1) Builboard Music Awards Recap- So I didn't watch it... but here is what I hear happened.
Robin Thicke pleaded for his wife Paula Patton to come back to him while he was onstage at the awards. In some ways I think "Aww that's nice" but in others its like "okay... don't make this public." Like if someone did that to me, it wouldn't win me back... it would just embarrass me more. I think onstage at the builboard music awards is not the place I would want someone to try to win me back because it seems more like a publicity stunt than anything else. I feel like his public life is what lead to the downfall of their marriage... so it shouldn't be part of winning her back.
Michael Jackson's hologram performed also... to which I say really? Can't we just let dead celebrities stay dead? I mean it would be absolutely awesome to see Michael Jackson still performing, don't get me wrong- but I feel like this "hologram" thing has become a sort of cheap trick. I know they've done this with Tupac and Elvis before too and as cool as it is... do we need a hologram of them to preserve their memory? They lived a legendary life and died as legend, I don't think anyone will disagree with the fact that Elvis, Tupac and Michael Jackson were amazing and changed music and even though they aren't alive anymore, their influence is still very much with us. They don't need a hologram, their impact hasn't changed at all. They have had a great influence on pretty much any country, rap, pop or rock song today, I think that's enough. I feel like holograms don't strengthen that.
If I ever become a super famous stand-up comedian I hope they don't put a hologram of me everywhere after I die... although secretly I do and whoever is in charge of my affairs after I'm dead or whoever is in charge of making holograms of famous people... you have to do that!
2) Ray J is contributing to Kanye and Kim's wedding fund by giving them his earnings from the sex tape- This is one of those wtf stories that I just have nothing good to say about... So apparently Ray J is still making money from his sex tape with Kim, and even though he's still bitter that Kim got famous from it and he didn't he is going to give Kim and Kanye his profits from it from this month... because you know when I think of people that need more money for their wedding... I think of Kim and Kanye. Like why... just why? Kim and Kanye don't need $47,000... and why the hell does Ray J get all the money from this sex tape? Can we just stop giving Ray J money? Can that be how the economy works now? Why... just why? This is stupid. It's a nice gesture I guess... but Kim and Kanye don't need money for their wedding... they're already super rich and famous. It's stupid.
And didn't they already get married? Why do they need this money now, they've already paid for their wedding and it wasn't a struggle of any sort. I'd like to take your fame away, Ray J!
3) Celeb Commencement Speeches- Lots of graduations had lots of celebrity guest commencement speakers that did awesome and inspiring things. Sandra Bullock surprised a high school that she helps support at their commencement speech. Charlie Day did a very inspirational one for his college Merrimack in which he said don't wait for your big break, make your big break happen for you. I love Charlie Day and think that's really cool. I also loved hearing about Jill Abramson's commencement speech. She was an editor for the New York Times and was recently fired, but she seemed to have less bitter feelings than expected. It's rare to get a speaker that can actual relate to college students and I think that this speech in particular was very real and relevant. It's cool to have these big stars and important people at graduations.
4) PetSmart and PetCo to stop carrying dog food made in China- This is great news to me and any dog owners. It started earlier this week when PetCo announced they would no longer be carrying dog food from China and PetSmart announced that they would be joining them. We try not to buy any dog food made in China for Spencer because there have been a lot of problems that have happened
because of dog food being manufactured in China. This will make dogs a lot healthier and shopping
for dog food a lot easier. I'm very happy and I think this will help puppies a lot!
5) Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith under investigation- I'm not totally sure I believe this story, I saw it on facebook news which is where I get most of my news stories for here if I'm being honest... but I'm also not sure its the most reliable. Either way, because of the photo of 13-year-old Willow Smith in bed with a shirtless 20 year old Disney star, they are being investigated. I commented on the picture a little while back and I thought it was a little creepy... but I didn't think it was sexual at all and I think people are reading too much into it. I have no idea, I just don't want to scrutinize the Smiths because I don't know them, I'm sure when they saw the picture they weren't thrilled but I didn't think there was anything wrong with it... idk. Also he's 20, he's not like a 45 year old man or anything, he's older than Willow and legal, but he's still a kid himself. I don't think Will and Jada would have thought Willow was doing anything wrong... I just don't know. I might feel differently if I were a parent, but I really don't think the picture was sexual and I feel like it's being taken wayyy out of context.
