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Shannon Goes Viral: Hello by Adele Version

So Adele has a new song, and aside from it being a good song... her comeback is pretty meme-worthy. Everyone from Lionel Ritchie to Napoleon Dynamite has something to say about it... so I thought I need to do this for Shannon Goes Viral.

1) The original Music Video- Adele looking FIERCE in this video! Seriously! Her makeup is gorgeous, and its all in black and white... but damn she's crying the whole video and her liner and lashes still look fierce as ever! This is a good song and a good video too. I'm someone that liked Adele quite a bit when she was popular... but I worked at a woman's clothing store at the peak of her popularity and they played her songs all the time... and the Glee versions of her songs... so that was slightly frustrating to hear all the time. I know, my store is probably super random for playing the Glee version of things right? Lol it was good though, the Glee Christmas soundtrack was probably my favorite, from Glee at least. Lol.

Also I find it funny when all of a sudden she's outside and she screams "HELLO FROM THE OUTSIDE" and her hair is all blowing... lipstick is still fierce though. Girl still fierce as hell!

2) My lips hurt real bad, Adele- Remember that scene in Napoleon Dynamite where Napoleon calls Kit because he needs chapstick because his lips hurt real bad? In this version he calls Adele, but Adele hangs up on him and he says IDIOT! Lol. While Adele is no idiot... this is funny. I like Napoleon Dynamite a lot, so I like this. This one I couldn't find on youtube to link anywhere... but it was on my Facebook feed... so look there maybe. You can imagine the scenes mashed up if you've seen the movie. Lol.

3) Lionel Ritchie calls Adele- When I first heard the song was called Hello this is the first thing that came to mind. So Lionel Ritchie calls Adele and asks if its him she's looking for... which evidently it isn't because she hangs up on him. This one is great. Definitely a favorite... I'm hoping they do a muppets version soon. I want Miss Piggy to say "Hello? It's mua" Lol.

4) Adele Won't Stop Calling this guy- So this you tuber was apparently a wrong number, but Adele kept calling anyway. This videos a bit long... I feel like this joke is only funny for about 40 seconds, but this video was still funny and I laughed at the end too. It's just funny that this girl just calls you to bear her soul and sing her heart out and your like "yeah idk who used to have this number but..." its funny. Check it out.

5) Adele calls Ellen- So in this video Adele calls Ellen, but Ellen has a hard time hearing because she keeps playing the piano! And then Drake calls Ellen, and Lionel Ritchie calls her too! Again... this is long. Ellen is really funny though, so its still laughable after the 40 second mark... but all of these videos are at their best at around 40 seconds. Lol. Except the actual video... but yeah. This was good. Lots of product placement too, but it was pretty good cause it went with the Adele video also.

6) Adele be slayin that countour- Seriously though. Slayin. That. Contour.

This is just a great song and its always fun when there are some memes to go with it too. I think this would be funny hold music or a ringback tone, if thats still a thing. A good ring tone too. Just a good song for all things phone. I hope they Adele phones like how they have Elvis phones. That would be cool.

Hope you guys thought this was fun! Byeeee!


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