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Blogmas Day 6: Tag Tuesday- Holly Jolly Christmas Tag

Alright so I found this tag right here! So here we go!

1) Favorite Christmas Movie? 
This is tough... I'm going to say Elf though because really... it has the best ending and it is the funniest funniest movie. And its like when I see that... I know its almost Christmas. It's such a good movie too! I laugh every time!

2) Are You on the Naughty List or the Nice List? 
Is there a "Nasty Woman" list? Lol. I think I'm on the nice list. I'm a pretty nice person... unless you bother me.

3) Show us an embarrassing Christmas Card Photo! 
We don't do Christmas Card photos... So I googled Embarrassing Christmas photos... and I didn't really want to make fun of anyone's family photos and I couldn't tell if they were serious or not... but for some reason I found this picture of The Rock... so I'm going to insert that here because I think The Rock won't be embarrassed by it.

You're Welcome! 

4) Have you ever had a White Christmas? 
Probably. One year the day after Christmas we had a terrible snow storm and we were actually snowed in for days... as were a lot of people in NJ because Chris Christie was on vacation... and this was like the first year he was in office... so yeah. If you wonder why NJ doesn't like Chris Christie much... there's one reason. 

5) Where do you usually spend your holiday? 
At my house! With one exception where my sister and I went to NY! I'll talk a little more about that tomorrow! 

6) What's Your Favorite Christmas Song? 
Hmmm.... This year I've been loving Leslie Odom, Jr's cd Simply Christmas. I think my favorite song on that is Ave Maria... but that isn't really my favorite Christmas song because I don't associate Ave Maria with Christmas... I like The First Noel on that... so I'm going with that! 

7) Do You Open Presents on Christmas Eve? 
I go to my Nana's house and open presents from my Aunt and Uncle, Nana, and my sister and brother in law. Other than that Christmas Day is present opening! 

8) Can You Name All of Santa's Reindeer? 
Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen. And Rudolph and some others too. Glisten is the one at Build a Bear. Olive the dog is the other Reindeer... I think they had a different one in The Santa Claus 2... which is the most underrated Christmas movie... and yeah. There are lots of reindeer... more than 8 tiny ones. 

9) What Holiday Tradition are you looking forward to most this year? 
My Nana's pastetsio! It's a Greek macaroni and cheese dish that is just soo sooo yummy and delicious. I love it! 

10) Is Your Christmas Tree Real or Fake? 
It is fake. We went to Home Depot the day after christmas and we got a beautiful tree! We did have a real Christmas tree one year... but its a lot of upkeep and they say they have bugs in them... so yeah. Not our thing. 

11) Hands down, what's your all time favorite holiday food and sweet treat? 
Pastetsio obviously... which I mentioned. I also do really love Turkey and Christmas dinner. My favorite sweet treat... I have a lot... Cherry Hershey Kisses, Sugar Cookie Egg Nog, pretty much any type of cookie... any Holiday drink from Starbucks... sooo many things. I know there is one obvious thing that I'm 100% forgetting... can't think of it at all. 

12) Be honest: Do you like giving gifts or receiving gifts better? 
I do get really excited shopping for other people but I do feel like there is a lot of anxiety attached to getting stuff because its like "Will they like this? Will they use it? What should I do!?" 

13) Show Us Your Tackiest Christmas Attire! 
I have a Minion Christmas Sweater. I love minions and my brother in law got me a minion ugly sweater a few years ago and I love it! It's so cute and I think its beautiful! Lol. 

14) What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season? 
I really want to go to Disney around Christmas. I've been there in November before... but I want like the whole Disney Christmas experience. And I also just saw a family on youtube Jones Family Travels and they live in Florida and they go to a resort called Gaylord Palms and they have a lot of really cool and fun looking Christmas things. That would be a fun place to visit for kids I think. And Celebration Florida! But really I love New York City at Christmas. Its just a good place to go, especially around the holidays. I always kind of love visiting there for Christmas. 

15) Does your family have a special holiday recipe you like to help make? 
Nope. Nothing in particular. My mom has a great Sweet potato recipe... the Pastetsio... which I don't know my grandmother's recipe for... and that is about it.We do have the same recipe for Chocolate Chip Cookies as Phoebe Buffay's Grandmother. Nestle Toulhouse. Lol. If you like friends you got that hahahaaha! 

16) Are you a pro present wrapper or do you fail miserably? 
This is the thing I think I've gotten most improved at out of anything my whole life. I feel like a few years ago I could barely even wrap a present... now I actually sort of can! 

17) Most Memorable Holiday Moment? 
When I was a kid I sometimes got presents that were really surprising, that I didn't know what they were or anything like that. One year I got a wand and that was really exciting. I still have that wand too... its just thoughtful things like that that sort of stand out to me. 

18) What makes you believe in Santa? 
So this tag phrased this question a little bit differently... but trust me... Santa is real! People are so nice and happy around Christmas and I think that brings the holidays to life. And when I was little I always heard bells jingling on Christmas Eve when I tried to go to sleep! It had to be Santa! 

19) Do You Make New Year's Resolutions? Do you stick to them? 
I feel like a few years ago I made a resolution to blog every day for a year... so yeah, you tell me! Lol. 

20) What makes the Holidays Special for you? 
I love seeing other people give back. At my Starbucks they have a wall filled with wishes to give to kids and families that are less fortunate... and its sad to see them ask for things like pillows, silver wear, and towels... or even last year a 15 year old girl just wanting Makeup Remover. How many things like this do we take for granted and then these people are asking for them for Christmas? But the wall never stays up for very long because lots of regular customers that go to Starbucks take down the names and buy these people what they ask for and try to give them a merry Christmas. It's a touching thing to see... and that really makes me believe in the spirit of the holidays. 

And once on Christmas Eve a woman that was buying a few things on sale at the store I worked at at the time, didn't look like she was very wealthy or anything... but she donated $10 to help out St. Jude after I forgot to ask her about it! And that is just so sweet. I hope that woman is having the best Christmas season today because I still think about that one memory all the time and it really means something. 

I hope this helped get you in the Christmas Spirit! I feel a little more cheery after that! 



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