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Weekly Wrap Up- Labor Day Party, Shopping, American Horror Story, Grandparents Day and More!

Sooo I want to get back into telling you about my week again! Here we go!

Sunday 9.3.17 

My mom was having a party for Labor Day Weekend on Sunday. That was fun- a lot of my family came over and we had cheeseburgers... some hot dogs... some hamburgers... but it was good.

My niece was over- which is always a lot of fun. The family loves seeing her. She's super funny and cute and a baby... which is fun. I see her all the time- but not everyone in my family does... so it's really cute to see her with everyone.

My stye was irritated on Sunday... just a little bit... I thought it was going to go away... but today is Tuesday- and... it got worse... so I'm going to do the hot compresses and everything. It will go away. I have a chronic stye... so every once and a while something irritates it. I think it was allergies and stress this time.

Monday 9.4.17 

Today was actually Labor Day... and it was a really nice day out... but it was the "last day" for the labor day sales... I'm going to say chances are good they're still going on but anyway... I wanted to get some fall clothes for good prices. I had just gotten 4 pairs of jeans on Saturday.... I should be getting those in the mail soon.

I've been SUPER happy since I've changed the format of my blog to just be posting whatever I want to post whenever I want to post it instead of waiting for certain days of the week... idk why- I just think it's a little more creative. I really like doing Outfit of The Day posts and makeup look posts and I like that I don't need to confine them to just a day or 2 now... it just makes me happy... so that's been fun. I can just kind of do something spur of the moment and then write about it right there! it's so spontaneous and fun! I'm kind of doing that here now... but I feel like I have less stuff to write about like that... so I just kind of stick to whatever I've been doing.

Anyway back to the shopping aspect, I've been looking for a floral bomber jacket for a while... and I didn't want to get one too expensive... I got one at Macys for $30... the woman was nice at Macys and gave me a coupon- so it was actually less than that as well. So that's pretty darn cool! I really love the jacket... it's so nice and girly and it's reversable... LOVE IT! I did an Outfit of the day with it already... that should be coming out next week or the week after I think... not quite sure... but it's good! I like it!

I ended the night by watching American Horror Story Hotel again and trying to listen to Taylor Swift's 1989 for a Throwback Thursday. I want the Hotel Throwback to be before the Taylor Swift Red Throwback because I just did all the Lady Gaga Throwbacks... but idk what order it's going to be in... so yeah. It's harder to watch 12 hours of a tv show than listen to an album... and I did already write the Red Throwback... I have to say 1989 was a little harder to listen to than Red. I like Red a little better. I thought I had heard all of 1989... I don't remember it if I did now. I will soon... but yeah. Lol.

Anyway... I like Hotel at the moment... so that's good.

There's also a movie out that's a comedy where Adam Scott is a stepdad and he's pretty sure his stepson is the devil... it looks silly. I want to watch it some day when I'm not babysitting. It seems a little scary for babysitting. I wasn't a big fan of Handsome... didn't finish watching that... but maybe this will be funnier. I don't know!

I think I rambled enough about Monday... onto Tuesday!

Tuesday 9.5.17

Alright! Season 7 of American Horror Story!!! So exciting! I was looking forward to this all day... and I was a little confused all day because it felt like a Monday because of the long weekend... but it also felt like a Wednesday because American Horror Story used to be on on Wednesdays... so I was all kinds of confused... but somehow I managed to watch it and it was really great! Definitely the easiest season to follow in my opinion so far... I don't know why- I always have trouble following the first episode of the series... this one grabbed me right in and I really ended up liking it.

It might be my favorite cast in a while too... I guess I liked last year's cast a lot... but this one was really good. I'm happy Wes Bentley isn't there. I like that the cast was relatively small... I think Francies Conroy is back,  John Carroll Lynch is back, I think Finn Wintrock will be back, Cheyenne Jackson I think is going to be great this year... I like Evan Peters and Sarah Paulson. I love Billie Lourde. Wes Bentley is missing... he was my least favorite on the show lol. I also wasn't upset about Kathy Bates... I liked her a lot in Coven and last season she was goo... she wasn't my favorite in Hotel or Freakshow. I have a review on this... I'm not sure why I'm still talking about it... lol.

