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Weekly Wrap Up: 11/29/15 The One With The Thanksgiving Post.

Alrighty! Happy Thanksgiving weekend! Today is my sister's birthday, so Happy Birthday to her! And its also Thanksgiving week and my grandfather's birthday was on Thanksgiving, so this is a pretty big week! Hope everyone else is having a great week too! Into the favorites!

KFC Extra Crispy Chicken- Ohhh my god. This is so good. I got the three piece meal with the mashed potatoes and gravy and cole slaw... not a fan of the cole slaw... but damn. That was amazing. I was also starving... but it was damn good.

Glass Plus/Windex- What kind of Greek would I be if I didn't mention Windex? Lol. I was helping my mom clean this week and this worked! Not complaining there! Lol. This is the weirdest favorites ever because I kind of hated everything this week. Lol.

Thanksgiving Sandwiches- Whoever thought of these are awesome. You take a hard roll, some leftover turkey, stuffing and cranberries... and you got a bitchin lunch right there.

Not wearing a bra- This may be TMI but I took my bra off today... and I am not putting one back on... ever. I mean I'm sure I will... but I don't want to... ever. Not even joking. I would rather eat my own foot than wear a bra.

Friends- I watched all the Thanksgiving episodes of Friends and loved every minute of it. I will also watch all the Christmas episodes and rank them for Christmas. And maybe all the Valentines Day ones for Valentines Day and the Wedding One for My Sister's wedding!

What I watched 
I watched Friends. Just the Thanksgiving episodes... they're all amazing. I have a post on them!

I watched the beginning of Goldfinger, one of the first James Bond movies with Sean Connery. He was hot! He aged so badly... but he was hot! He might have been the hottest Bond... but I like Pierce Brosnan too... idk. But then my mom changed the channel to Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs thinking I would like that more... I didn't want her to know that I didn't care that much about watching a cartoon... but I really liked what I saw of Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs. I thought it was cute and I liked the message and the characters. It was cute.

I watched Mockingjay Part 1 at my friends house. It was exciting and good. I like the Hunger Games, but I'm not as into the movies as I once was. Idk why. I loved the first one... but I feel like they're skippable. Idk.

I watched The Goldbergs Thanksgiving episode and the Fresh Off the Boat Huangsgiving episode. Those were great. Crazy Ex Girlfriend and Jane The Virgin were really great. Crazy Ex Girlfriend got more episodes ordered. Yayyy!

The parade and the Dog Show... those were fun to watch. A few other dog shows too because there was a marathon on. It was funny because my sister's fiancé switched the channel to the dog show and we all just sat and watched thinking it was the same dog show that they showed after the parade, but it was the year before. And then they showed another dog show and I said "It's another dog show! This must be one of the layers of hell!" Because thats just too funny... but you know what... I could probably watch Dog Shows all day and be thoroughly entertained. I kind of want to become a dog show person.

And the parade... the highlights of that... People dancing stupidly in the crowd to try to get on camera... and then probably regretting that when they see the video of it at home. The Something Rotten Performance. I love that there's a float for Pirate's Booty... that one always makes me giggle. One of the Rockettes messed up while dancing... which is understandable. There was a close up of a mother and a daughter kissing on the lips for quite a long time... and when it first aired, I didn't want to say anything but when my cousin was over she was like "Did you see that mother and daughter share that elongated kiss" and I was like "YEAH! I thought that was weird before but didn't want to be the only one to say anything."

Some of The Middle I watched, some Modern Family from last year... I watched a lot while cleaning, eating, waiting to leave for bridesmaid dress shopping.

Monday I existed.

Tuesday, I existed as well... but I also went to Starbucks I think. Maybe somewhere else? I don't remember.

Wednesday I helped my mom clean and get ready for Thanksgiving.

Thursday was Thanksgiving and I ate and... it was an eventful thanksgiving. Quite a memorable one for sure.

Friday I went to Target, and I did some online shopping... and I got my Bridesmaid dress and my mom got her Mother of the Bride Dress. My sister wanted a dress that was very pretty and very different... but it wasn't my cup of tea... and I liked another dress that my sister really liked, but it didn't have everything she wanted... so we went back with her other bridesmaid... and we both liked the dress that I liked better... and my sister agreed that dress looked prettier on us than the other one... so we got that one! I'm excited to wear it! Its something I can use again too, its really nice.

Saturday I went to the Alex and Ani store with my sister and we had friends over and celebrated her birthday, which was fun. I got a necklace and a ring from Alex and Ani and I really like them both. They have such neat jewelry its so different. I'm sure they'll be featured in an upcoming favorites... soon!

Random Haul 
With Black Friday comes the return of the Random Haul-ing.

So I got some DVDs at Target. Trainwreck on DVD and Pitch Perfect 2 and Jurassic World on Blu Ray.

And speaking of Blu Ray... they had a sale on Samsung Blu Ray Players... so I got one! I had a gift card, and it was a good deal... so I thought why not! I wanted it mostly to play netflix on, but I'll watch movies on it also. I was looking at some to get... but I thought I'd find better prices on Amazon... I may ask for the Star Wars movies on Blu Ray... I haven't seen them in forever so... yeah.

And that is everything! I'm glad I was able to do some splurging and treat-in myself. There may be more for Cyber Monday... we shall see lol. But... yeah.



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