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Scribbles About News: November

1) Viola Davis shares photo of Daughter dressed as Viola Davis for Halloween and other celebrity costumes- Apparently Viola Davis' daughter wanted to be a different kind of princess/ superhero this halloween by going as her fabulous mom at the Emmy's! I think this is great, I think Viola Davis is a great role model and clearly her daughter thinks so too! I feel like that would be a pretty proud moment as a mom when your daughter would rather be you for Halloween than Elsa.

And other famous people dressed up for Halloween as well. Jessica Simpson and her husband went as Clark Griswald and Christie Brinkley from Vacation, Ryan Reynolds was Deadpool, Keke Palmer was Aaliyah. And all of these were great... but my favorite celebrity costumes were Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka and their children. They always do a cute themed costume for Halloween. Burtka was Han Solo, NPH was Obi Wan and their kids were Luke and Leia. Adorable.

Non celebrity but the best costume I saw this year was Robin Williams from Jumanji right when he comes back from the jungle. The guy even brought a Jumanji Gameboard to the bar. It was really awesome. There were some good costumes this year.

2) The Royals won The World Series- That's all I really know on the Sports part of the news... lol. This is old news by now, but its worth mentioning. Being here in NJ and having the penultimate game on Halloween meant that if you went to a Sports Bar for Halloween... that's what people were watching and yelling at... so most people in NJ are a little disappointed. The news really hyped up the fact that they could possibly win... but they didn't win. So that sucks if you're a fan. I'm a Yankee's fan so... that sucked a little more cause they weren't even close to winning it. Lol. Idk I don't really follow sports... but you know. It's important and stuff, so its here.

3) Ariana Grande shuts down body shaming critics- So on one of Ariana Grande's social media pages someone said something about who's hotter Grande or Ariel Winter from Modern Family and they said Ariel Winter because they prefer curvy girls to sticks... and Ariana had a problem with that so she shut them down and said "hey this is the problem with society. All bodies are different and all bodies are beautiful." And she's right! And its not right to comment who's hotter than who on instagram or treat girls like a piece of meat. I follow Ariel Winter on instagram because she's young and cool and I like to pretend I am too... and some of the comments are absolutely disgusting. So yeah. Go Ariana on that one!

4) Blake Shelton is dating Gwen Stefani- After many rumors of them both getting divorced conveniently around the same time... there has been a confirmation that the judges of The Voice are in fact dating. I can't really comment on this as something bad happens to me whenever Gwen Stefani is around... so yeah.

5) Bindi Irwin needs to prove her father is deceased to get paid for Dancing With The Stars- Because Bindi is a minor, she needs parental consent to get paid for doing Dancing With The Stars, and her mother signed off on the contract... but they need proof that her father is deceased before being able to grant her her money.

On one hand, when I first read this I was like "that's unfair. Her mom signed off on it." And yeah that's true. I don't see why they can't just use her mom's signature... but I'm guessing this is the way that these legal procedures are carried and it is a relief that the judges aren't offering Bindi any sort of special treatment because she is a celebrity... right? Idk, I don't know much about the law but in the article I read it said something like they weren't sure whether the judge knew about Steve Irwin or his passing... and that shouldn't really matter if the judge knows who Steve Irwin is or not. If the law is to go through these procedures, it makes sense to go through these procedures. I think this judge is probably just trying to do his or her job without being biased because she is a celebrity.

And yes... that does mean that this law is a little bit cruel. It shouldn't be this messy for her if she already does have the permission of a parent or guardian, and I do hope she gets paid what she's owed... but I don't really think its the judges fault on this. As I said, I think they're trying to be unbiased to the fact that she is a celebrity and that her father was also a celebrity. I don't think the judge is only picking on Bindi Irwin and I'm sure she will be awarded her money as she should.

Also... they get a lot of money for Dancing With the Stars! Usually these competitions have the winner give money to charity! Lol! I guess it isn't like millions of dollars and none of these celebrities are that famous that they wouldn't need this much money... and it is probably almost just as hard as being in a movie or being on a tv show... so in that regard they are getting underpaid... but yeah. They make some good money on this, I can see why so many stars want to do this! Lol.

6) It's a girl... Surprise!- A woman went into the hospital because she was having bad stomach pains and she thought there was a severe blockage or something. Turns out, the blockage was a baby girl! The woman was 47 years old, she thought that she was going through menopause, but instead she had a baby! The new parents seemed very happy... but the husband is assured this will be their only child! Lol. And he was wearing a minion shirt when the baby was born! Love minions.

And in other "It's a girl" related news The Rock and his girlfriend recently found out that they are having a baby girl! I feel bad for anyone that dates that daughter... lol. Just saying!

7) People are pretty upset about the new Starbucks Cups- This is stupid to me. I love Starbucks. I thought their simplistic holiday design this year with the red ombre cup was very classic, it's trendy and sure there's no Santa Clause or Snowmen or anything on it... but its still a red cup and its trendy and cool. People are getting upset because its not Christmasy enough and they're super offended about that...

And... at the end of the day its just a piece of garbage. Its not something you should get offended by. I think that things are just too PC now... and it could go either way. I'm sure if Starbucks put the words "Merry Christmas" on the cup, people would be upset because not everyone celebrates Christmas. And its just weird. They can't please everyone, but still red cup that's nice! Its a piece of garbage, I never really even look at it that much, I just drink whatever holiday drink is inside, think "Its nice that its this time of year" and then throw it out! It isn't a christmas decoration that I keep. Its a cup!

If you want to do something to get yourself in the spirit of the holidays... maybe don't waste your time on red-cup gate. Maybe donate to charity, volunteer for something, give food to your local food bank, do toys for tots. Do something other than worrying about this red cup!

8) Target in trouble for Christmas Shirt- Target recently got in some trouble over a t shirt that says OCD: Obsessive Christmas Disorder... and yeah. That's a dumb design. OCD is a real disorder and I feel like people have sort of changed it into a joke. People use it as an excuse a lot and say "sorry OCD" when in reality... they probably aren't OCD they're just using it as an excuse to be bossy. And people say "I'm OCD about that" no... you aren't. You can't be OCD about one thing, its an actual disorder, can we stop using this as a joke or excuse?

I'm not usually overly PC about these kinds of things, but this along with the t shirts that say things like "Batman's Wife" and things like that kind of bother me!

Btw, Target is still selling the shirt.

In other apology news, Bloomingdales apologized for an ad that read "Spike your friends egg nog when they're not looking" and had a handsome man looking very slyly at a woman laughing absurdly in an apron. People were creeped out by it... and yeah. Bloomingdales apologized.

Its sad that there are so many people apologizing for things this holiday season. There were a few halloween costume apologies and now 2 retail apologies... well one I guess target didn't really apologize.

9) Wicked City Becomes first Cancelled Show of The Season- I didn't like this show that much. I did a negative review of it, and everything just seemed very disconnected and kind of dull. It could have been good, I think the writers will probably go on to write something great... didn't love all the acting, it wasn't bad... it just seemed like these weren't the right roles for the cast. I think Jeremy Sisto was maybe trying to hard... idk. It was just all in all kind of bad. It got bad ratings and I can see why they pulled it so quickly.

My thoughts and prayers go to the people of France. I've been there and know that they are a very strong and beautiful country.

Lesson of the Month: Take time to really enjoy the beautiful things in the world. Even if its just orange leaves on a fall day, or a rainbow after a storm, a sunny day, or even just your dog or cat or animal... just take some time to appreciate the beauties in the world. It's hard to do that these busy days.

Here is the clip that reminded me of that.



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