6) Mitchell Pritchet and Cameron Tucker got married on Modern Family- I watch this show on and off... I haven't really been watching it this season, but obviously I need to see the wedding! This isn't really news, but it is an important thing that happened this week and really an important thing for television history. I feel like this is the first really high profile gay marriage on television, it used DOMA being declared unconstitutional as a base for this story, which is an important event in television history. I think years from now people will be talking about this, Monica and Chandler, Ross and Emily (where he says Rachel), The Game of Thrones Wedding's, Luke and Laura's Wedding and Joanie and Chachi's wedding as the most important television weddings of all time. So this is history in the making. It was a great episode... makes me want to watch others.
Also Elizabeth Banks is probably one of the funniest people in the world and she was AMAZING in this episode and in all of her episodes as Sal on Modern Family. She was only in it for about a minute but she was pregnant and about ready to pop and she convinced the guy that she had been dating for
four months that the baby was his. Then she said that "sometimes when the baby comes out this early, they come out black" and I was DYING! Too too funny. Funniest guest star ever!
7) Kimye officially got married in Italy- Alrighty that makes more sense now. I thought they got married already and I was a little embarrassed for being behind on my STHTW posts about it... But I am not! The two did get married this weekend. They kept it pretty low key and private... For Kim Karashian and Kanye West. Probably because E and Ryan Seacrest have the rights to their marriage... But whatever. I actually think Kim and Kanye are perfect together and I'm quite happy for them as much as I may dislike them as people.
I hope during his vows someone came up onstage and said "Yo Kanye, I think you're doing great and imma let you finish, but Kris Humphries is the best Mr. Kim Kardashian of all time!" There's a reason I was not invited to this wedding... Lol.
8)Someone that Wasn't Mario Andretti's Grandson one Indianapolis 500- I kind of ran out of news to talk about so this is my crappy sports report. I don't know who won, but it was someone that wasn't Marco Andretti... who I was rooting for because he was the only one I knew. My dad was watching this before and I was watching it and it was kind of exciting at first. There's something pretty exciting about racing as opposed to other sports.
9) Adam Scott wins golf thingamagig- Again, I ran out of news and this is something facebook was reporting on. There are 2 funny things about this headline: 1st off I thought they meant the OTHER Adam Scott... the adorable guy from Parks and Rec and Stepbrothers. Apparently there is another Adam Scott that is a golfer and whenever I hear about him I think "woahhh Adam Scott is so multi-talented. I had no idea he golfed too! And the other thing is that there was a golfer that my dog Lucky saw one time on TV and he started barking at him and he hated him. I think that guy had 2 first names which makes me think he was Adam Scott. So I love Adam Scott the actor, but if Lucky didn't
like the golf guy... there has to have been something wrong with him. Lol.
10) Ab Fab Film in 2015- This is about as exciting as news gets. My sister used to watch Absolutely Fabulous when I was little and I remember loving it! Comedy Central in the early 90s was my first real exposure to comedy and that kind of helped shape me as a person and made my sense of humor. So this will be fun to see! Jennifer S
Important Dates
Monday marks the fortieth anniversary of the Rubick's cube. There has to be someone out there that's been trying to figure it out for the past 40 years. I hope they figure it out today and are celebrating.
Be a millionaire day was observed... I want to be a billionaire though!
Wednesday was one of my favorite classic sitcom stars birthdays... Bet you don't know who... It's Mindy Cohn who played Natalie on The Facts of Life! She turned 48 and also guest starred on The Middle on Wednesday as well! Happy bday Natalie!
Thursday was J.Reinholds birthday! It was not a mock trial,it was his actual birthday and he turned 57. It was also Mr.T's 62nd birthday and Notorious B.I.G would have been 42 on Thursday.
Friday was turtle day!
Saturday was brothers day.
Ralph Waldo Emmerson's birthday is today, I had a professor that loved loved loved Emmerson. She would relate him to other authors that were totally unrelated!
I also realized I spelled his name wrong. I will spell it right here...
