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Holiday Gift Guide #1: Larger Presents

So its a little too early to do a holiday gift guide... but I wanted to put this out there before Black Friday. I'll talk about some of the bigger gifts that you'll probably be able to get a good deal on for Black Friday or cyber monday. This is probably mostly tech stuff- I will put my beauty stuff on that blog!

I'm calling this #1 cause I may have more... but I may not... so thats a thing too.

Fitbit HR- This is what my sister and her fiancé got me for my birthday and I love it. I've been trying to lose some weight, if you know anyone that is trying to lose weight or is just a healthy person... this is a great one. I have the HR which I like because its on a band so you won't lose it, these are easy to lose... but this one is pretty idiot proof. Its also idiot proof in the way you use it too. I'm not that great with technology and I find this super easy to use. It was tricky for me to set up at first... but thats because I am an idiot and basically you just need to sync it to your computer and the rest comes naturally pretty much. There is also an app for this, you can compete with your friends that have fitbit and show off your badges and progress on Facebook. Great gift.

Ipad, Iwatch, Iphone 6s... Any apple products- Idk if these are necessarily on sale at all around the time of all the sales... but these are good products that would be useful for anyone. They're all fairly easy products to use if you know someone who isn't good with computers. They're good for college students or high school students. I'm recommending these for older kids only, if you're younger than High School aged... I don't think these are the right gifts. I just think, let kids be kids. They don't need devices. But for high school kids I think this is a great idea and a lot of fun. I'd say iPad would be good for someone not good with computers, Iwatch would be good for someone who likes to work out but maybe wants the watch for more than that. iPhones are just good for everyone. Laptops or desktops might be better for college students... might be a better graduation present... but all these products will last them through college... just maybe make sure there's a safe cause I've had people steal my stuff before.

Tickets to Something- This is a fun present to give because it might benefit you also. Lol. Sports, Musicals, Concerts, events. Tickets always make a good gift. Trips make good gifts too... just know where you're going and if that is something someone would like to go to. Cruises too. There are lots of people that get things like that for Christmas or birthdays... its pretty pricey... but if someone really wants that or you want to get away its super super nice. This obviously isn't like an office secret Santa thing, but it would be a good thing to give. I would recommend Something Rotten. Lol.

Keurig Cofee Brewer- This is awesome. So easy to use and there are lots of delicious flavors. It's definitely going to be something that anyone will greatly appreciate. I use one every day and I love it. Its the gift that keeps on giving. Lol.

Kindle- My dad actually got my mom one of these. If you know someone not super into the internet, but likes reading... like my mom who doesn't know how to use the internet, but does like reading... this is great. It's just a tablet for books, which is awesome.

Perfume/Cologne Gift Set- If you want one that I personally have, I got the Elizabeth and James Nirvana White Gift Set and it $75... I got 20% off too and it comes with a perfume oil, a mini rollerball and a full size of perfume. If you know someone that just likes this scent than this is good to give them... if not there are fragrance samplers from Sephora where you can try out a bunch and then pick your favorite and get a full size of that. They have  that for Cologne also. This is a super nice and super safe gift for someone.

Camera- If you know someone doing something special or going somewhere nice, a camera is the way to go. I kind of want to get one of these on sale on Black Friday or around Christmas maybe... I want one before my sister's bachelorette party. Its something everyone can use and is nice.

Blu Ray- Another thing I may buy for myself black friday. They're going on quite a good sale at Target then and I have a target gift card... so if they're online I might get this and/or a camera. Lol. These are good because they have wireless ones now that can play netflix and other streaming things, so I always think that is pretty cool.

Ugg Boots- I've asked for these 3 different christmases... and yeah I have too many Uggs but I love them, I wear them all the time... and there's just nothing like them. I like the sparkly ones and the cardigan ones. Just great boots overall, and they make a great gift.

These are just things that if you wanted to get someone something big, they'd be good. People will probably just ask for what they want... but here are just some ideas if you needed gift ideas. Some things that will be on sale on Thursday and Friday and if you were thinking of getting something for someone... these help. If you were looking for boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, kid, yourself... anyone... this may help! Nothing super original... but this is something that helps.At least I hope you find it helpful. Lol.



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