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Bridesmaids Diaries: Djs, Tasting, Picking Up The Dress

Heyyy guys! Haven't done one of these in a while. I've done some events that aren't necessarily important for Bridesmaids to be a part of... but they're still useful and I feel like combined it'll make a good blog post.

Picking Out The DJ 

So this is an important part. We went to an event that they actually had in like a banquet room at a hotel nearby and it was for a popular local DJ and entertainment company. All the MC's were really fun and had a lot of energy, which is an important part. My sister's wedding is on a Sunday, so having a good DJ will really make or break the party. People will be more likely to stay and have a good time with a good DJ and MC. But at the same time, some people want higher energy and some people want lower energy... so it depends on the Bride and Groom's preference. We got a great guy and it's easy to have.

If you know someone that's a DJ or MC or has a band or something, you may feel obliged to use them, which is fine... but you can still maybe check out other options. That may make things awkward... but I feel like maybe it never hurts to double check.

This DJ place also did photography and they had lighting. They're good with photography, my sister already had a photographer, but that can be really useful if you wanted to do a slideshow or a video of the wedding or anything. It's something you can look at and go "do I need this" because if you don't really need it, then don't get it. Even if a certain lighting looks cool or fun... if its something you don't need you don't really need it. That's kind of what we kept doing because they really did have a lot of cool extras, but not always things you need.

Also a lot of times they include singers with the DJS so if you want a song to be sung or something, you can have a singer doing live music. This is something that is a really good option, and usually they will have singers at the events I'd imagine. With this keep in mind what they're singing and what genre it is and what genre your song is. There were some great country singers at this event and if you're song was a country song, they would do an amazing job. If you like a woman that is singing a song but your song is by a male artist... that might be trickier. I have a friend that sings for weddings and I'll probably ask her to sing at mine because A) She's an amazing singer B) She can sing Lady Gaga... and I have a feeling my wedding could easily be Lady Gaga themed... OMG! THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANT! I feel like this is a huge revelation. Lol.

So this was fun. At our tasting... there was a ton of food! We were already familiar with some of the appetizers from other events we went to... but there were a lot to choose from... so it'll be kind of hard to narrow down.

There is kind of a lot to consider with this too. My sister doesn't like Hot Dogs and I don't think her fiancé does either... but my sister knows they're a big hit with a lot of people and my mom really likes them, so she's going to definitely get the mini hot dogs.

So we each got to try one of the appetizers each, which is a good way to taste it. Then we each got our own individual chickens and filet minions and there was one fish dish that the table could share. This was a ton of food! Luckily we were able to take it home for leftovers... but we almost had dinner before thinking that there would be only a little of each! And it was good that my parents and the groom's mom were all there because none of the rest of us eat steak... but we know that's what most people will order, so that will definitely be on the menu.

And that's my biggest tip for anyone that is planning a wedding, especially with the food. They say at your own wedding, you'll be lucky if you eat a slice of your own cake... but your guests are going to eat it and you want to make sure to have something everyone likes.

Also you don't get to try the cake at that day. You usually have to make an appointment with the Maitre D of the venue or whatever bakery you're getting the cake from. So that'll be another fun event!

And side note: Google says that you do tip whoever is waiting on you during the tasting. Idk if they can all except tips or not, but worse comes to worse, they'll let you know or they can split it with the chefs. Better to do it than not to, right?

Picking Up The Dress 
This isn't really that big of an event. Just when the dress is ready at the place where you bought it at, you can pick it up. Usually you need to make an appointment. I'd suggest doing that early because when my sister got her shoes, they were 2 completely different sizes and she needed to go back to get the right one... so that's an ordeal lol.

So yes it was there, she got the right dress. We took pictures and it was beautiful.

One thing I'm just going to kind of mention that may be an ordeal is when you take the pictures... be careful. Facebook has a new feature where you kind of have your phone photos synced up to Facebook, so when you're uploading a picture, it would be easy to upload this by mistake. So... yeah. Don't do that.

Ohhh and they don't really like you keeping the dresses at the place. If anything happened at the store they would be liable... but also you don't really want it there because something could happen to the store. It could go under or something... someone could steal it, they could mistake it for someone else and that would be bad. Lots of weirdness could happen basically, and it's probably safer at your own house or at a family members house. Don't put it anywhere with a lot of sun. Don't put it anywhere that has a smell. Don't leave it there while painting the room or something... don't be an idiot with it basically. Lol.

So that is everything. Hope this was helpful or interesting! I've tried on Bridesmaid dresses... but I'm going to wait a bit for that post because I have an interesting issue with that. Lol.



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