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Scribbles About TV: Tv News: What got cancelled?

I feel like A LOT of shows were cancelled this year... and I actually did a lot of reviews on them... at the beginning of the TV season I was all set to watch EVERY PREMIERE and review each show... whether I had seen it or not... but that was extremely difficult. I did end up watching at least one episode of a lot of shows though... so that was good too I guess. I have some insight into these shows!  I'll also talk about what got renewed next week maybe because... why not?

Abc had the most casualties so let's start there 

American Crime- This won ABC multiple Emmy's and got rave reviews since season 1... but the ratings weren't as amazing. I didn't really like how season 1 ended at all... there was no real closure... all of the characters were kind of bad people... and it was just really hard to watch so while I did watch the whole first season... it wasn't that enjoyable. I heard season 2 was better (from my sister) and Season 3 got a lot of critical praise... but it's had its time I feel like and now it's done. I didn't even know it was back for Season 3 until right before it aired... and then recently I heard it was likely cancelled despite being so praised this season. 

The Catch- This is kind of a sad one to see go. I didn't watch all of it... but I liked the premise... it was a bit of a hard one to get on board with... and it was similar to White Collar I believe... but with the Shondaland twist ( I think this was a Shonda show) it's sad to see it go... but I'm sure we'll see the cast in something else! 

Dr. Ken- I gave a really bad review to this in it's first season... and I have to say- it's improved so much since then. This season was actually something I would watch and enjoy. I thought Ken's dad was funny... there were some sweet moments... and I loved that they brought Community into it. I thought they did a good job... but the ratings still weren't really there. I believe that this was produced from a studio other than ABC and that can be expensive if it isn't a hit right away... so it makes sense that they ended this show... but I have to say- I hope everyone on this show goes onto more things... I think they were very talented and the writers really improved this show this season. 

Imaginary Mary- I reviewed this show and I watched the first episode like 4 or 5 times after that... and then I never watched it again- despite giving it positive reviews. Lol. It was a pretty good show... but there were better shows on at the same time... and it just wasn't something worth keeping up with for me... so I didn't keep up with it. 

Last Man Standing- This has been the most controversial canceling of ABC's I believe. The show didn't get bad ratings... and there are several news pages stating that this was because of Tim Allen's support for Donald Trump. This is 100% not true! This show has been a "should we renew? should we cancel?" Show for YEARS! This one is not produced by ABC Studios... which does make it more expensive since it isn't a massive hit. Also Tim Allen is a pretty big star- so his salary probably costs a lot of money... plus it is an ensemble cast... so that is even more money... not a cheap show! It was on for 6 years... they've done every story they've had to do. I actually watched the show from time to time... it was watchable but it was getting kind of worse as the years go on. Also networks: Take note! If you have a show that kind of trashes millenials... millenials aren't going to watch it... and you're losing a demographic. This is not the only time I'll be talking about this! 

The Real O'Neals- Yeah... this wasn't the best show and it didn't really get any better. It's also a good concept... but its very specific in who it relates to... so that's kind of a problem. 

Secrets and Lies- I liked the first season of the show... but I predicted the end... and I liked the end of that... but they kind of abandoned the story for another story... so I wasn't really interested in watching. Sorry! 

Time After Time- This show was awful... it was kind of humanizing Jack The Ripper... who killed women... so... no. 

CBS had the second most casualties... and again... more shows I've actually watched so I have some opinion on. 

American Gothic- This is the one I'm most upset about on the whole list... I really loved the finale of this show... I didn't see it coming... it ended with a good cliffhanger and it was creepy... the cast and characters were all really interesting... I just thought it was a really well done suspenseful show. There were a lot of boring episodes and a lot of times where I kind of rolled my eyes and complained... but I wish there was another show like this. 

Braindead- This was kind of what CBS was looking to replace The Good Wife with I think... and it didn't work. There were too many things going on. It was about politics but also aliens and brain eating bugs... it looked interesting for sure... but it's a long shot for a show like this to work... and I don't think putting it on during the summer helped at all. 

Doubt- Poor Katherine Heigl... she was actually sort of in my dream last night? It was kind of about 27 Dresses getting a sequel but also that I had a fight before she got married and I felt really bad... but we were also in Judy Greer's wedding for 27 Dresses 2... so it was especially awkward. Anyway... she's probably going to stick to cat food commercials unfortunately... but I hope she gets something better! 

