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Showing posts from December, 2015

2015 In a Nutshell.

So here are some things that happened in 2015: First and foremost: A rat decided he was hungry in the subway one day and decided to steal an entire slice of pizza. And it went viral... and that was pretty awesome but also disgusting. I liked it. I admire the rat. And thought it was cute, as long as it isn't near me. I was a fan. There was a dress. In real life, its Black and Blue. In a badly lit photograph, it kind of looked White and Gold to some people... and then the internet went INSANE as no one could agree on the color of the dress. This all happened while the first season finale of How To Get Away With Murder was on and I wasn't paying attention to it at all. But I did tweet Viola Davis and said "Why is everyone freaking out about the dress when the How To Get Away With Murder Season Finale is so insane!" And she favorited my tweet... so we're bests now and that was the highlight of 2015. My sister got engaged and I graduated college too... but I thin...

2015 It List: Yearly Favorites

So I think I'll do a top 15 things of the year... idk if I have 15 things though... we'll see. 1) Keurig 2.0- So my first favorite is something I've used almost everyday since we've gotten it... which was around February or March... and I love it! I know its not like real professionally made coffee... but if you're like me and you like flavored coffee and you like sweet things... I guess you can choose the sweetness... but still I think this is something that you might like if you like your coffee sweet and flavorful. 2) Fitbit Charge HR - This I've also used this pretty much every day since I've gotten it, which was back in October on my birthday. One day the battery was totally dead and one day I was sick and didn't wear it... but I've worn it most days and its really fun. I like doing the challenges with other people... I usually lose but its still fun. I like that it monitors my heartbeat (I have the Charge HR) and I like that its purple. Lol...

Scribbles About Life: Getting in The Good Lines

So today I went to Target... and I feel like there is always a story to tell when you go to Target. Lol. Anyway it was super super busy and they definitely did not have enough people working... which always seems to be the case after the holidays because its equally busy, but the store probably can't put in enough hours to give to the employees because it isn't the holidays anymore. Doesn't alway happen... but I feel like that was the case today. Anyway I had 3 things. Haul: I got Aladdin on Blu Ray, Spy on DVD and a clutch purse that I'm going to use on New Year's Eve and will probably be my "going out" purse. It has a chain too, which I love cause I'm not a huge fan of clutches. Anyway there were lines everywhere except one lane... and I kinda new the girl that was working there must be closing soon... but there were no signs up and I only had 3 things so maybe she would take me anyway... and she did! So I was super happy and super grateful tha...

Chart Chat: All Movies Edition

So this is a different edition of Chart Chat. I needed something to do and Chart Chats are easy... but whenever I do the Music charts too close together... its always the same few songs that are at the top... so instead of that, I decided to do the top movies on iTunes too... I may do different things in the future also just cause I like Chart Chats... but I don't like the same songs over and over again. Box Office Charts  5) Alvin and The Chipmunks: Road Chip- AlvinnnnnnN!!!! Lol. I actually saw and really liked the first Alvin and the Chipmunks. I've never seen the Squeakqel or Chipwrecked or anything... but it is a Christmas tradition that around every few Christmases theres an Alvin and the Chipmunks movie! Cute family fun. Although it looks like people are a little over this franchise as well. It seems like if you had little kids this would be the movie to see on Christmas... but this didn't really make a ton of money. I don't know the budget for the movie, I d...

Weekly Wrap Up (Christmas Edition) :12/27/15

Favorites  Victoria Secret T Shirts- My sister got me a few Victoria Secret t shirts with quotes from Elf on them... and i love them. I forgot how much I like Victoria Secret T Shirts, I feel like these fit really nicely and even though its just a plain t shirt, its still really flattering and I just like it a lot. Stolen (Bread)- This was very unexpected. I don't really like Fruit, I always thought that these fruit things in the bread just looked weird and dry... but we got a loaf for Christmas and it was from one of my favorite bakeries, The Macaroon Shop... and it was really delicious! I love The Macaroon Shop's Irish Soda Bread... so I thought I might like this too. I put some butter on it and popped it into the microwave for 10 seconds... delicious! I love it. The fruits are really good, but theres also almonds and like pistachio types of flavors in it... really love it! If there's something you're not sure if you'll like... just try it first. I never though...

