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Scream Queens- Notes! Who is the Red Devil????- Part 1

So with the Scream Queens finale coming up, I decided to re-watch and take notes of the episodes we've seen of the show right up to the finale. I think I'm going to wait until the day before the Season Finale to publish this... but I'm writing these as I re-watch them. So... this might be sloppy. This might be weird... but basically these are my notes from all the episodes so far because I want to figure out who the Red Devil is! Lol.

 Episode 1 & 2: Pilot/Hell Week 

In the opening scene when the girls are dancing and singing to Waterfalls, one of the girls screams Kappa in the middle of the song. In the episode Seven Minutes in Hell Chanel#6 aka Hester screams Kappa during a song. Is this to hint at the fact that Hester is the baby in the bathtub? She is probably younger than the age and also has talked about burying her dead mother... but there could be a twist in there making her the Bathtub Baby.

We also see Chanel #3's ears in this episode at some points. This is more likely an editing thing than anything else... but could have something to do with her stalker.

There was something that looked like an Urn in Dean Munsch's office... that could mean something? Right?

Melanie Dorkess says that the president has to be willing to "dance with the devil himself." This could have something to do with Chanel's being president, Zayday's being president or the fact that later in the episode Chanel #2 does in fact dance with the devil himself.

Gigi proposes a suggestion to Dean Munsch and then they don't show what the suggestion is on camera. As we know, Gigi is the boss of The Red Devils... so this might have something to do with it.

Zayday's first lines are "someone call CSI cause there's a murder scene in that bathroom." This is a weird first line... but this actually kind of makes me suspect Zayday a little less because thats a little too obvious.

Also Zayday's mom is out of the picture... is she the Bathtub Baby? I still think Bathtub Baby is Hester. Maybe she's really Denise Hemfield's baby or something? That'd be a fun twist, and the two are similar. Both want to join KKT even though its a pretty racist sorority.

Zayday also says she'd rather die than join KKT... which could be a reference to her fate. (At this point the most recent episode was 7 Minutes in Hell... so she might be dead by the time I publish this... but I'm writing this and now she's alive.)

Chanel #5 tells some girls at the Kappa party that they're bound to get in because they are legacies. As we now know, Chanel #5 is also in the sorority because she is a legacy. I think they're really trying to make it look like she's the bathtub baby... but I'm gonna say they're throwing us off and its really Hester... but later in the episode, I do have one thing from Chanel #5 that is rather suspicious. It's also suspicious that they spared her twice... much like when they spared Gigi...

Grace was behind Chanel and Ms. Bean when they were discussing dunking her head in the fryer. There is no way Grace didn't hear her. I think Pete also would have heard because they were right at the front of the line when they were talking about it... so that's a bit suspicious.

I also kind of think the fryer incident was an accident. Ms. Bean was looking at the food she was making because she knew Chanel was going to dunk her head in and she was worried. I do think the Chanel shrine was made by the Red Devil in order to make this accident happen. It also included a pair of Chanel's stolen panties... Chad Radwell is known for stealing panties. Although... I think Chad could have made this shrine and it could still be an accident.

Pete was looking when they hid Ms. Bean... which is weird right? He should have went to the police.

When Zayday and Grace say the sorority is about sisterhood and respect, Sam thinks that sounds terrible. Clearly, Sam doesn't like Zayday or Grace and she does say she knows who the Red Devil is when the Red Devil unmasks themselves to kill her... so that makes me a little more suspicious of Grace. At this point... I'm pretty suspicious of her. Not going to lie.

Grace sees this as very opportunistic for Chanel... that's a little suspicious itself. People are dying and she thinks its a good opportunity to change the sorority. Weird.

When Grace is in the basement, we can see the Red Devil outside the window. Minutes later, we see #5 downstairs with her... could she have ditched her costume and snuck in?

Munsch guarantees to Grace's dad that Grace would not be a Target for The Red Devil... could that mean she knows Grace is one of the killers? Or does that mean she is one of the killers and knows that Grace won't attack. Or is she just a boss of it all like Gigi and know whats going on in general?

My theory on Grace and or Pete being the Red Devil was kind of put to rest with the Red Devil putting the MYOB sign on Pete's back... why would one of them do that? Seems a little unlikely.

Pete is really suspicious with the Red Devil costume and the eyes he gives after... super weird...

Chanel #3 makes a comment about stapling the pledges earlobes... weird as she has an earlobe stalker and the Red Devil later uses a staple gun to kill Rodger in 7 Minutes in Hell. 

Who do I think it is at this point: Honestly I'm super suspicious of Grace. I also think it could be Pete... there are lots of people it really could be... but based on this episode... I'm seeing some red flags for Grace and Pete.

