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Shannon Goes Viral #1:Star Wars, Walter White vs Rick Grimes & more!

Sooo I'm kind of obsessed with Viral Videos and the like, so it just makes sense for me to review them on my blog! I don't know why I haven't done this before, but I'm doing it now. I'm going to do some new videos, but I may throw in a few oldies and some of my favorites that you may not have heard of and maybe some you have. Idk how it's going to work, but I know there are two newer videos that I am very excited about! One of them has two badasses rap battling each other, and the other features Weird Al and the Star Wars Cantina scene... This is amazing already!

1) Epic Rap Battles of History: Rick Grimes vs. Walter White- Alrighty, an epic rap battle between the baddest badasses on tv, other than Arya Stark probably... This I'm in for. I didn't know if I would get as many of the jokes as I did, so I was pleasantly surprised. I'm a huge Breaking Bad fan and I like the Walking Dead, but I haven't watched it since season 1... So some of the things I didn't totally get, but I knew enough. I mean I totally thought Rick Grimes would have own hands down. He fights zombies, that's pretty badass,  but Walter White is sooo cold. He did give some pretty good insults. My favorite line of all was "No one saw Shane coming, except for you pr wife." That made the video for me. I'd give this rap battle 3 dancing cats out of five.

2) Star Wars Cantina Band Auditions- This video was sooo funny! I didn't know that they were getting the actual singers to be in it, but then I realized it was a college humor video and that girl probably looked like Liz Phair because she was Liz Phair. I knew that Weird Al was in it, but I thought this was more of a Weird Al song. I thought he made up lyrics for the Cantina Band and started to audition people all singing those lyrics... That would have been funny too, but kind of distracting to see both the lyrics and the interchanging of different people. I did know that there was a Rick Springfield video about Star Wars, but I thought it was another video. Good Morning America had Rick Springfield on to talk about it and I assumed it was a different video because Weird Al is wayyy more famous than Rick Springfield. Lol. It wasn't what I was expecting, but it was still really really good.This was just wayyy funnier than I thought it would be. Everyone was soo soo funny. dogs waking up out of 5. 

3) Sugar Glider Drinking- I actually saw this on a tv at a food court of a mall... they do a segment called tails and fails where they have adorable animals and  people failing at things. This one was by far the cutest. It's a tiny little sugar glider drinking from the straw of a juice box. I didn't even know what a sugar glider was before this, but its sooo adorable. I was freaking out while eating by myself at a food court. People must have thought I was crazy! 5 Kristin Bell's doing something awesome out of 5. 

 4) Girl gets hit with shovel during fight- Ohhh my gosh guys... These girls are fucking trashy... And I don't understand teenagers today. Soooo this one girl goes to another girls yard because the two of them were fighting over a boy... These girls are fifteen! There is no reason for them to be fighting over a boy.

But it's weird because it's so organized. The girl that got hit just went over to the other girls house, she was petting her chickens and talking and then she was like "how old are you? I'm not about to fight a girl that's older than me." Or something like that... What the hell? So they talk for a little bit and then they establish the rules and they throw fisticuffs for a bit... And then they fight... And they're hurting each other but they kind of don't understand what fighting is. The one girl was upset that the other was hitting her in the face, but then she says she's going to go germ her BB gun... How is that
allowed but getting hit in the face not?

And then she hit her in the head with a shovel and told everyone to get out of her house! The guy that was filming it told the girl that got hit that he had a first aid kit at home and he carried her to his house to help her because she felt light headed. She said "I beat her ass though so it's okay." Ummmm no you didn't... I mean sure you hit her in the face a few times but this girl hit you with a fucking

Idk guys, it was ratchet as hell. I give it 0 ratchet ass bitches out of 5 because... It was cray. That's not how fights should be conducted, they shouldn't fight over a boy... It's just all bad.

5) Gotham trailer- Holy crap guys. This looks awesome. This looks like the reason television was invented. Hell, it looks like the reason Batman was invented. Watch this as soon as possiblehttpA bagillion cats acting surprised out of 5. 

6) A Million ways to die in the west Red Band Trailer- I've seen this trailer before so I didn't want to put it in the next trailer reviews I have coming up, but I wanted to mention it because of the red band trailer. I actually hate Seth McFarlene, but this movie actually looks pretty funny. There's something appealing to me about a Wild West comedy. Sarah Silverman is in it and she looks super funny. I loved Charlize Theron on Arrested Development and I'm happy to see her in a comedy. I kind of liked Ted... I'm probably going to see this. It just seems funny to me. Probably not the funniest, but I want to see it.

I really don't like seeing Seth Macfarlene movies in theaters because I don't really want to support him. He just doesn't seem like he should be the #1 richest person on television... But whatever appeals to the masses I guess. 3 and a half news reporter fails out of 5. 

Sooo that is it. I want to do more of these, so look out for them!



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