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Weekly Wrap Up 9.24.17

Sunday 9.17. 17 

Today was a lot of fun. My mom and I woke up early to go to a fundraiser gift auction and bowling event... We didn't do the bowling- but my mom and I always have good luck with Gift Auctions and today was no exception! We ended up winning 5 things. They had different tickets for different things- my mom won 2 things from the smaller ticket table- I won 2 things from the medium ticket and she won something from the big table too! So she won 2 gift cards, one for a bakery nearby and a deli that's pretty close that we've never really been to before. I won a really pretty Necklace and a lularoe gift card and package with some Disney Leggings- so that was awesome. And my mom won a Jenkinson's Boardwalk VIP pass for next year... so we'll all have a fun day there next year with the baby!

We went to Target and then Starbucks after dinner... and that was fun too. Target had some of their halloween stuff out- which was cool.

Monday 9.18.17

Monday was kind of normal... but I had the Duck Tales song stuck in my head all day... so that made it a little bit more exciting. I kind of just woke up in a good mood... idk it was a good day overall. Baby was cute... everything was pretty good. Unless that was Tuesday... lol.

Tuesday 9.19.17 

Okay... so these days are kind of all blending together... so I won't really bore you with details. This was when I came up with the Hump Day Update idea though... instead of the old Weekly Wrap Up that I used to do- this will kind of take it's place... I hope to stay more detailed with it also... I know that doesn't always work out for the best... I set to write on this post every day and I haven't been lately... but I like these kind of weekly posts and so does everyone else... this might end up being the format to the blog from now on.... but I think I'm going to try to do "stories" on Monday of funny things that have happened and I'll move chart chat's to Tuesday... I think this is only going to be temporary... but for a  long time. I have my reasons lol. But yeah... I was really happy with that and I'm going to keep on doing that from now on!

Wednesday 9.20.17 
Today I posted the Hump Day Update... and it's got a lot of views! I'm really excited- I'm glad that people really like this! I think this is definitely the type of thing I'm sticking with doing! I feel so creative this week. I forget exactly what day... but I think Tuesday night I had a dream that Netflix was ordering a bunch of new series and they ordered one from me, one from Mike Judge... and then a lot of other people that were very famous and funny... and I was nervous because they ordered the series just because I was writing it... and I didn't actually have an idea for a series or anything... so that was frightening.

In Target on Sunday I actually got the idea for a horror/comedy... but I don't really know what that will be about yet... lol. So I'm just feeling super creative and trying really hard to put my all into all of my various social medias.

I also came up with the idea for "The Weekly Pop" where I talk about Pop Culture in the news, I'll maybe do some mini reviews of things... and then I'll just talk about what I learned throughout the week and some things I looked up myself if I looked anything up. It might only be good for me... I guess I'll be able to tell next week if people are still liking it... but I'm excited for it and I hope other people are too.

Thursday 9.21.17 
So Wednesday Night I started watching American Vandal and I finished it tonight... so so funny. I hope they continue doing shows like this... but I don't think there will be another season of this. It was a lot like Serial and those True Crime types of things and I Love those... so I loved seeing the parody... and it really did get me hooked. I think The Kraz was my favorite character 1) because he's hot 2) He's such a jerk it's funny 3) There were a lot of nicknames that kids at my school gave our history teachers... who were all very brilliant and nothing like The Kraz... but it still makes me think of that and that's funny. 4) I had a history teacher that was kind of like The Kraz... not really... but enough lol.

Friday 9.22.17 

Today was fun! I blogged a lot during the day, watched some youtube videos and edited a video that will eventually go up on my youtube channel... and then at night I went out with my friends to a Sip and Paint Class... so I drank some wine... and I made the most beautiful painting of all time. Lol.
Let me show you pictures of the process.

This is what the painting was supposed to look like. 

This is after I mixed all the colors in the backround together... or at least most of the colors I think. 

This is when I filled in the moon and then put some of the shadows on it. 

This is when I put a face on the moon because that's how I see the moon. I made it kinda subtle. 

This is after I didn't really pay attention to the instructor and I decided to do my own thing and make really big trees with big branches instead of the small branches in the picture. 

This is when I decided I wanted it to look like The Nightmare Before Christmas and I made some twisty spirals on my tree branch on the moon. 

This is when I added the leaves. Most people were just doing circles, but I accidentally did an extra stroke on mine and it really looked like a leaf... so I went with leaves. She told us if we wanted to we could do leaves instead of the flowers... and I wanted to. 

This is when I signed it. I wanted to sign my full name- but it ran into one of the leaves... so I just signed Shannon Ka... so yeah! 

And that is my masterpiece! I've been to Pinot's once before- I want to go again sometime soon. 

Saturday 9.23.17 

Today was a little sad... We stopped showing Will and Grace on Saturdays... so I couldn't watch that all day like I usually do... but TNT had friends on and right now Seinfeld is on as I'm writing this. 

I filmed a bunch of youtube videos in the morning- and I liked doing that... but my voice got so tired from it. I was trying so hard to speak properly because I usually say Uhhhh and Ummm a lot and I fidget and I go on tangents... this time I did none of that and it was fine... but it really felt like a workout almost... I drank 3 big bottles of water lol. So this week I'm just going to edit and call it a day! 

Ohhh and later we went to the outlets- which was nice... I was able to get my voice back and look around a little. Didn't buy anything- but still had a nice walk and a good time! 

And that's everything! I hope you guys like this blog! I'll have a Chart Chat tomorrow I think... Tuesday maybe I'll have a dinner review and Friday I'll do something else... either a story time or tv review... 



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