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Stuff that happened this week (5/11-5/18)

1) Eminem apologizes to his mother in new music video- I'm not a huge Eminem fan or anything, but I like his stuff and I remember him from back in the day... and he did not like his mother or his ex-wife very much. I think I saw 8 mile but I don't remember it that well and I think he really expressed a LOT of his feelings towards his mother and he really hated her. I think this is kind of a nice tribute and apology that he's doing this and I was kind of shocked when I read that this was the subject of his music video. I remember seeing his mom on 20/20 or something and she seemed completely normal...but I don't know. It kind of seemed like she was maybe a little cold towards him. I have no idea the state of their relationship, but its always nice to apologize to your mom... Mom's are moms! They should love you no matter what, and I know that isn't always the case- but it should be... so love your moms kids! He released this on Mother's Day too, which is extra nice.

2) Parks and Rec Final Season to air on NBC... Eventually?- After the jump-in-time season finale of Parks and Recreation, it seems fitting that this year will be the last year for Leslie, Ron and the gang. I think its a good time for its final season, I mean I'm going to miss the show and all of the characters like crazy, but I'll also be excited for them to do other things. I really hope they all get other tv shows after this... because I feel like I need to see Adam Scott's face on a weekly basis. I'd also love to see a Tom's Bistro spin-off... I think that would be awesome. And obviously I REALLY want Rhetta to have her own late night show... maybe after Craig Ferguson leaves? idk either way I'll miss the show, but I'm looking forward to seeing how it ends.

It also announced that it will have one more season of Parenthood, which I thought was ending this season. I've never watched Parenthood, I really wanted to when it first came on, but I thought it was a comedy not a dramedy... I'm not sure I like that. Don't think I'll be watching it, but I've heard its really good. I'm going to try to get into more tv shows this summer. And read more, so I'll watch something good, but not this.

Also it hasn't put Parks and Rec on its fall schedule, but I'm sure it will air after some of their crap-comedies get cancelled. They have some things that sound BAD! I'm going to try to do a trailer review of every show by the end of the month. They've got some stinkers.

3) Twin Babies Born holding hands- This was an adorable mother's day story that is also very rare. Apparently on Mother's Day a woman gave birth to "mano y mano" twins that were born holding hands. I think that is so adorable and also funny that its so rare. I guess they delivered them at the same time? That part is a little fuzzy to me, but still absolutely adorable. I hope they grow up to be best friends. Too damn precious.

4) Woman finds her birth mother on Facebook in just 15 minutes- Another incredible Mother's day story that goes to show you, anything is possible on the internet. In just an hour, you can save money on your car insurance, watch an episode of Arrested Development, and find your birth mother! A woman named Colette Brausser gave birth to a baby girl and had to give her up for adoption because she had enlisted in the army. She found the perfect couple to raise her daughter and she had an open adoption, so she had seen pictures of her daughter throughout the years and was happy to see her growing up.She had also written letters to her daughter- Natalie- but Natalie's adoptive parents wanted to wait until she was older to share them with her. The adoption agency had closed and Colette had lost touch with Natalie's adoptive parents- but now that Natalie is 24 they decided they should show her the letters and allow her to meet her birth mother. Natalie messaged Colette on facebook and the two finally got a chance to meet. I read the story here and I thought it was very heartwarming and just kind of amazing that technology has come this far. Okay, the article itself had little to do with technology, but I really just read it for the joke I made about the headline at the beginning of this story. I did really enjoy this story though, I found it quite powerful. 

5) Video about Solange Knowels attacking Jay-Z in an elevator- I'm kind of obsessed with this story. Apparently Jay-Z, Beyonce and Solange were all at a gala on May 5th. Everything seemed fine, Beyonce and her sister posed for instagram pictures with Lupita N'yongo and Sarah Paulson, they looked happy and everything seemed fine. Then Beyonce, Jay Z Solange and some other man all got in an elevator and Solange just starts beating Jay-Z up! The video has no audio, just shows Solange trying to hit Jay-Z and some man trying to stop her. Jay-Z and Beyonce seemed pretty normal about the whole thing, Jay-Z didn't hit Solange back or anything, he kind of pushed her away towards the end of the video when she came at him again, but damn!