Other than that... not much else going on... watched some youtube... watched my niece... not much else. It was a good day though!

Wednesday 9.6.17 

Today was my "I'm wearing leggings" type day... which I guess can be any and every day but particularly at one time of the month... so that's what I'm doing... not feeling amazing but it's okay.

When I woke up today I was scared to look out my window because of American Horror Story... it was the scariest season so far I think. My sister didn't want to watch it at night- so we ended up watching it again today.... so scary.

Other than that... pretty regular day. My niece was funny. A little fussy but she would laugh whenever I said "Blehhh blehhh blehh blah blewww" in a voice like droopy dog... and that was funny. I found myself saying that phrase in the same funny voice later.

I ended up watching American Horror Story Hotel too... Hopefully I'll have a Throwback Thursday of that next week... I've finished 4 episodes already... so that should be done soon... yeah.

And I watched some Will and Grace before bed... funny show!

Thursday 9.7.17 

It's 8pm now... nothing good is on TV tonight... I might just watch Hotel all night... I might watch a live Lularoe sale for a bit... I've been kind of getting into lularoe and I entered a bingo contest... so I want to see if I win Bingo. Idk... I might do both lol. But yeah.

Pretty good day. I had a pumpkin scone, pumpkin madelines... pumpkin spice latte of corse... The Pumpkin Madelines are really yummy. So light and good.... yum yum yum!

Okay... realized I didn't know how to play online bingo... so I left the live chat and I'm going to watch AHS all night I think lol.... ugh I'm getting notifications from facebook though and I've unsubscribed to notifications a few times. Ughhhhh.

Anyway I got my jeans that I ordered on Labor Day Weekend in the mmail today... I like 3 of them- I ordered 4 so I want to return that one. There was one super cute pair I got that has some writing and drawings on it... I thought it looked cool... didn't realize just how much writing and stuff there ws on it... and there's a patch on the back that says "Making Out is Good For You" which I think is funny... that's not the type of thing I usually think or the type of jeans I would usually wear... but it was funny and fun. The Jeans look really cute on... so that's good.  I'm happy with it.

I also really liked the outfit I wore today... so that was good. I got a new shirt from Boscovs and I really like how it looks on... I may get another color if they still have them. It's super cute!

I did a lot of beauty blogging today... I haven't been doing eye makeup because I have a stye... but I did do my makeup and I've been happy just writing a bunch of beauty blogs at once... right now I'm taking a little more time with these posts... so that's good in my opinion. Still trying to be spontaneous... but I also want to do some fun posts.

I have Elmo's song stuck in my head because I was playing that for my niece all day... so yeah.

Today was pretty chill. Didn't do much at all... I did watch some of The Drew Carey Show... it was kind of boring so I ended up watching Youtube instead. I had some really good chicken for dinner... that was yummy... I was pretty hungry so I finished the whole thing too. It was like fried chicken with eggplant and I think there was ham with it too... it was super yummy lol.

I also wore my new jeans that I got in the mail! The crazy ones with the print... They were really cute, I'll have to show a picture

They're really cool! 

So yeah... good day overall!

Today was a really fun day. I went out to the Outlets by my house...I returned one pair of jeans that I ordered from American Eagle... it was a little small and the style just wasn't for I didn't want to order a different one.

Most of the jeans I am very happy with though! But yeah. It was kind of fun to walk around the outlets and see what they had... didn't get anything! I looked at Lucky Jeans because they had some nice tops on sale... I looked at Michael Kohrs and Coach also... they had a lot of nice stuff. Decent prices... might want something for my birthday or I'll buy it for myself... idk! Cute stuff though!

And... I went to my Sister's house for Grandparents Day! That was a lot of fun- my brother in law cooked us really amazing out of this world Chicken Pot Pies and we got to play with the baby and take pictures... so that was a lot of fun. A lot of fun.

And that was pretty much my week. American Horror Story, shopping, watching the baby... and having some fun!



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