson starred in. They met when Wilson auditioned and they found out they both lived
 on the same street in New York years earlier without ever actually meeting each other. Adorbs! I love
Casey Wilson, I really liked Happy Endings and I want to see the new show they're doing together
and yeah... they are a good couple. I hope she didn't have to have any bride wars! lol.

8) Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas welcome baby boy into the world- I wonder if their son realizes that he is the savior! Jk I'm sooooo sooo happy for them they are one of my favorite couples. How great is it that Snow White and Prince Charming are actually married and have a baby and everything! They are just the cutest! I love them. I think they will be excellent parents. Apparently when you work on an ABC show or have anything to do with a Disney affiliate you can go to Disney for free and stuff and Ginnifer loves Disney so that is nice for her! I think she'll be a great mom and josh dallas will be an excellent dad too!

9) spelling bee judge uses lyrics from Kellis's milkshake in sentence- LOL! I love that this song is still relevant first off and I cannot imagine being that kid that asked for it in a sentence and them hears "my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard" which I'm guessing is what happened. I'll have to read it to find out.... But damn that's soo funny!

Okay apparently that wasn't what happened. During one of the last words he made a joke about it bringing all the boys to tabithas yard and then said... Ohh wait. and it was funny.

10) Gweneth Paltrow is annoying and offended wounded soldiers because Gweneth Paltrow- Someone needs to shut her up for realz! Apparently Gweneth's life is just soo hard that she gets insulted on the internet and compares herself to a wounded soldier. Boo hoo, her life is so hard in. Her mansion with all of her money and her nice hair and all that! I feel like I'm someone that can be easily offended,but if someone offends me, I pick myself up and just keep living my life. I'm an adult it isn't that hard to do! I know my life isn't nearly as hard as any soldier, especially a wounded soldier, and let's face it my life is a hell of a lot harder than Gweneth Paltrows!

The best part of the article was a soldiers response to it. He pretty much just told it like it is. He said that he felt bad that she woke up in her mansion and had to charge her iphone and read a mean comment about herself online after doing basically nothing for her job. Meanwhile people in the military are losing their arms and legs and some of them even give up their lives for this country for basically nothing while she's earning millions of dollars for a small role in Iron Man where she probably had to work for like a day. Cry me a river Gweneth.

Sooo yeah that ended negatively... But still!



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