The thing that makes me kind of obsessed with this story is that as of right now... we don't know what happened. I mean today is the first day we're seeing this video, and I'm sure by tomorrow there will be some stories and I'll have to update this before posting it... but my god! Who knows what happened! Solange and Beyonce seemed fine, at Coachella she called Beyonce on stage. I can't imagine there being anything going on between Jay-z and Beyonce... but who knows! I'm just kind of obsessed with this, and the video was boring... but I really wonder what happened there... but at the same time Solange isn't really famous enough for me to care that much.

The most recent update confirms they are one big happy family, Solange was probably just drunk and everything is fine. The guy that sold the security footage to TMZ got fired though, rightfully.

 6) CBS Passes on How I Met Your Dad- Idk how I feel about this. I know most people are upset, but I think it's a pretty good decision. There were things that didn't work with the pilot they said and it seemed like CBS and the creators wanted different things, so they passed on it. I didn't think that this idea would work because... I mean we just watched 9 seasons of How I Met Your Mother... I'm really not interested in watching the same show again. I think other people were excited about this show, but in time they would probably feel the same. It's kind of sad how many female-driven shows were cancelled this season... and frankly every season... but this show didn't sound like it would have been super empowering to women in the first place.

7) Justin Bieber accused of robbery- Apparently the "troubled pop star"- as the news now refers to him- is facing more legal trouble because he grabbed a camera of a woman that was trying to take a picture of him. I may do a whole "scribbles about news" on this story when I'm further informed... but you guys know how I feel about the Biebz. I've ranted about him before, I think he's hilarious, but also such a dick that I absolutely hate everything about him... anyway yeah. #cancelbieber.

8) Donald Sterling sort of kind of apologized- ... but not really. He was on Anderson Cooper trying to apologize... but then he was just like "yeah but Magic Johnson has AIDS right..." as if to say his comments were justified because Magic Johnson has AIDS... which is terrible. He made his unforgivable and horrible statement like 50 times worse with this apology... it was probably one of the first times an apology has been worse than the thing they were apologizing for... and that's pretty low. I hope this is the last thing I have to write about this jackass because I'm sick of hearing his name... and his girlfriend seems nuts too. I would rather hear about good people doing good things like the woman who found her birth mother than hear about people like Donald Sterling and Justin Bieber. It's just the worst.

9) Barbara Walters last episode of The View was this week- I don't really watch The View because it's kind of turned into a Jerry-Springer type of show with a bunch of women yelling at each other all the time... but it was a revolutionary concept at the time and still remains one today. I remember watching the previews when I was a little kid and Barbara said that she wanted to bring different women of all different backgrounds with different views together to discuss hot topics and talk to guests together. Seeing all of the co-hosts together for the first time it is really easy to see that that was really what it was. Sure there was lots of drama because of the show, but the original idea that was intended was a great idea- and for that Barbara Walters is a pretty incredible journalist.

10) Brad Pitt tosses a beer to Matthew McCanaughey because they are just normal neighbors- Apparently Brad and Matt are both in New Orleans and they are staying across the street from each other. The two started to talk to each other from across the balcony and then Brad Pitt tossed Matthew a beer... and Matthew graciously drank it. Funny how even super hot male celebrities are just like everyone else... only really really ridiculously good looking.

Important Days

Monday-National Limerick Day, Hope the Man From Nantucket had a nice day!

Tuesday- Stevie Wonder's Birthday! He was born on the 13th! Now I get why he's so superstitious!

Wednesday - National Dance Like a Chicken Day! Kakakakakakakaaka Chaa Chee Chaaa Chee Chaaa Chee A Coodle Doodle Doo A Coodle Doodle Doo CHaaa Chaaaa Kluck Kluck Kluck Kluck Ahhh Baahhhh Bahhh Buck-aw... it's a little hard to do the dance in these Matador pants though.

Thursday- Miranda Cosgrove turned 21! I wonder if she had a lot of alcohol and spaghetti tacos. That was ICarly right?

Friday - Danny Trejo's 70th Birthday! This week just became super badass!

Saturday- Armed forces Day, which is nice and serious and Pack Rat Day... do we need a pack rat day? Can't we just celebrate Armed Forces on their own?

Today-Tina Fey turned 43 today!!!!! Happy Birthday Tina! This is important because one day I will be like Tina Fey and it will be awesome!

"The Mind is Everything. What you think you become." -Buddha (this relates a lot to finals week/graduation.) 

200th post is tomorrow! Get Excited! 


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