"It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them." Emerson.
Robin Thicke pleaded for his wife Paula Patton to come back to him while he was onstage at the awards. In some ways I think "Aww that's nice" but in others its like "okay... don't make this public." Like if someone did that to me, it wouldn't win me back... it would just embarrass me more. I think onstage at the builboard music awards is not the place I would want someone to try to win me back because it seems more like a publicity stunt than anything else. I feel like his public life is what lead to the downfall of their marriage... so it shouldn't be part of winning her back.
Michael Jackson's hologram performed also... to which I say really? Can't we just let dead celebrities stay dead? I mean it would be absolutely awesome to see Michael Jackson still performing, don't get me wrong- but I feel like this "hologram" thing has become a sort of cheap trick. I know they've done this with Tupac and Elvis before too and as cool as it is... do we need a hologram of them to preserve their memory? They lived a legendary life and died as legend, I don't think anyone will disagree with the fact that Elvis, Tupac and Michael Jackson were amazing and changed music and even though they aren't alive anymore, their influence is still very much with us. They don't need a hologram, their impact hasn't changed at all. They have had a great influence on pretty much any country, rap, pop or rock song today, I think that's enough. I feel like holograms don't strengthen that.
If I ever become a super famous stand-up comedian I hope they don't put a hologram of me everywhere after I die... although secretly I do and whoever is in charge of my affairs after I'm dead or whoever is in charge of making holograms of famous people... you have to do that!
2) Ray J is contributing to Kanye and Kim's wedding fund by giving them his earnings from the sex tape- This is one of those wtf stories that I just have nothing good to say about... So apparently Ray J is still making money from his sex tape with Kim, and even though he's still bitter that Kim got famous from it and he didn't he is going to give Kim and Kanye his profits from it from this month... because you know when I think of people that need more money for their wedding... I think of Kim and Kanye. Like why... just why? Kim and Kanye don't need $47,000... and why the hell does Ray J get all the money from this sex tape? Can we just stop giving Ray J money? Can that be how the economy works now? Why... just why? This is stupid. It's a nice gesture I guess... but Kim and Kanye don't need money for their wedding... they're already super rich and famous. It's stupid.
And didn't they already get married? Why do they need this money now, they've already paid for their wedding and it wasn't a struggle of any sort. I'd like to take your fame away, Ray J!
3) Celeb Commencement Speeches- Lots of graduations had lots of celebrity guest commencement speakers that did awesome and inspiring things. Sandra Bullock surprised a high school that she helps support at their commencement speech. Charlie Day did a very inspirational one for his college Merrimack in which he said don't wait for your big break, make your big break happen for you. I love Charlie Day and think that's really cool. I also loved hearing about Jill Abramson's commencement speech. She was an editor for the New York Times and was recently fired, but she seemed to have less bitter feelings than expected. It's rare to get a speaker that can actual relate to college students and I think that this speech in particular was very real and relevant. It's cool to have these big stars and important people at graduations.
4) PetSmart and PetCo to stop carrying dog food made in China- This is great news to me and any dog owners. It started earlier this week when PetCo announced they would no longer be carrying dog food from China and PetSmart announced that they would be joining them. We try not to buy any dog food made in China for Spencer because there have been a lot of problems that have happened
because of dog food being manufactured in China. This will make dogs a lot healthier and shopping
for dog food a lot easier. I'm very happy and I think this will help puppies a lot!
5) Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith under investigation- I'm not totally sure I believe this story, I saw it on facebook news which is where I get most of my news stories for here if I'm being honest... but I'm also not sure its the most reliable. Either way, because of the photo of 13-year-old Willow Smith in bed with a shirtless 20 year old Disney star, they are being investigated. I commented on the picture a little while back and I thought it was a little creepy... but I didn't think it was sexual at all and I think people are reading too much into it. I have no idea, I just don't want to scrutinize the Smiths because I don't know them, I'm sure when they saw the picture they weren't thrilled but I didn't think there was anything wrong with it... idk. Also he's 20, he's not like a 45 year old man or anything, he's older than Willow and legal, but he's still a kid himself. I don't think Will and Jada would have thought Willow was doing anything wrong... I just don't know. I might feel differently if I were a parent, but I really don't think the picture was sexual and I feel like it's being taken wayyy out of context.
