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Scream Queens Notes: Who Is The Red Devil Pt 2

So here are some more notes about Scream Queens...

Pumpkin Patch 
-"You're a weird, psycho lunatic who's going to end up at an asylum somewhere staring at a wall trying to nurse a watering can." Chanel O. Said this to Chanel#5. I feel like it could be a clue that one of them did that and is one of the killers.

- Chanel #3 touches her ear muffs when Chad is making her speech. She's been doing this a lot in recent episodes. Some people think the muffs are really a listening device... I think she might be having some sort of breakdown or something.

- Chad's slept with everyone on campus... he's probably slept with the killer.

- The Toenail cookies that Chanel#5 makes... thats weird right. She also mentions she's the one that came up with all the style's and Chanel just copies them. And then other girls copy Chanel.

- I wonder who voted for Chanel and who voted for Zayday. Chanel threw a vote for Zayday... but I feel like there are different votes than we'd expect. I also don't think Sam trusted Grace... this goes back to the first episode really... Chanel said that she would get everyone boyfriends if they agreed to hide Ms. Bean... why would Sam want a boyfriend? She thinks Hetrosexual relationships are gross and hates men. That makes me think she just didn't trust Grace and maybe the "I knew it was you" had to do with that. She did help #3 free Chanel... and she's smart so she probably could have figured it out. I'm thinking she voted Chanel.
- I just wrote down "fake eat." Idk why...
- I also wrote "Grace's dad is a douche" because he sort of is. He won't even take Gigi out for dinner before having sex with her! He just makes her a salad cause he doesn't want to commit that much! I wouldn't doubt he's killed someone.
-Why are so many teachers and staff sleeping with students? What is this, How To Get Away With Murder????? Lol.
- Denise researches for her role play... thats kind of interesting and funny.
-Gigi is frustrated looking for Zayday. Really she's frustrated at Boone.
-There's snow in the pumpkin patch... was that Chanel's idea? So that she can see the footprints? Suspicious. Or was it really snowing?
-Grace sees the night vision goggles in the Red Devil's Lair... why? Wouldn't she be a little suspicious? The red devil turns off the lights right after and looks for everyone.

7  Minutes In Hell 

I didn't write any notes on this one... but what I said about Sam fits with this episode... there was also a part where they focused on Hester's foot and it looked like it might have had blood on it... I'm not sure. Might be an oversight, might be makeup covering Lea Michele's tattoo. I still kind of think Hester might be the baby in the bathtub... but she might also have died now... idk if I believe that. There are set photos of Lea Michele so spoilers... she may be back. Lol.

Beware of Young Girls 
Alrighty... so this aired after the Thanksgiving episode that was just on... so some of my notes have to do with that also.

-Chanel didn't want to lose any of her minions. She liked being in a diamond formation and was upset that #2 kept messing it up because she had colonics.
-it would probably be funnier if the killer wasn't any of the Chanel's. #3 is Charles Manson's daughter, #5 is clearly insane... its the same thing as Chad and Hester not being the killers because its just funnier that they have a death fetish.
- In the Ouiji board scene, maybe #2 didn't mean Chad was cheating on Chanel O. but Hester.
-Okay so this is for the Thanksgiving episode... but I'll mention it now. Wes could have killed Gigi, but not be the actual Red Devil killer. He burnt his and Grace's house down... that makes sense to me.
-Okay... not gonna lie after the Thanksgiving episode I kind of feel like Grace is the killer... so a lot of my notes point to that... BUT I do have an exoneration of her as well.
-Feather McCarthey and the Beatles Class. Relation to Paul?
-Its kind of funny that they have a beatles class.
-How did Feather really get kicked out? She glossed over that quite a bit. I don't think she has anything to do with the rest of the season... but they did gloss over it quite a bit, and its worth mentioning because anything can be something in Scream Queens.
-Why is everyone using transistor radios? Why in the bathtub especially? Lol.
-I really love the creepy way that feather found Mr. Munsch dead. That was creepy and well done... I really feel like this show is a weekly horror movie.
- Here is my exoneration for Grace... just because Gigi referred to Boone as "their brother" all the time to the red devil doesn't necessarily mean it is the 2nd baby in the bathtub or Grace. Wes admitted he was a man-slut... he could have gotten a bunch of women pregnant. Also all the kappas were slutty... so it could have been anyone's other baby... doesn't necessarily mean boone fathered the other child as well.
- Did Chad have sex with the goat? I feel like this would be a funny thing to show in one of the flashback scenes.
-I wrote what was Dean Munsch saying about the stairs in her apartment? It seemed like that was just her alibi/excuse for looking beat up and bruised. Maybe there was more to the scene than that, but was cut for time or gruesomeness.
-Unknown Caller for Grace... maybe it wasn't Munsch?
-I thought the painter was going to be one of the Kappa girls or something... but it seems like something Murphy would just throw in there to be creepy and for no other reason... I'm not going to read too much into that... but its something right?
-Dean knew the baby was Grace's sibling? Maybe...
-Were Pete and Grace Patients at the mental hospital and thats why the painter drew right away? Its creepy.
-Did Grace make pete her alibibibuddy?
-Chanel #3 was touching her earmuffs a little in this episode. I saw people on IMDB guessing that she was the killer and was wired to Gigi or Boone... however... why would she be wired to Gigi? Why not the police? I think we could find that out now that Gigi is dead... she didn't really touch them in the Thanksgiving episode... so it could have been un-related.
-Gigi might not be dead. Boone wasn't dead and they could have gotten a plastic replica or something and faked it. I doubt it because thats not a good plot twist... but that would be as funny as Boone removing the red blood stain around his neck.
-Ariana Grande is really funny.
-Orgy of evidence. Funny line that gets used again.
-Pete is really a detective? I could see that, especially with his true detective impressions. That would explain the stalking Chanel and the fact that he's always with grace.
- Chanel #3 is maybe also a detective? With the wire-d muffs... it could mean that.
-There is something wrong with Feather... that's just a thing that keeps happening. Lol. Like I said Grace plays really dumb... Feather is quite dumb too.
-Munsch framed within a frame... she'll end up dead.
-There was a snail on Munsch's desk... I thought that was cute and maybe noteworthy... idk.

Alrighty... that is it. I think I will have as they say "an orgy of notes" next time... so this is it for right now!

Byeee! Hope you have a fun and safe Black Friday!


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