2 Broke Girls- This was due for a cancellation. There were moments this show was super funny and amazing... not recently... lol. It was just really getting old and unbelievable... and they weren't going to get back on track to the Cupcake business... plus they told an abortion joke in like every episode... I love the cast of this show... I think some of the writers are probably going to go onto do better things. I'm glad that Kat Dennings and Beth Behrs are BFFS in real life now... but this show was just getting bad. I thought they'd give it another season so it would have an ending... but this was bad. 

The Great Indoors- The commercials for this show also talked a lot about Millenials being stupid or bad or whatever... and I refused to watch it because to hat. I am a fan of Joel McHale... but I'm not going to watch something that makes me feel dumb because of my age... I have very little control over how old I am... believe me... so just recognize we're a demographic! 

The Odd Couple- Really bad show... it's not even funny how many times I just watched this show in silence... not even contemplating a laugh... it was bad. Really funny cast... badddd show! 

I've heard Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders was also cancelled... haven't seen that on this list... but yeah. 


Skipping around the list here because I know more of the NBC shows... so yeah. 

Aquarius- The second season averaged 1.75 million viewers each episode... that's bad. Lol. The first season NBC showed on streaming devices but then continued to air... which is a bad idea that they should have learned from Andy Barker, PI... but yeah. They didn't. They'll probably try it again... and yeah. I love David Duchovny... I never watched this show... so that tells you something. 

The Blacklist: Redemption- I watched a minute or 2 of this show once... had no idea what it was or why they did this... but it seemed... bad? I don't think The Blacklist needed a spinoff. idk. 

Emerald City- I did not know about this show... kind of wish I did or wish they had done the show right so it would be good... I love Wizard of Oz and would watch anything about it. 

Powerless- I gave this kind of a meh review... but I think I said I liked it and would continue watching it... I did continue watching it and I didn't really like it... it could have been interesting... it wasn't that great though. Not something I'm really going to miss... I liked the cast and feel bad it got canceled... but it wasn't totally terrible! 

Timeless was cancelled... but then renewed! It was one of the highest- rated shows to get cancelled... so I guess they're keeping it.

I don't think I watched most of these shows... but we'll see.

APB-  My parents tivoed this and I think they actually watched and liked the show... but when I just told my mom she said "Yeah, I can see how that got cancelled." As a television viewer... I have no idea what this show is about. The title doesn't give me any clues whatsoever... so this makes sense to me.

Making History- It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... for time travel shows that is. I wanted to watch this when I saw the trailer... but I never did... and that's kind of a disappointing way to be like "Well now you never will!" I like the guy on this show... he's really funny... I'm not a big fan of time travel shows though... and apparently no one else really is either... you really have to get something right if you're going to mess with Time Travel. Writing a Time Travel show is probably as complicated as time traveling itself.

Pitch- This is one I didn't know what it was about based on the title too. I think it was about Baseball... could have been about a man named Pitch, could have been a reality show where people pitch time travel shows to networks and the winning one gets a season of a tv show... could be about singing. Who knows! Ohhh okay it was about baseball- and ironically because of the MLB schedule it wasn't really given a fair chance... but that being said- if it was... still probably wouldn't have done well!

Rosewood- I watched an episode of this and it was pretty good... but I just don't watch Fox very often and it's not something that totally held my attention... so I didn't go back to it... but the cast was hot... they'll be in other things- don't worry. Lol.

Sleepy Hollow- I thought they cancelled this last year. My sister was a fan of the first couple seasons... but then when they switched creative directors she said it wasn't as good... she didn't know that they switched... she just said it wasn't good and I said "Yeah they have a new creative team." So... yeah. I watched a few episodes of this show... it's sort of a time travel show- so I can't believe it lasted 4 years!

Son of Zorn- When I reviewed this show I said it wasn't bad but it wasn't really my sense of humor... it was a really weird one... I couldn't watch it.

You The Jury- Never heard of this one... but it only lasted 2 episodes! Damn!

The CW 

Frequency- No idea what this was.

No Tomorrow- Ironic name right?

Are you disappointed about any of these? Happy about any of them? Let me know what you think!



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