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Scribbles About Broadway: Every Play I've seen (so far)

So since I did the Something Rotten Review... and I've been really into that soundtrack, I thought I would just go through all the plays I've seen and kind of do little reviews of them! I haven't seen that many... but I've liked them all and... yeah. Plays are fun!

Seussical The Musical 
So this is the first play I ever saw because Aaron Carter was in it and I loved Aaron Carter when I was a kid. And I really liked it. I thought it was a really fun show and it was cool and different and there were quite a few Dr. Seuss stories in this, but mainly it focused on Horton Hears a Who. The costumes weren't too over-the-top either... which I think I like. They had pretty bird costumes I think, but Aaron Carter's costume was pretty simple and the other costumes were good too. Aaron Carter was good in it too, of corse I was biased at the time I was completely in love with him... but it was a good show and I had a lot of fun at it... and this was my first Broadway experience and it was good! I was happy!

My cousin's school actually did this also and I liked it when they did it too... so it held up after all those years.

I still remember my parents telling me they got tickets too. It was one of the most exciting moments ever. I think I was having a sleepover or something and my best friend at the time was over and they told us that they got the tickets and I was so excited.

Into The Woods 
I think this is the second musical that I ever saw... not quite sure. And it was good! We saw it with Vanessa Williams as the Wicked Witch and she was great. She's unrecognizable in the costume when she's ugly in act 1. And this was a very dark and scary musical... but it was also really fun. I liked that Something Rotten had a lot of meta-jokes and this did too. It was self aware that it was a musical. It was a cool set and everything and it does have a good message... but I didn't get that when I was little and I was just terrified that everyone dies and the Prince cheats on Cinderella with The Baker's Wife... which is quite a turn for a children's play... lol. I love Vanessa Williams as a singer, I think she did a great job.

I thought the recent movie that came out with James Corden (swoon-worthy performance as The Baker) and Anna Kenderick and Meryl Streep was really great too.

The Producers 
This is such a funny play. I was obsessed with this for quite a while after seeing it too and this was the first time I was really really into broadway and I really liked it. I think my mom was upset that I liked it more than Into The Woods... but yeah. Into The Woods was sad and this one was so funny! We didn't see it with Nathan Lane in it. Unfortunately his understudy was in the role... but his understudy was just as good. My sister was upset that Nathan Lane wasn't in it... but yeah. Matthew Broderick was in it though and he's really good.

They made a movie of this... doesn't quite do it justice though. Its really about broadway and it makes sense for it to be on broadway. I know its not on anymore... but if you see them playing it anywhere... definitely go see it. This was The Book Of Mormon of the time. Lol.

I forgot I saw this as early as I did! I saw this on a school field trip and this was when Wicked was still relatively new. I think we saw the 3rd cast of it... which is crazy. This may have been my favorite set design, I think that's what really stands out about this. You really are transported into the world of the musical. This was really the first time I was like "wow." This is one where if you love The Wizard of Oz and you like musicals... you gotta see this. Its really cool and different and the songs are fun. The costumes are great. I really like this. I love that its still on Broadway too and probably still super popular (no pun intended.) This is a fun one. I would almost want to see this again... but there's so much else out there that I think I could wait till a movie version of this comes out... even though I know it won't do it justice either. Lol. Great show.

You're Welcome America 
This is probably off broadway, it was a limited release of a One Man Show of Will Ferrel as George W. Bush... and it was really really funny. HBO actually did a special on this, which I recommend if you're a fan of Will Ferrel or SNL or if you think George Bush is funny... which pretty much every politician is really... but yeah. Lol. This one was really funny and I liked it.

I think this is the only non-musical I've ever seen. So that's cool.

Avenue Q 
This is another really really funny one. I saw this with my sister... we saw a lot of plays one year because tickets were a little cheaper during the recession. All the songs to this are really funny and really catchy. I love puppets so I thought this was really funny. I loved the gay roommate puppet, the creepy puppet... Gary Coleman. What do you do with a BA in English... so relatable... so good. Really enjoyed this one and I still like listening to the soundtrack because its just really good.

There is a puppet sex scene in this... so yeah. I saw it when it was about to leave broadway. I think its still off-broadway.

In The Heights 
This was the only serious play I really saw... and I didn't really know what it was about when I saw it, my sister wanted to go for her birthday one year so we went... and it was good... but with all the hype around it I was kind of expecting a little more. And the songs and the performances were great... but it was a more sad and serious musical that we didn't really see before... and I don't even remember that much of what happened. And I think my sister didn't want to see any serious plays after that because this just wasn't quote as fun as walking out of Avenue Q or something like that. It was fantastic, the performances were amazing... but I like a happy ending.

I almost forgot this one! I saw this after the movie came out... well like wayyy after the movie came out. So I knew what to expect of it, but I was still really excited. This is a great musical. I was such a fan of the movie... and the set and stuff of the movie is a little cooler... but the performances in this were amazing. The guy that played Billy was probably my favorite... I don't know who the cast was at all, it wasn't anyone famous, but they were all really good and it was just a really cool show and fun to see on stage. Cell Block Tango is probably my favorite song and I think I got a shirt that said "he had it coming" and that was cool.

Elf The Musical 
This is the only musical I've seen twice... and I really liked it both times. I think I felt more connected to it the first time and the second I was kind of tired from class that day and I didn't connect to it quite as much... but I think the guy that played Buddy The Elf the 2nd time was a better singer than the first time around.

The first time I saw it was also on Christmas Day itself... which was really cool. I already felt nice and Christmasy and then we got to see this and it was a fun day in the city, and to see what New York looks like on Christmas is so surreal. No one is out... even in Times Square. It was crazy, but still fun.

This tours a lot, so I would definitely recommend seeing it if its coming to your town or anywhere near you. Its in Madison Square Garden this year, so if you have kids I think seeing it there would be good. I guess this is on broadway or in New York every 2 years because thats what it seems like. Lol.

Something Rotten 
I think this is tied with Elf for me. This has such a great soundtrack. The cast was no one I knew... but they were probably the best cast. They all just worked so well together and they were all really great actors and singers. The songs were really good and funny and I have a full review of this up... but this one is great. I thought this was a ton of fun. If they do that broadway netflix thing, I'd probably watch this like 500 times. Lol.

Should I do more of these? I feel like there are some plays I regret not seeing that I would like to see or get the soundtrack too... there are plays that I want to see and there are some that I hope get made. I heard rumors of a Jawbreaker musical a long time ago and I'd love that! That is such a great movie and I think it'd be a little funnier as a musical. So... yeah.



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