So here we go with the halloween episodes for the most part. Already started some of them... but here are the others!
Murder House
Halloween Pt. 1
I feel like this is when people were like "wow. I don't have any idea what's going on... but its good and its scary." I find the stuff with Vivianne's baby really interesting... we may see him on Hotel as well... we may have seen him at this point, I'm writing this part before Hotel Airs. I know the second part is a little more exciting. We have more of Hayden, more of Tate and Violet, I think we get Sarah Paulson's character in the next episode. Good stuff coming up here!
Devil's Night
I'm 40 minutes into this episode and there's a commercial break... idk how long the episode is but right now, John is the killer right? Aileen was number 10, he's the 10 commandments killer... he has that suit... Let's see if I'm right by the end of the episode. Not that much left in the episode... kind of wish this was longer like the second episode... I'm loving it so far! Lilly Rabe is really great and I love her in this show! Missed her last year!
Okay... they didn't let us know if that was it or not. It really seems that way though. Poor Scarlett. No one really loves her. Lol. I loved this episode though. I think its one of my favorites so far. I just thought it was really cool... didn't see Chloe Sevigny getting turned. It sounded like a perfume commercial at the end. The only thing I didn't like about this episode was that there were so many cliffhangers from last episode that weren't even mentioned in this one. Like Angela Basset's character, Kathy Bates getting the disease... that seemed like maybe they introduced that too early and now its cut by this Halloween episode, which was epic... but still it kind of felt like it cut the suspense of that a little bit.
I attempted watching everything in order again, but didn't get to watch some of the old episodes before the new ones. Ohhh well. Lol.
Fearful Pranks Ensue
I thought I hated this episode but I didn't! I think I found it disappointing the first time around, but this time I really enjoyed it. It's still probably my least favorite so far... maybe my least favorite of all the halloween episodes... So much had happened last week on Coven that I didn't think it was quite as eventful. I was pretty shocked with Cordelia's husband. I remember being shocked when I first saw that and I was a little excited to see that. This was the first real meeting of the Witches council which was pretty cool. I liked it.
I think I miss Emma Roberts though. I didn't like her that much when Freakshow was on, I liked her in Coven... but I think because I like her so much in Scream Queens I appreciate her roles on AHS more!
I Am Anne Frank pt 1
This is one of my favorites again! I don't love Asylum as a season... but I thought this was just as exciting as the 2nd part. With Murder House's Halloween, I'm a little more excited for the next part. For Edward Mordrake I was wayyy more excited for part 2... but this one I think is just as good in the first part. Of corse in part 2 Bloodyface is revealed... but I totally knew it was Thredson at this point and I wasn't even surprised by that reveal. Probably the biggest reveal of AHS and I just sat there watching it like "I know." Haha. And there probably won't be any huge secrets or reveals like that again... but this one was pretty big and I so remember guessing it and not even being a little surprised by it. Lol.
I liked finding out Grace's backstory... and it makes sense why she's attracted to Kit and why she believes he didn't kill anyone... I find it weird that he still wanted to be with her after finding out she murdered her family. I get he's supposed to be open minded... but there is some trouble with being TOO open minded... and even though Grace is a nice person throughout the show... I feel like if I found out someone I loved murdered their family... I'd steer clear of them. I feel like thats a fair deal breaker.
I remember on Tumblr when everyone was in love with Tate and I'm do realize he's a killer... he raped his girlfriends mom and had an evil baby with her... that's also kind of a deal breaker for me. Plus he's dead... so that's a thing.
Freak Show
Edward Mordrake part 2
I loved this episode last year... and I still like it a lot but when I thought about it it was unintentionally hilarious. First off Edward Mordrake's accent is just... and then Jessica Lange's accent and Evan Peters... this is a very accent-heavy season. I still feel bad for Twisty, even though he's a sociopath... I like Skyler Samuels, she's pretty awesome.
And spoilers for the end of the season... I don't get why Emma Roberts ever volunteered to be in that saw the lady in half trick when she was almost sawed in half. That's just like really? You are asking for it then!
I feel like these could all have titles that are episodes of Friends.
Murder House: The One Where Adelaide Dresses as A Pretty Girl
Asylum: The One With Anne Frank
Coven: The One Where Spalding Plays With Dolls
Hotel: The One With All The Murderers
Freak Show: The One Where Twisty and Patti Labelle Die.
Lol... idk. If you watch this show for the funny parts... it can be pretty funny.Halloween Part 2 would be The One Where Tate and Violet Go On A Date. There could be a lot of episodes titled "The One Where Emma Roberts Dies" And its sad when people like Adelaide and Patti Labelle die because they were just good people and it isn't totally necessary for them to die. And then there are people like Twisty who are terrible and when they die they die too soon and it kind of makes the rest of the season a little boring. I guess it would have been worse with too much Twisty... but I wouldn't have minded a little more of Edward Mordrake and Twisty.
Alrighty that is it. What would you title these with the friends title treatment? What was your favorite... for mine...idk I think they're all good. Hotel, Freak Show, Asylum, Murder House and Coven... and thats saying a lot cause Coven was pretty good and Murder House was really good. So yeah. Great bunch of episodes here.
