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Shannon's Scribbles 5.6.17

Monday May 1st 2017. 
I missed doing Scribbles last weekend too! What the heck! Here’s what I think I’m going to do from now on… If I get to Scribbles and The Weekly Wrap Up during the week- I’ll write them and post them… if I don’t get to them during the week… I’m not going to write on the weekends… I don’t have a problem with writing these blogs… it still makes me happy… but I would rather not write these blogs on the weekend. I don’t always have the time too… and I don’t always feel like it… so it isn’t a matter of “This doesn’t make me happy” or “This stresses me out.” I just feel like I’ll be a little bit happier not blogging on the weekends. It sounds wayyy more fun to me. 

Today I watched my niece… it is incredibly hot in the house right now! Idk why- it is the first really nice few days of the year in the state of NJ… so I guess that’s why it seems so hot lately… and I have allergies so I kind of feel bad. So that’s a thing. 

I finished watching Grace and Frankie last night… not my favorite season ever… I really didn’t like Sol and Robert’s arc… the 1776 story? Not my favorite thing ever. It was just kind of too much silliness going on and it didn’t necessarily work all together. It wasn’t a terrible season… but not my favorite thing in the world. I hope next year is a little bit better. I still love all the actors and the characters… this was just the worst season so far… which is sad. 

Tuesday May 2nd 2017 

I feel like I got a lot done today… it was a lot less than I thought it would be and I got it done later than I was supposed to… and I didn’t get to everything… But I did hold my niece and she fell asleep in my arms this morning… I managed to take all of the pictures for my instagram posts next week… I think I need to edit them now because I’ve just discovered how to get text on photos from your phone… so that’s good! It’s not as easy to use or as nice as the app I did it with… but I still like the option of doing that, that way I can watermark the pictures and explain what I’ve been using and stuff… so that is good. I’m getting a little bit more used to it now… and it’s a nice option! 

Wednesday May 3rd 
I actually did stuff today! My sister was feeling sick, so unfortunately I didn’t get to see my niece… but I did get to go to Target… which was a lot of fun! I went to the Gap Outlet too… which was funner than expected!I got some new pajamas. I went to other outlets too… only bought from The Gap, though! It was a GORGEOUS day out too! A little chilly maybe… but just really nice! I even tried the new Mint Midnight Mocha Frap from Starbucks… it was awesome! 

Thursday May 4th 

May the 4th Be With You! This is one of my favorite days… but this one was just really weird. There was an overwhelming sense of weirdness the entire day! I changed a Diaper for the First time… that was exciting and terrifying… here are some things you should know about me. Generally, I’m pretty good with kids. My niece pretty much only poops when she’s hanging out with me… I’m the poop whisperer… and also I’m not really grossed out by a lot of things… so changing diapers doesn’t gross me out much… Holding the baby terrifies me though! There are just sooo many things that I feel like can go wrong when holding a baby that I’m just like “Gahhh! I’m definitely not going to do this right.” And yeah… it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to hold a baby… people have been doing it for as long as babies have been alive and they didn’t seem to have a problem… I’m a pretty smart person… I should be able to do that… BUT I’m sure I’m not going to be the person to mess up holding a baby… lol. 

And I changed the diaper… somewhat successfully or somewhat unsuccessfully if you’re a diaper half full kind of person… lol. There’s a metaphor! But yeah… so I’m a diaper half empty type of person… so we’ll say it was successful! Everyone was fine- I didn’t get poop on me… so that was good! 

I don’t know how to transition from Poop to Tacos… so I’m just going to put a link to this song from the Ratatouille soundtrack that I’m listening to as I write this… just so you know what’s happening! Ratatouille song! 

Anyway… later that night I went out for Cinco de Mayo celebrations with my friends… we decided to do it earlier because I needed a drink earlier! Jk we thought the place would be packed on Cinco de Mayo… so we went the day before… which was good because Cinco De Mayo was rainy and kind of terrible out! But… I’m getting ahead of myself there… it was a fun night. We caught up a little it. We had fun. My friend ended up running into an old friend of hers and they had some funny stories… so all in all great night! 

It was also just kind of a weird day… everything seemed a little strange… not necessarily in a bad way… but this week was a weird one. I kept seeing things on Wednesday that were like “Ohhh that is a thing?” It could only be described as weird… and I won’t get into everything… but yeah. Lots of weird stuff going on. 

Also did I say tacos? I had a Chimichanga… there were no tacos. 

Friday 5.5.17 
Shannon Kahermanes and the blustery day! It was terribly rainy out today… did not have a terrible day however… everything was a little more normal… So that’s good I suppose. Lol. Not much else to say… things were probably kind of weird. I ate nutella french toast for lunch though! Nuthin weird about that. And I had cheesy bacon fries and really yummy chicken for dinner… it was a good food day. And now I’m writing this and listening to Pixar music… and I accidentally watched the Married Life Montage of Up… holy crap. That is one of my favorite songs of all time I think… and it makes me cry. And now I’m going to listen to David Bowie I think… and also cry! 

Oh and I think I might have a “sort of” schedule for this blog coming up soon… Sunday is Weekly Wrap Up, Monday is Chart Chat, Tuesday I think will be anything TV related… maybe Scribbles About Food or any random posts I might have. Thursday is Throwback Thursday of corse… Friday I kind of want to stick to movies, entertainment or Disney related things… if I see a movie one week I might do a review on that on a monday and then post the Chart Chat on Friday… but we’ll see what happens! I like to post movie reviews ASAP! I also might not always have a food post- might not always have an entertainment post or a TV post… we’ll see what happens. But yeah! Wednesday will maybe be more open… and Saturday will be Scribbles. I don’t think this is effective immediately… or anytime soon really… but you’ll see it happen I’m sure. I have some posts scheduled that don’t fit this format… but I sort of love the format and I want to do more of that! So we’ll see! 




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