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Scribbles About TV: New Shows!

Sooo I'm going to have another SATV about everything in the week... but there are a few new shows on I just wanted to spotlight.

Secrets and Lies 

I didn't really know what to expect from this show. I thought the plot looked really good, but I don't really like Juliette Lewis as an actress and I don't like Ryan Philippe because I like Reese Witherspoon and who would divorce her? Either way he's very hot and the show looked good, so I watched it.

The premier was 2 hours and the first hour was pretty terrible. Not going to lie, it wasn't because of Lewis or Phillipe, who I guess I should give more of a chance... but it wasn't my cup of tea I suppose. It was kind of laughably bad, but watchable. Like The Slap I thought was laughably bad but not watchable at all. This was watchable, but also a little predictable. Not that its not good, the twist at the end of  the first episode was a really good twist... but my sister called it and I was like 'yeah thats probably it." And it was.

The second hour of the premier kind of got me hooked. It was really quite good, the big twist was revealed and then Ryan Phillipe's character was dealing with that. It was good.

I'm pretty sure this isn't how crime scenes go, I'm pretty sure its trying to copy Gone Girl and will end similarly to that... but I'm definitely going to continue to watch. Its a bit laughable, but I actually ended up liking it. So I'm grading it with a B-. I expect this to keep getting better. Definitely watch it.

The Last Man on Earth

This is pretty brilliant. I thought it might get a little boring, but I also thought if anyone could make this show really great, its Will Forte. And the show is pretty much all Will Forte and Kristin Schaal and they're both really really good in it. And its so funny and relatable. Its heartwarming and awkward, and they don't focus too much on the whole "apocalypse" angle. They don't go too much into detail they just say there was a virus and everyone died from it except these two dumb-dumbs who don't like each other. Lol. Its just really great all around. One of the most brilliant and creative comedies that just really works because of the cast and the writers. A-. 

American Crime 

I have mixed feelings about this one. I really liked it, but I didn't find the first episode interesting as much as I'm excited for the rest of the mini series. It was very well done. I thought the director did a great job, the sets were all nice and detailed and the wardrobe and make up was all real. Like it felt very real to me. The one little detail I loved was all the close ups of the hands. They have so many close ups of hands and holding hands and touching and things like that that I just thought was artistic and well done. I thought the performances were all very powerful and everyone did a great job of that.

I didn't like it a whole lot at first because I didn't love how the A, B, and C stories connected... or didn't connect really. I guess they're trying to show everyones point of view and stuff like that, but it felt a little disconnected to me at first.

There are also so many tiny details that are good to the story, but the one I thought was laughable and just didn't seem right to me was the gang members watching Revenge in the background. I get that Matt was probably killed in a revenge based thing and thats why, plus its an ABC show... but really? Revenge? How many people in gangs do you think watch Revenge? Why not Breaking Bad? Why not The Wire? Why not Scarface? Revenge??? Plus that is hitting the nail on the head a little too much.

I'm going to give this a B+. I think the series has potential overall and it will be a great thriller that everyone loves and will talk about a lot... but the premier wasn't the best thing I've ever seen. So its on par with Secrets and Lies. Its a little better because this hasn't been done on Network Television before... but its been done before probably... so yeah. It was really well done and possibly done better than an HBO miniseries or anything like that... but its been done. The Last Man on Earth? Never been done. Lol.

What did you guys think of these? Feel free to comment!



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