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Weekly Wrap Up! 11/15/15

Hello and Welcome to the Weekly Wrap Up! This is going to be quite the Favorites-y week cause I think I'm doing my It List tomorrow too... So yeah!

Chestnut Praline Latte- I feel like this is my jam for Thanksgiving. Gingerbread is still a little early, I've been having PSL's since summer... time for a little change. I like all the Starbucks holiday drinks... but this one has been my jam this week. Lol.

How To Get Away With Murder- Wow... it was good this week. Grey's Anatomy and Scandal were awesome too... but HTGAWM KILLED IT! I cannot wait for next week... OMG! I also loved the weird promo they had with The Force Awakens... Like What?????? Lol. It was just so pointless and I loved it. I love Star Wars, I love TGIT... so seeing them collide was bizarre and funny and I really liked it. I cannot wait for the new Star Wars Movie to be out! I don't want to see it opening weekend cause its going to be cray... but I want to see it... like now. Lol. Idk. I'm really scared to see it when it opens, but I might just stop logging onto Facebook until I see it because I want to avoid all spoilers.

Fitbit For A Cause- So I think that's what its called. Idk, but I've been loving this, and this has really been challenging me to do better with my fitbit. I think every year now fitbit has been doing a thing around the holidays where they have 3 charities you can sign up for and each charity will be getting money donated by fitbit,but the amount of money depends on the amount of steps everyone is taking. I forget how much money everything gets... but its all a good amount. The Three Charities this year are Multiple Sclerosis (don't know the name of the foundation... but its for MS) , The American Heart Association and Diabetes (again... not sure of the name of the foundation... sorry!) I chose MS because I didn't think many people would sign up for that, but it is also a terrible disease that I would like to raise money and awareness for... so every step I've been taking has been for MS this week... and I've been doing better with my fitbit because of it. I'm making sure that I reach my goals and its been a lot more fun. I like doing things not just for me but for a lot of people.

So Sunday my sister went to try on her wedding dress... That was a thing. I don't even wanna talk about it. Lol.

Monday... didn't do much. Went to the gym for the first time in a while! So that was good.

Tuesday I went to Target, Pets Mart and Starbucks. It was funny cause at Target we got some dog toys and I hid them in the closet so that we could give them to Spencer (my dog) for Christmas. And then he started scratching at my room to get me out... which he usually only does if no one is in the room with him and everyone was with him... so that was weird. Then I went to the bathroom and he started scratching at the closet where I hid the toys! He knew something was in there and he wanted it! So of corse I opened it and gave him one of the toys because what dog does that? He's so smart. They say dogs don't have good memory... but I swear this dog remembers everything! Its so funny!

Wednesday I went out to lunch with my mom and grandparents for my grandmothers bday... which was in September, but yeah. That was good.

Thursday I went to Starbucks, and they always have a "giving tree" type of thing for the holidays where you get presents for someone less fortunate and that is great. Say what you will about the Starbucks cups, but I'm sure several Starbucks around the country do that same thing. And if that doesn't get you in the mood for Christmas, idk what does! This is the best way to get in the Christmas Spirit and probably the most effective.

Friday I went to a fancier mall for the Sephora VIB Sale. And I went to Bath and Body Works and Ulta too... it was a good time. Lol.

And Saturday I went to try on Bridesmaid dresses for my sister... which was nice. I'll do a Bridesmaid diaries on that soon cause... there's an important issue I kind of think I'm going to blog about. And really that's what the Bridesmaid diaries are for. And I went to a mall by where that was, and that had a Sephora too... so yeah. Lol. And then I ate some delicious Garbage Pizza. It was great.

What I watched 
Quantico!!! Love Quantico! I'm afraid someone is going to die before the winter finale... and I don't want anyone too. Side note... I'm too into this to want there to be a long winter finale.

Jane The Virgin was great this week, as was Crazy Ex Girlfriend and Scream Queens. I love all of those shows... kind of my 3 favorites right now. Scream Queens was possibly the best episode ever this week. Actually... I really liked last weeks episode maybe a little better. Last week was a little more fun in my opinion... but it was still really good and we found out SOOO much last week.

I watched Poltergeist, which was fun. I did a review of that right here.

American Horror Story... Probably my least favorite episode of the season so far but I did still really like it. I love Lady Gaga in it and I really liked seeing that her character doesn't know what its like to be human and that's why she gets bored so easily. Its just pretty awesome. I think she's doing a great job this year.

TGIT... Amazing. How To Get Away With Murder was so good. I love that Frank cooks. I feel like a lot of it was lawyer-y stuff... which I don't always pay attention to, but it was still good and the end was just awesome. I liked Greys and Scandal too... but HTGAWM Is my fave!

Also on Grey's Penny is THE WORST right? She's so whiney, she's even more whiney than Meredith in Season 1. She's like "boo. Merideth is too mean for me. This job is so hard." And then "Boo. Meredith is too nice to me. This is too easy." And she keeps complaining to Callie and then Callie tells Meredith, her best friend, that she's being ridiculous and then she's like "Callie! Stop embarrassing me!" But she agrees with Callie and wouldn't tell Meredith herself.... like really. You're about to yell at your boss, who's husband you killed over something you could have avoided a little bit more, and quite frankly Callie was handling better. She's the worst right?

And I watched The Muppets. I like this show better on DVR or like half watching it. Its not my real favorite, but it isn't bad.

And that is it! Hope you guys had a good week also.



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