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Why Queer Eye Is The Reboot We Needed

So I have to say... part of me is against all the reboots that are coming back and the re-makes of things... I just heard they're making a Legally Blonde 3 and I kind of rolled my eyes at that because of how bad Legally Blonde 2 was... that being said I was happy with The X Files.... I do continue to watch Arrested Development and the Will and Grace reboot isn't terrible.

But of all the reboots... the best has to be the new Queer Eye... which I feel like is barely a "reboot" because it is quite different than the original series.

The Original series was called "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy" and it featured 5 Gay Men known as "The Fab 5" giving makeovers to straight men... and each of the Fab 5 would focus on different aspects of the straight guy's personality. You had Carson- The fashion expert, Kayan- the Hair Guru, Jai- the Culture Expert, Thom- the interior designer, and Ted- the chef and foodie! So it wasn't just an ordinary makeover show- you got a little bit of everything- and it was really awesome. I always really liked the show and found it so entertaining... and a few years ago they actually played re-runs in the afternoon and I was so excited about that. For years I've kept saying "I wish they still showed re-runs of Queer Eye" to my mom. We both really liked the show and the Fab Five were just so great. Carson was the one everyone really knew about- he had quite a great personality and his fashion choices were so amazing. Especially when no one is really interested in Men's Fashion... this would definitely get you interested.

The original also focused on straight men in the Metropolitan area... and I think that is where the biggest difference with the newer season is. Now they travel to different areas, the first season traveled to Georgia to show men around there... which I thought was pretty great because the men in this season were really different than what I remember of the original series. The first episode is called "You Can't Fix Ugly" and it focuses on this really nice man that I would consider an "Average Joe" type of guy... he liked cars, he had a nice group of friends, he's a grandpa and he loves being a grandpa and he was just a really nice guy that they didn't really represent in the original series. On the episode he was still in love with his ex wife Abby, and now they've gotten remarried since then... which just warmed everyone's heart.

Very beautiful wedding... and I'm really happy for the two of them!

But anyway the new series has a lot of cultural differences, political differences and religious differences... I have to say I think a lot of those types of moments were staged- but I think that's important for times like right now. It kind of allowed for conversations to start and friendships to form between people you wouldn't think could ever be friends. This is important in today's day and age and... I think that's really the intention that a lot of these reboots have set out to do... but those reboots aren't reality TV and this is... so I think that there is a little bit more reality in this one also.

Besides that- I'm happy that they have kind of updated the series. I like that they aren't just making over straight men- just naming it "Queer Eye" has opened so many possibilities. As of right now they've only made over one gay man... but I'm hoping maybe in upcoming seasons they'll make over women, anyone of any sort of sexual orientation or gender identity... I think it will end up being a lot better for the show and it opens more possibilities... and I'm just interested to see more than just Straight Guy Makeovers.

And I didn't get to mention the Fab 5 in this reboot yet... who are all fabulous as their title suggests! Jonathan is the one that I think everyone will sort of "know"whether they watch the season often or not. He is the Hair and Grooming guru this season... and he has a lot of skincare and haircare tips that I've listened to quite a lot. I used to use Clay Masks like ALL THE TIME and he mentioned don't wear them right before an event because they can cause breakouts initially... so that was good to know! We also have Tan- the fashion expert... who I think makes slightly more conservative choices than Carson did... but he still has a good eye for fashion and I think he's amazing. Antoni- the incredibly gorgeous food expert that always makes delicious sounding recipes... that are for the most part more on the healthy side. He also makes sure to take into consideration what types of food the men actually like- that way he isn't feeding them something they won't eat... and when he talks about food- you can tell that he really feels passionately about it. He's pretty amazing. And we have Karamo- the culture expert... I never really understood the point of "Culture" in Queer Eye... but you can tell that Karamo really listens to what the men have to say and he gets them to do what they need to do to make their lives better. And last but certainly not least... my favorite part of the show... the home makeovers... Bobby's home designs are always out of this world. If you watch the episode "The Renaissance of Remmington" you can really see how great of a job he does. Remmington lived in a house that he inherited from his grandmother and it looked like it was straight from the 70s and he made it incredibly modern looking and absolutely beautiful and totally the guys style.

I know at the time you are reading this Season 2 has been released already. I'm only mentioning Season 1 because I'm writing this in advanced and Season 2 hasn't been released quite yet... but I'm just sort of writing this to discuss my excitement for it. Maybe I'll have reviews of specific episodes I think are important while I'm watching... maybe I'll never reference this again- but either way... check out season 1. It's an awesome makeover show and I'm excited for the new season!



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