Some things I got For Christmas

So I kind of wanted to share a few things I got for Christmas. I have some hauls on my beauty blog with the more beauty related stuff I've gotten during the holidays and I'll include those gifts in there... but these are kind of more non-beauty or clothing items. So I love minions... so there's sort of a theme here with some of the minion-items I've gotten. My sister got me minion lights like Christmas lights and they are the most beautiful lights in the entire world! I love them, I think they're adorable and really brighten up the room because they are yellow... these may end up in my room when Christmas is over... lol. My mom got me a Funko Mystery Mini Minion. I opened it up and it was a little karate fighting minion. So cute! I love it. I have this one already, but its one of my favorites and I just think he's adorable... and its a minion so of corse I love it! And Minion Monopoly! These were all kind of surprises. I ordered most of what I got myself...

Last Minute Gift Ideas

So... these are literally lassssttt minute gift ideas. Lol. It's Christmas Eve, its kind of your last chance... you need something quick, easy and good. Now these aren't the times to go to the mall... you probably don't want to go to the grocery store, these are quick, easy cheap things... that may get you a little out of trouble. Lol. I'm not saying get these for your wife, girlfriend, mom... but if you're desperate and you don't want to go to the mall... here are some things. You could always get E-gift cards. Check out what online only stores they like and see if you can get an e-gift card. You could also probably get them from other stores and retailers that are not online only. You could check out Guilt City, they offer discounts on websites... so you can buy a 50 gift card for 40 dollars or something like that. Scratch off tickets are also a good gift. You can go to your local convenience store and get a few holiday themed ones. These are fun and may...

Blogmas Day 12:Holiday Memories

So I have some holiday stories... some memorable some not quite as memorable. The Time Lucky Ate Cheesecake So this was actually Thanksgiving, but I thought it was cute enough to tell here anyway. My first dog was named Lucky and we got him in November, he was a maltese, my dog now is a maltese... I recommend getting a Maltese. I love them. Anyway, he was just a baby and we bought some plain cheesecake and we had it on a chair that was lower, within his reach, and I look over one day and he's got his head in the cheesecake box and he's licking the cheesecake! That little devil! Lol. This is when we began keeping everything out of doggy's reach... a practice we still need to do today. The Time My Sister and I went to New York for Christmas  My sister and I wanted to see Elf the musical the first year it came out and we got tickets... on Christmas Day. So we got to see the city on Christmas itself... and it was crazy! Crazy because it was absolutely EMPTY in Times Sq...

My list of 2015's 10 Most Fascinating Women

So last year I did this as a response to Barbara Walters choice for Most Fascinating person... and I don't really want to be too critical on her choice of Caitlyn Jenner this year... I kind of was in my Weekly Wrap up... but I wanted to keep up with the tradition and pick my picks for the most fascinating women of the year. These are in no particular order... but I'm going to leave 2 that Barbara maybe should have put on her list at the top. 10) Brie Larson- Last year I mentioned Amy Schumer... and she got the recognition from Barbara Walters this year... so I think her on-screen sister deserves some recognition this year... I haven't seen her in her movie Room which is getting incredible critical praise... but I think she's a great actress. I just checked my Facebook post from a few years ago and I apparently looked up what other movies she's been in because I think she's really funny and charming and clearly she can do comedy and drama. I'm glad to see h...

Blogmas Day 11: The One Where Shannon Ranks All The Friends Christmas Episodes

Now this is my new tradition. There's a holiday, there's a Friends Episode... I'm rankin' 'em! So here we go! I'll start out with mini reviews and then go onto ranking the episodes! Season 1  The One With The Monkey  So this is the 2nd episode with Janice, the first episode with Marcel, the first episode with David and the first episode with Fun Bobby. There are 3 very iconic characters in here, that I don't think they originally set out for in this episode... but it certainly gives this episode a bit of a nudge. I have a feeling Fun Bobby was introduced to be included more often... but it didn't work as well. This one was a lot of fun. I feel like it attempted a lot and it followed through on everything pretty well. Ross was pretty funny in this one. This is really the first episode where we see that Janice is super annoying... and its our first real glimpse into the darker side of Phoebe (with the songs about her mom) and also the relationship we h...

Weekly Wrap Up- 12/19/15

Favorites  English Muffins with Raspberry Jelly- So yummy! I was sick one day this week and this was my dessert, my dinner was a baked potato... lol. So this was really good! The jelly we got is an Amish Jelly and its really yummy and just tastes really good. Its a nice sweet little topper for English Muffins... and even when I felt better I ate some too! Ginger Ale- Can you tell I was sick? I was only feeling sick one day this week... but Ginger Ale is always pretty yummy. I like it. I went to 5 Guys recently and they had one of those fancy soda machines where you could get different flavors of Ginger Ale like Raspberry and Vanilla... it was exciting. Really yummy. If you see one of those fancy soda machines... I really liked it! And thats about it... lol. Highlights  Monday I went to CVS and to the food store with my mom. Nothing major. Tuesday I didn't do much... but I did get a package I was waiting for for a while... but another package I was expecting a while ...