Episode 3 Chainsaw 
-Camera focuses on blinking Z in front of Supermarket. Possible clue that Zayday may be the killer?

-Chanel wanted Boone out of the picture because she wanted to be the one to compliment Chad. This doesn't really make sense with her as a killer... but idk it seems like she's not upset he's gone. She might know something? That doesn't make much sense to me either... idk. But she definitely wasn't upset.
-Sam mentions 8/69 tattoo on Chanel #3. I'm guessing that has something to do with Charles Manson being her father? Sam wanted to be friends with her before Chanel reached out to her. Is that just Sam being nice? Chanel sensing a weakness in Sam? Kind of doubt any of that... but it could be. Who knows.

-Grace thinks someone new is the killer every episode. Episode 1 she thought it was Chanel, Episode 2 Pete, this episode Chad Radwell. Its weird right? The most recent episode she thinks its Dean Munsch. She's even accused her dad. Plus she's sure it has something to do with the baby in the bathtub but there is no proof of that... Grace is just dumb if she doesn't know what's up. Lol.

- When Gigi came into the classroom it said something about a "tragedy that befell 5 youths" in Texas Chainsaw Massacre. This could be a reference to the tragedy that she went through that keeps her stuck in the 90s... which could be the bathtub baby thing or maybe it isn't. Either way. I guess that was a clue to her even though we sort of knew about the tragedy that happened to her before.

-It would be funny if the Red Devil had a monologue like Coney's. I think he might because he/she/they do go through the way that they got away with everything. That's been confirmed by Ryan Murphy.

- Zayday practices with the chainsaw before leaving... which is a little suspicious.

Episode 4 Haunted House 

Alright so first off... I still think the How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days thing is really funny but kind of weird. Yeah Pete can do a spot on McCaugnahey impression... but I still think he's trying to lie to impress Grace... which isn't that suspicious... but yeah.

So when they see Mandy, the former Kappa, she says one girl was institutionalized, one killed herself and one was on Fox News. Gigi was institutionalized, that has been confirmed... I'm guessing Grace's Mom "killed herself" because of her drinking and stuff... and the Fox News lady is just a regular Fox News Lady.

Earl Grey and Zayday rhyme. Also they already knew each other and were out to lunch? I thought he just saw her there and knew she wanted to run for president. Also... how does he know? Did Hester tell him or something cause she was already plotting to be Vice President... but idk if that really makes much sense still.

Another thing... the Red Devil knew that Grace and Pete went to see Mandy right? They must have, that would be a pretty big coincidence if they just happened to kill her after Grace and Pete went to see her. I think this would point to Zayday because Grace would have probably told Zayday because they were good friends. Although who knows, Chanel bugs the house and the killer probably listens in as well.

I think that it would be funnier if Hester and Chad Radwell were not the killers at all. I think them getting turned on by death is pretty funny and it would just be funnier if it was just a fetish they had that has nothing to do with them being killers.

I don't think that Grace's Dad is the Red Devil (Now the most recent episode was Mommy Dearest, where we found out about Grace.) I don't think he's innocent though, I wouldn't doubt that he's killed someone, he is too creepy.

I think Grace has something wrong with her and I don't know how she got into the school at all really... lol she's just super gullible to the point where she just seems like kind of an idiot... and I think maybe she does have something wrong with her and didn't get into college entirely on her own... maybe she's there because she's a legacy or the killer wanted her in there... but the girl is kind of an idiot and idk if she should be in college.

Also they show that someone is texting everyone to meet at the house on Shady Lane... but we don't know who's texting them. It seems like everyone is meeting there for a different reason. Zayday and Earl Grey seem to think its because of the Haunted House. Pete wanted to tell Grace about The Hag of Shady Lane there... and I'm guessing Denise is also there because of that... but I think someone texted all of these people to meet there not necessarily for the reasons they all come up with. Its unclear if it was Pete that texted Grace about the house or if Zayday did... and I like that. It later happens again when Hester says Chad texted her but she didn't know how he got her number. So... that factors into it a little and I like that it adds to the mystery of it all.

At this point I kind of think Zayday as the killer would be the funniest because it means Denise was right all along... so that would be pretty funny.

Alright... that is it for now! I'm still enjoying re-watching and taking notes just as much as I enjoy it the first run... so this has been fun!

I think my main suspects right now are Grace, Zayday, Chanel #3, Chanel #5 and Hester. I think it'd be funnier if it weren't Chanel #3 or Hester because of Hester's fetish and Chanel's father... but it could happen right? I think its weird that Chanel #5 was in the basement when Grace found out that info. And It probably isn't grace... but she definitely knew what was going on between Chanel and Ms. Bean... she may have killed Ms. Bean... who knows.



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