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Scribbles About TV: Wicked City Review

So this is a show I was kind of baffled by. It just seems odd for ABC to have this show on a Tuesday Night following some pretty family friendly shows. The Muppets and Fresh Off The Boats seem to be aimed for a family to watch together. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D wouldn't be bad for kids either... and then there's this show about a serial killer and there appeared to be lots of murdering and sexual content in the preview... so its like "OKAY CLEAR THE KIDS OUT RIGHT AWAY!"

But... not so far. I'm watching this real time and its the first commercial break and not much has happened yet. They've talked about a murderer. Ed Westwick is babysitting this girl that thinks he'll be a great dad, and she shows him this really horrible picture of what looks like a weasel and Westwick goes "that's a great elephant." Like "yeah clearly that's an elephant." That just made me laugh... I wouldn't be mean to a kid's drawing of corse... but I wouldn't be able to tell what that is and its just funny that he came up with that out of thin air.

And for a show that takes place in the 1980s... they play a lot of songs from the 1970s and they're like "this is a great new song. Can't wait to hear more of this band." There is nothing particularly 80s about it so far.

Okay 2nd commercial break... the cop characters are kind of horrible in this. The acting isn't bad, I just feel like they're so uninteresting. They're trying to give Jeremy Cisto's character a backstory. He likes to work alone and he has some sort of weird relationship with this woman he's seeing. That was just kind of trying too hard.

There also isn't an element of mystery... so I'm not getting what's exciting about this. We know that he's a murderer, the cops tell us all the details of why he's murdering... which is all kind of obvious and then they're like "ohhh he just wants attention. Let's say we caught him and see if he comes to find us." Which I'm pretty sure isn't a thing...

The character I'm sort of liking the most is Betty who is kind of a plain character. There was just a scene of her trying to tell her children not to kill spiders so she took it outside and it looked like she was going to let it go, but she squished it. That was the most interesting part... and again that was kind of something I feel like doesn't happen.

Ohhh and Jeremy Cisto's partner was like "he killed 9 people. Do you think he's a serial killer." Uhhh... yeah.

I also don't think Taissa Farminga's character is really playing to the best of her abilities. She plays so many strong characters and I thought having her be a crime reporter that throws up at a crime scene and is sort of overly charmed by Chuck Bass doesn't make her as interesting as she could be. I'm not getting much from any of these characters. They're all just like "yeah Chuck Bass is so charming. He loves kids! The only way he could be more charming is if he's brittish!" And then the guy from Suburgatory is just like "Yeah. We gotta catch this guy. I think he has issues with women. He seems to be decapitating them a lot."

The sex seen between Betty and Chuck Bass wasn't particularly sexy. I was a little bored before, so I kind of stopped paying attention... She seemed happy with it, so to each their own... didn't last very long though and it wasn't particularly sexy to watch. This whole show is kind of un-sexy. Like you know those people that try to hard to be sexy and it just makes them so unappealing? That's what this show is. It's just trying a little bit too hard.

Okay so the cop has a wife it looks like. And I recognize that actress and like her, I think she was on Eastwick, which I loved!

There's this part at the end where the cop is just looking around for the killer and its supposed to be really exciting and its just boring. And he just passes Chuck Bass and doesn't even question him because he has no idea what he's doing.

So I kind of went into this episode knowing I wasn't going to like it... but I was thinking there would be some redeeming quality, but to me there just isn't. There's no mystery to it. The cast is talented, but they seem to be too talented to even really try with this show. And there really weren't any murders in this episode! On the commercials they show Ed Westwick stabbing people and blood being everywhere, but we didn't see him do that on this episode... so I don't think it was really that compelling.

And it didn't really make me care enough about the characters to want to watch more. With American Crime, I wanted to know who did it. With Secrets and Lies they made you think it was someone different every episode. With this they tell you up front who's doing it and why. And we don't fully know the reason why... but its still not interesting enough for me to want to stick around and find out. I just didn't think it was the exciting, sexy show that its made out to be.

So yeah, I feel like I'm a little biased because I had heard reviews that were bad and I didn't think I was going to like it... but I think I would have realized if there was anything redeemable about this show and there just wasn't. I would realize if these characters were interesting enough for me to care about.

I feel like this concept isn't bad and it could have been well done. Maybe this just doesn't fit into Network TV the way it did on cable. Maybe there are too many characters so its hard to focus on one and care about them and follow them... which I think is the problem I had with it. Most reviews I've read say there are a lot of shows like this already, which there are... but I didn't really have a problem with it. I just prefer mystery to watching a killer babysit someone's kids or picking up chicks at a bar... I don't think the writers are bad on this show even, I really think they could come up with something great. I could even imagine this getting really exciting mid-season and being a show that critics talk about a lot... but I just don't think any of the characters are strong enough to make me want to keep up with this show. Everything about it should work... but there's just something about it I don't like.

So yeah. That's just my opinion of this show right now. What do you guys think? Did anyone like it?



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