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The Weekly POP!

So...I kind of keep thinking of Weekly series to do... and I don't fully have this planned out yet- but I think on Saturdays I will have any and all pop culture news... and maybe I'll include some things that aren't actually news but things about Pop Culture I found out this week? Honestly... I have no idea what I'm going to do with this blog... I just came up with the idea less than a minute before I started writing this very post... so let's see what's up!


All of Will and Grace is available right now on Hulu... it is virtually impossible to get this on DVD- they never made a blu-ray... so this is kind of the only means to watch it- unless you're like me and you watch it on lifetime every weekend and tivo it and watch it before bed most days... I already want Hulu to begin with... I don't have it currently... but this has me pretty excited! The revival debuts on Thursday!

This weekend could be one of the most successful in Box Office history for September releases... The Lego Ninjago movie and Kingsman: The Golden Circle are both releasing this week and said to add to the already record breaking month. This summer was very slow for the box office... but September has already been successful with It and other horror movies doing really well... now we have another R rated action flick and a family friendly/ good for all ages movie in the mix... this could be a really good month for the movies!

Tom Hanks is set to produce a movie based on the book "A Man Called Ove" I believe my mom has this book on her Kindle and I think my grandmother has read it already and really liked it.

Billy Eichner's Billy on The Street will no longer be on TruTV. This show is produced by Funny or Die... I never knew it was actually on TV until recently... and I didn't know it was ever on Fuse (which it was for the first 3 seasons) or TruTV for season 4 and 5. The show just earned an emmy nomination and TruTV commented that it was time consuming to make and scheduling was increasingly difficult. They wish Billy nothing but the best... and I'm sure the best is yet to come for the Difficult People, and American Horror Story star. I don't watch Billy On The Street- I've only seen some parts of it online... but I hope they still make it somehow... he was the perfect host lol.

I don't know when it debuted... but I'm pretty sure Netflix's newest series is American Vandal... and I'll probably talk about this more in the Hump Day Update and it's own review... but I watched the first 2 episodes and half of a third episode last night... and man... it's funny. It has me a little worried for Season 5 of Arrested Development because that is also supposed to be a Tru Crime Parody- which is exactly what this is... but I think this is so stupid it's funny... and I just like it a lot. It's very high school. Possibly the funniest show I've seen in a while.

And speaking of reviews... Sandy Kenyon gave a rave review to the newest Jake Gyllenhaal movie "Stronger". In this movie, based off of a true story Gyllenhaal plays a victim of the Boston Marathon bombings that loses both of his legs after showing up to support his ex girlfriend to try to win her back. Kenyon says Gyllenhaal deserves an Oscar for this performance... and it really looks as though he does. What an incredible story and it looks like it is very well told. I hope the Academy remembers this when it comes time... I know a lot of times early releases get cast aside in favor of the newer released movies... but I think Jake deserves this. He does a lot for the theater community and you can tell he works really hard and puts his all into these movies... so hopefully it helps him! He could EGOT!

A movie released this week that did not come out in theaters... but is still amazing is Lady Gaga's Five Foot Two. I think this is a really well done documentary. I haven't watched the entire movie yet- but you see her everyday life and her struggles with different things. Her relationship, her fibromyalgia and her pain from her hip injury, you see her have a little meltdown on the set of American Horror Story Season 6... it's very real and it doesn't paint her as an amazing person or a terrible person... it's just her living her life... which is interesting enough! It's pretty beautiful. No talking heads or anything like that- just her being herself. It's great. I need to finish it... but I love it!

Mark Hamil has hinted at a Star Wars The Last Jedi trailer being released during Monday Night Football this week. As someone that's not a fan of football... I might get my dad to tell me when the Star Wars trailer is on... cause that's pretty exciting. Hamil has since deleted the tweet but he said "You might want to watch Monday Night Football for no reason in particular." October 9th is the date btw... I thought it was this Monday... but I've been known to be wrong before...

That was where I was going to transition into the Stuff I got Wrong part... but something amazing just happened and this needs to be my final story. KYLIE JENNER IS PREGNANT! This is huge news... and I just don't know how to feel. Kylie Jenner is 20 years old... so she is only 3 years younger than my fake age... but wow. Congratulations... I hope she doesn't make Baby Safe Liquid Lipsticks... that'd be weird. Unless they were safe so they won't transfer when you kiss your baby... that would be good... but yeah.

Stuff I got WRONG! 

This is kind of random... but I consider myself pretty good with Pop Culture... and when I'm wrong it's a little I think it's worth mentioning.

For YEARS I thought that the actress Amy Smart from Rat Race and Single Mom's Club was married to one of the Property Brothers. I told my mom that when she asked if they were gay... I told my friend that before she actually worked with Jonathan Scott... she didn't talk about that with him... but apparently neither property brother is married to Amy Smart... Like WHATTTT????? lol. Uhhh I was pretty surprised there. She is married to someone that is an HGTV star- but he is not a property brother. His name is Cooper Oosterhouse and the two have been married since 2011 and have one child. Awww they actually had their anniversary this month!

I also thought Taylor Swift was in the movie Les Miserables... and she was not! I've never seen Les Mis... my sister has I said "NO Taylor Swift was DEFINITELY in Les Mis" She said "NO! I have every Taylor CD Since Speak Now... I think I would have remembered Taylor Swift in Les Mis. I've Seen Les Mis." And apparently my sister was right... It's a good thing she doesn't read this blog because she would like this blog entry a little too much... but I Did read that Taylor Swift was going to be in Les Mis and I will link that right here because I want to show I'm not a crazy person.

I thought that the actress from Crazy Ex Girlfriend that plays Maya was on the show The Bold Type... for some reason I thought I saw it on her instagram... and I had a whole conversation with my friend about it... and we realized we were talking about 2 different actresses... some days are just like that!

Other Stuff I looked Up This Week 

Before Sarah Paulson joined the cast of American Horror Story, she guest starred on Law And Order in 1994 where she was an Actual baby! Lol. She's so young! She looks the same! Definitely not what Hypodermic Sally looked like in '94!

She also guest starred on 2 episodes Desperate Housewives (one in 2007 and one in 2011- same character in both)  and was in a show called "Cupid" with Bobby Carnavale and Anna Chlumsky. 

Comedian, Actor and Author Russell Brand is married to someone named Laura Gallacher. The two have one child and have been married for a little under a month. I heard he had a child... I didn't know if he was married or not... and he is... so that's cool. He was married to Katy Perry from October 2010 to July 2012... so yeah. 

I also did not know that Ben Stiller separated from his wife Christine Taylor. The two have 2 children. 


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