Murder House
Halloween Pt. 1
I feel like this is when people were like "wow. I don't have any idea what's going on... but its good and its scary." I find the stuff with Vivianne's baby really interesting... we may see him on Hotel as well... we may have seen him at this point, I'm writing this part before Hotel Airs. I know the second part is a little more exciting. We have more of Hayden, more of Tate and Violet, I think we get Sarah Paulson's character in the next episode. Good stuff coming up here!
Devil's Night
I'm 40 minutes into this episode and there's a commercial break... idk how long the episode is but right now, John is the killer right? Aileen was number 10, he's the 10 commandments killer... he has that suit... Let's see if I'm right by the end of the episode. Not that much left in the episode... kind of wish this was longer like the second episode... I'm loving it so far! Lilly Rabe is really great and I love her in this show! Missed her last year!
Okay... they didn't let us know if that was it or not. It really seems that way though. Poor Scarlett. No one really loves her. Lol. I loved this episode though. I think its one of my favorites so far. I just thought it was really cool... didn't see Chloe Sevigny getting turned. It sounded like a perfume commercial at the end. The only thing I didn't like about this episode was that there were so many cliffhangers from last episode that weren't even mentioned in this one. Like Angela Basset's character, Kathy Bates getting the disease... that seemed like maybe they introduced that too early and now its cut by this Halloween episode, which was epic... but still it kind of felt like it cut the suspense of that a little bit.
I attempted watching everything in order again, but didn't get to watch some of the old episodes before the new ones. Ohhh well. Lol.
Fearful Pranks Ensue
I thought I hated this episode but I didn't! I think I found it disappointing the first time around, but this time I really enjoyed it. It's still probably my least favorite so far... maybe my least favorite of all the halloween episodes... So much had happened last week on Coven that I didn't think it was quite as eventful. I was pretty shocked with Cordelia's husband. I remember being shocked when I first saw that and I was a little excited to see that. This was the first real meeting of the Witches council which was pretty cool. I liked it.
I think I miss Emma Roberts though. I didn't like her that much when Freakshow was on, I liked her in Coven... but I think because I like her so much in Scream Queens I appreciate her roles on AHS more!
I Am Anne Frank pt 1
This is one of my favorites again! I don't love Asylum as a season... but I thought this was just as exciting as the 2nd part. With Murder House's Halloween, I'm a little more excited for the next part. For Edward Mordrake I was wayyy more excited for part 2... but this one I think is just as good in the first part. Of corse in part 2 Bloodyface is revealed... but I totally knew it was Thredson at this point and I wasn't even surprised by that reveal. Probably the biggest reveal of AHS and I just sat there watching it like "I know." Haha. And there probably won't be any huge secrets or reveals like that again... but this one was pretty big and I so remember guessing it and not even being a little surprised by it. Lol.
I liked finding out Grace's backstory... and it makes sense why she's attracted to Kit and why she believes he didn't kill anyone... I find it weird that he still wanted to be with her after finding out she murdered her family. I get he's supposed to be open minded... but there is some trouble with being TOO open minded... and even though Grace is a nice person throughout the show... I feel like if I found out someone I loved murdered their family... I'd steer clear of them. I feel like thats a fair deal breaker.
I remember on Tumblr when everyone was in love with Tate and I'm do realize he's a killer... he raped his girlfriends mom and had an evil baby with her... that's also kind of a deal breaker for me. Plus he's dead... so that's a thing.
Freak Show
Edward Mordrake part 2
I loved this episode last year... and I still like it a lot but when I thought about it it was unintentionally hilarious. First off Edward Mordrake's accent is just... and then Jessica Lange's accent and Evan Peters... this is a very accent-heavy season. I still feel bad for Twisty, even though he's a sociopath... I like Skyler Samuels, she's pretty awesome.
And spoilers for the end of the season... I don't get why Emma Roberts ever volunteered to be in that saw the lady in half trick when she was almost sawed in half. That's just like really? You are asking for it then!
I feel like these could all have titles that are episodes of Friends.
Murder House: The One Where Adelaide Dresses as A Pretty Girl
Asylum: The One With Anne Frank
Coven: The One Where Spalding Plays With Dolls
Hotel: The One With All The Murderers
Freak Show: The One Where Twisty and Patti Labelle Die.
Lol... idk. If you watch this show for the funny parts... it can be pretty funny.Halloween Part 2 would be The One Where Tate and Violet Go On A Date. There could be a lot of episodes titled "The One Where Emma Roberts Dies" And its sad when people like Adelaide and Patti Labelle die because they were just good people and it isn't totally necessary for them to die. And then there are people like Twisty who are terrible and when they die they die too soon and it kind of makes the rest of the season a little boring. I guess it would have been worse with too much Twisty... but I wouldn't have minded a little more of Edward Mordrake and Twisty.
Alrighty that is it. What would you title these with the friends title treatment? What was your favorite... for mine...idk I think they're all good. Hotel, Freak Show, Asylum, Murder House and Coven... and thats saying a lot cause Coven was pretty good and Murder House was really good. So yeah. Great bunch of episodes here.
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