6) Mitchell Pritchet and Cameron Tucker got married on Modern Family- I watch this show on and off... I haven't really been watching it this season, but obviously I need to see the wedding! This isn't really news, but it is an important thing that happened this week and really an important thing for television history. I feel like this is the first really high profile gay marriage on television, it used DOMA being declared unconstitutional as a base for this story, which is an important event in television history. I think years from now people will be talking about this, Monica and Chandler, Ross and Emily (where he says Rachel), The Game of Thrones Wedding's, Luke and Laura's Wedding and Joanie and Chachi's wedding as the most important television weddings of all time. So this is history in the making. It was a great episode... makes me want to watch others.
Also Elizabeth Banks is probably one of the funniest people in the world and she was AMAZING in this episode and in all of her episodes as Sal on Modern Family. She was only in it for about a minute but she was pregnant and about ready to pop and she convinced the guy that she had been dating for
four months that the baby was his. Then she said that "sometimes when the baby comes out this early, they come out black" and I was DYING! Too too funny. Funniest guest star ever!
7) Kimye officially got married in Italy- Alrighty that makes more sense now. I thought they got married already and I was a little embarrassed for being behind on my STHTW posts about it... But I am not! The two did get married this weekend. They kept it pretty low key and private... For Kim Karashian and Kanye West. Probably because E and Ryan Seacrest have the rights to their marriage... But whatever. I actually think Kim and Kanye are perfect together and I'm quite happy for them as much as I may dislike them as people.
I hope during his vows someone came up onstage and said "Yo Kanye, I think you're doing great and imma let you finish, but Kris Humphries is the best Mr. Kim Kardashian of all time!" There's a reason I was not invited to this wedding... Lol.
8)Someone that Wasn't Mario Andretti's Grandson one Indianapolis 500- I kind of ran out of news to talk about so this is my crappy sports report. I don't know who won, but it was someone that wasn't Marco Andretti... who I was rooting for because he was the only one I knew. My dad was watching this before and I was watching it and it was kind of exciting at first. There's something pretty exciting about racing as opposed to other sports.
9) Adam Scott wins golf thingamagig- Again, I ran out of news and this is something facebook was reporting on. There are 2 funny things about this headline: 1st off I thought they meant the OTHER Adam Scott... the adorable guy from Parks and Rec and Stepbrothers. Apparently there is another Adam Scott that is a golfer and whenever I hear about him I think "woahhh Adam Scott is so multi-talented. I had no idea he golfed too! And the other thing is that there was a golfer that my dog Lucky saw one time on TV and he started barking at him and he hated him. I think that guy had 2 first names which makes me think he was Adam Scott. So I love Adam Scott the actor, but if Lucky didn't
like the golf guy... there has to have been something wrong with him. Lol.
10) Ab Fab Film in 2015- This is about as exciting as news gets. My sister used to watch Absolutely Fabulous when I was little and I remember loving it! Comedy Central in the early 90s was my first real exposure to comedy and that kind of helped shape me as a person and made my sense of humor. So this will be fun to see! Jennifer S
Important Dates
Monday marks the fortieth anniversary of the Rubick's cube. There has to be someone out there that's been trying to figure it out for the past 40 years. I hope they figure it out today and are celebrating.
Be a millionaire day was observed... I want to be a billionaire though!
Wednesday was one of my favorite classic sitcom stars birthdays... Bet you don't know who... It's Mindy Cohn who played Natalie on The Facts of Life! She turned 48 and also guest starred on The Middle on Wednesday as well! Happy bday Natalie!
Thursday was J.Reinholds birthday! It was not a mock trial,it was his actual birthday and he turned 57. It was also Mr.T's 62nd birthday and Notorious B.I.G would have been 42 on Thursday.
Friday was turtle day!
Saturday was brothers day.
Ralph Waldo Emmerson's birthday is today, I had a professor that loved loved loved Emmerson. She would relate him to other authors that were totally unrelated!
I also realized I spelled his name wrong. I will spell it right here...
"It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them." Emerson.
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