Blogmas day 10:Scribbles About News: Christmas Edition

So I've heard some heartwarming, scary and funny tales this holiday season... and I figured I would share them. 1) Zombie Nativity scene in NJ gets in trouble- So someone in NJ (I think... I saw it on NJ news... so it must be) displayed a Nativity scene in NJ using zombies for Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus... and I guess the Three Kings also. When I heard about this I thought it was disrespectful... but I saw the pictures... and I thought it was quite a cute display. Lol.  I'm not preaching, but I like being reminded what the season is about... so I'm sort of a fan of the nativity scenes in general. They can be tacky I guess and this might be trying to make fun of them... not sure. I feel like the Charlie Brown special really got it... which is why that is the holiday movie I always like watching first in the season. It gets me in the spirit more than most specials... and I just like that. And I think showing a Zombie Nativity is very anti commercial and kind of beautiful i...


Alrighty... so here is a little sort of half rant... but mostly just factual 100% accurate information on why spoilers really really suck. I don't like seeing movies on opening night. Especially big movies like Star Wars. That doesn't mean I'm not into the hype... I'm just not into seeing movies at midnight in a tiny theater where people probably fart a lot. My movie theater doesn't have many seats, so the only option to really get a seat is to use fandango... which I don't mind... but still. Its just another thing. And I know there are a lot of people like me out there. Maybe you liked the movies when you were a kid, maybe you haven't seen them since you were a kid and maybe you want to re-watch them before a new one comes out. Maybe you never saw the movies but want to know what the fuss is about... maybe you have other things to do and just can't get to the movies right away... thats fine... So don't spoil it! I feel like this is becoming...

Blogmas Day 9: Favorite Christmas Decorations

So... here's just a weird little post. I've been writing these a day ahead usually... but I was really sick yesterday and I didn't get to... so I figured I'd talk about some of my favorite Holiday Decorations and why I like them... so yeah! 1) Lawn Inflatables- I feel like driving around and seeing Christmas Decorations is so much more fun now with the Lawn Inflatables. I didn't like this snowman that they used to make that was holding a candy cane cause it looked a little like it was going to hurt you with the candy cane. There was also one that had Santa with a reindeer and if it got windy... it looked like santa was doing obscene things with the reindeer... which was really funny. But we have a Charlie Brown Christmas Pageant snow globe... and my personal favorite an inflatable Minion! 2 minions actually building a snowman! I love it! I love minions and I just love the lawn inflatable thingy! We got it at Wall Mart wayyy before christmas and I'm really happ...

It List: December 2015

Here is my final It List of the Year!!!! Not really. I will have a 2015 It List and a Christmas It List... maybe those are already up... idk. But yeah. Here is the yearly one! Alright! 1) Green Mountain Gingerbread K Cups- These are awesome! They taste so good... I've said it before and I'll say it again... kind of like it better than the Gingerbread Latte from Starbucks. It is delicious! I love it it tastes amazing and its just good overall. 2) Philosophy Almond and Cream Shower Gel- This shower gel smells so good! I love anything almond scented, it is probably my favorite smell. This I got on sale at TJ Maxx... its a great holiday gift for a hostess or something. These even have actual recipes on them and they're just very useful and yummy smelling and good! 3) Fitbit Challenges- So right now I'm in a fitbit challenge with my friends and my sister and its really fun. just 2 of my friends, some of her friends and my sister is also in there. I was beating my siste...

Blogmas Day 8: Christmas 2015: It List

So I love making lists, I don't really check them twice...but these are just fun to do and I like doing this, especially fun for Blogmas. So yeah. 1) Green Mountain Gingerbread K Cups- This was also in my December 2015 It list... but it is delicious! Yesterday I also put some Gingerbread Coffee Creamer in it and then put whipped cream and cinnamon on top... so yummy! I like it better than the Starbucks Gingerbread I think! That is saying a lot... but yeah. Its so good! 2) Chocolate Covered Cherry Kisses- Ohhh my gosh... these are my favorite candy. I really like chocolate covered cherries, but I like these a little better because its just the cream in the middle and I LOVE THAT! Sometimes the consistency of cherries in chocolate weirds me out a bit and I feel like I'm biting a toe... this I feel like I'm just eating something with lots of goo. I have a bag in my room... and I needed to hide it cause it was too damn good. I could not stop eating it! 3) Mickey Mouse Chr...