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It List: March 2015

This is an exciting month... I haven't been able to leave my house due to snow... so my favorites are more on the indoor side this month. Lol.

1) Keurig 2.0- I was excited about this. We got this in February and it is one of the best investments my family has made... in my opinion at least lol. I actually enjoy waking up in the morning because of this bad boy. I haven't tried many different types, but Foldgers and Gloria Jeans are really good. I have a post on my Keurig favorites right (link) if you want to see those. My favorite favorite is definitely Foldger's Caramel Drizzle. Its just really sweet and yummy and I've been loving it.

2) Bath and Body Works Cherry Blossom- Soooo for the spring Bath and Body works released some of their older fragrances that they haven't had in a while as a limited edition collection. I picked up 3, you can read about them here  but this one is my absolute favorite. I remember my friend got a lotion of this for me when I was in like 6th grade as a birthday or Christmas present or something... and it was amazing and I hadn't seen it since then. They brought it back for springtime and I am so happy. Its slightly different from Japanese Cherry Blossom because this has more of a cherry scent to me than the Japanese Cherry Blossom. Its a little bit sweeter and floral and I really like it. I also think the lasting power of the mist has improved a little or these have a stronger formula than their other sprays or something. I kind of feel like floral scents last longer on me, does that make sense? Probably not... but yeah. I love this.

3) Late Night With Seth Meyers- I usually watch Comedy Central's late night team, but I switched to NBC for a little while because I just finished Amy Poehler's book, and it just seemed like a good idea for me to watch Seth Meyers. I think after the SNL 40th is actually when I started watching it. I really like Fallon, but I have a huge crush on Seth Meyers and I love the Venn Diagrams and I think his bits are funny and his bits with Fred Armisan. Really good overall and I've just been liking it a lot.

4) Cookie Dough Klondike Bars, Doughnuts, and Candy- I believe this is new, but Klondike bars now have a cookie dough filled kind called Cookie Dough twist... and it is amazing. Ohhh my gosh! These have just enough cookie dough and chocolate and the vanilla ice cream inside... its just amazing. I cannot even describe how good these are, just pick up a box and try them for yourself.

On an unrelated note, I'm going to mention something a little more local here too and say Broad Street Dough Co's Love Triangles. I only had one of these... but ohhh my god. These are amazing. They make them fresh in the shop and they're glazed and flakey and gooey and they're a little warm when you get them and they are also undescribeably good. They have nutella stuffed ones also that I have yet to try... but yeah. If you're in the Central Jersey area and you see a Broad Street Dough Co, get like everything on the menu because its all good, its all fresh and these in particular are quite fantastic.

And I'm going to shout out some candy here too. There are Coconut flavored Twix that are fantastic. My mom only saw them once at target and never again... so if you happen to see these, buy all of them. Lol. It mixes well and tastes a little like Samoa's. Andddd Peepsters. I think I've mentioned these before possibly last year... these are peep chocolates and they are fantastic. They used to have these at Target for Christmas and Easter... they did not have this at Christmas this year and I was heartbroken... but they have it now  and they are amazing. Definitely one of those hidden gem type of candies.

5) Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt- I have a review on this show right here so I don't want to say too much about it... but I absolutely love it. Its probably one of my favorite shows and it fills the hole in my heart from 30 Rock's end... lol. Someone on IMDB said it filled the Pawnee shaped hole in their heart... but its really a lot more like 30 Rock than Parks and Rec. If you liked 30 Rock you're definitely going to like this. Its good to bingewatch or not to bingewatch... I kind of hope season 2 will be released weekly because Netflix is having another show that is going to be released weekly... it just makes me happy.

6) The Last Man On Earth- This might fill the Pawnee Sized hole in my heart. I was excited for this show because Will Forte is brilliant and he created the show and I thought well if anyone can star in this by himself its Will Forte... plus as far as improvisation goes... if you're into improv this is like a dream come true lol. I could see this being a funny one man show...

Anyway I wasn't really expecting to like this too much just because I didn't think it was really going to go anywhere... but every episode leaves me wanting more... and that is saying something!

7) Adult Wednesday Addams- This is something really cool that I didn't know existed until yesterday. I heard about this web series on Hello Giggles and Nerdist yesterday and... I knew I needed to watch it. Its really interesting because its taking one of my personal favorite characters of all time, Wednesday Addams and its showing her as an adult facing adult problems. Another cool thing about it is that it talks about a lot of feminist issues in a really funny way. Its a nice satire and I really enjoy it. You can find these on Melissa Hunter's Youtube channel which is right here. There are 2 seasons of it with 6 or 7 episodes per season. Season 2 just ended, idk if they're going to do a kickstarter or indiegogo for season 3... but probably. They're like 2 minute videos, its really good.

Another good satire that I saw on buzzfeed is the Bisexual Make Up Tutorial, which you can watch right here. It says a lot about a community that is quite ignored. I've taken classes about feminism and sexuality and we've discussed the LGBT community a lot, and they always say a lot of people don't think its fair that they don't focus enough on the Trans community, which is also true but... yeah bisexuals are ignored too. And even as a straight girl, I see the issues with this. I just appreciate a good satire and this was funny, entertaining and a good make up look tbh with a good message. Lol. Even straight people can watch it without catching cooties or anything! This youtuber is also really cool, she does all kinds of videos and her name is Amy Geliebter.

8) Minion Rush- This is a fun game. I recently mentioned it in a Throwback Thursday I believe... or it is coming up in a throwback thursday... not sure lol. I started playing this again after a long time because I love minions. Yes they changed the game and at first I didn't like it that much, and there are still some things I prefer in the old version... but I still think its pretty fun and I've been liking it lately.

9) Urban Decay Sin- This is an eyeshadow everyone and their mother loves I feel like and for good reason. I have the single eyeshadow. Its in the original Naked Palette also I believe... There are lots of dupes for it, but I love Urban Decays formula and longevity, so this is the current favorite that I like from it. I actually have a list of dupes for it here. Its titled "dupes for Stila's Kitten" but, Kitten is a very similar shade to this. It works with a lot of looks and is good for an everyday shimmery color. Its easy to apply and everything and I just like it a lot.

10) Snl Emoji's- I haven't really explored the SNL 40 app enough to have that as an "it list" app... I'll probably play around with it a little more and maybe even do an appyness on that! I haven't done an Appyness in a while... Anyway the whole reason I downloaded it was because I saw that it had its own set of emoji's. It has so many characters on it... idk all of them even. There's a Mary Cathrine Gallager, Stephon, Conehead. There are also things that it has like cheeburger cheeburger, chopped brocoli, a box with a hole in it, coffee, a spartans uniform, a cowbell, the cupcake from Lazy Sunday, the patriotic underwear, a Suck it Trebeck sign, a Simmah Down Now sigh... A Really? Sign... The Ambiguously Gay Duo being ambiguously gay... The Target lady... just so many good ones. Lol. I really like it clearly. I've been using the Stephon one a lot. My family pretty much all of my life has used some sort of SNL reference every single day... so clearly these are my most used thing.

The App is free to download. Hello Giggles gave a guide of how to get the emojis to your phone... its pretty cool.


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