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Blogmas Day 14: Scribbles About TV- This Is Us Christmas Episode (Spoiler Heavy)

So this is a little bit different... I might do some more Christmas Scribbles About TV... But I like This is Us so much and I've really been loving all of their holiday episodes so much that I thought I would do a whole post dedicated to the episode.

And this is the Winter Finale of the show also... so it did kind of end on a cliffhanger... and I have some thoughts on that... but it was a really good episode.

And I don't even really know where to start on describing the episode... the storyline in the past was focused on the family all at the hospital because Kate had to get her appendix taken out on Christmas Eve. Rebecca gave Kate a branch of a Christmas tree and said that it had Christmas Magic on it and nothing bad happens on Christmas Eve. Here we can see how attached Kevin is to his sister... he doesn't want to leave her side when she is being taken into the ER and he doesn't really talk much while they are in the ER. I kind of wish they focused a little more on this... they sort of abandon the "being worried for Kate" story for another story. The doctor that Delivered Kate and Kevin and nudged them in the direction of adopting Randall was also in the emergency room, and he thought he was going to die alone there because his family wasn't coming or he didn't really have family or something like that... so the Pierson's were his family for the week... and they were all in the ER with him while he was getting surgery instead of with Kate... which is weird and I feel like it might get brought up later on in the series.

Present Day Kate wasn't on the episode all that much. She went with her mom to get a consultation about Gastric Bypass Surgery... and you saw an interaction with her and her mom that they haven't really shown on the show yet... Which I really liked. I wanted to see even more of it and I was kind of upset they didn't show more... but I'm sure they'll show it next episode because of the twist at the end.

Kevin was at a Hanukah party with the woman that he slept with last episode... this seems to be Kevin's thing more or less.. He sleeps with someone, goes on a date with them and then breaks up with them... I'm hoping he stays with Sloane I think her name is a little longer because they are putting on the play together... which they discuss over dinner with sloane's kind of judgmental family... who love The Manny. So that was kinda cool. I like Kevin in New York more than Kevin in LA... I think I like the story better in NY than LA... it just fits a little bit better. I'm happy that it seems they'll be staying in NY longer...

Then Randall's father goes to a Drug Addicts anonymous meeting and meets up with Dennis O'Hare, who is a former lover of his... another pretty big, surprising reveal! And I'm happy to have Dennis O'Hare on the show! I'm a big fan of his and missed him on AHS this year.

And they all show up to Randall's at Christmas and then Kate's boyfriend shows up and surprises everyone... and then he has sex with Kate... and Randall's wife mentions he looks a little flushed. Everything seems happy. Everything was resolved in the past storyline and that ended happily... and then suddenly... BIG SPOILER! Kate's boyfriend has a heart attack... and they call 9-1-1 and the very end shows him in the hospital and it isn't clear if they were able to revive him or not... and we won't find out until January!

And Randall Bought a boat and then convinced a man not to jump off the boat... that was a really great story too.

So... wow! That is a grim end to this first half of the season! I really love that this show always ends with a twist and I think it really shows that even when things aren't great... there are still people that love you more than anything else and people that will be there for you in the good times and the bad times. They are quite an odd, unconventional family... and they are somewhat dysfunctional... but they all still really really love each other and things aren't always going to be perfect. Lots of things go wrong all the time... but you need to see the good in the world and the happiness that can come from that.

Overall, I didn't like this episode quite as much as I liked the Thanksgiving episode... but I did really like it! It was a really sweet, moving episode. It would get you to tear up... and I just think that is awesome. I like when there are more moments with the family, or at least some members of the family together... this just felt like a bunch of side stories... and it was told very well... but now that I'm trying to explain it... there really wasn't much connection between the stories and I feel like that is where the episode lacked.

Also it was directed by Helen Hunt... so I was especially looking for more moments with the women in the family... and I was a little disappointed... but it was still okay!

Byeee! Hope you guys liked this episode. If you aren't having the best Holiday season- whatever the reason be... it can be a particularly hard time- just know that you're loved and there is a lot of good in the world.


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