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Search Party Season 1: Characters and Why I Love Them!

Yesterday I reviewed the first season of a show on TBS called Search Party... and today I kind of want to do a little bit of a character breakdown of everyone and I want to explain why everyone is so important. I think maybe there are some more characters in Season 2 that I don't know yet... but I haven't seen season 2 as of when I'm writing this so I'm just going to talk about Season 1 of corse! Spoilers!


Keith is a pretty great character because we still don't really know what his deal was. A lot of this season was about Dory blindly trusting things and following her instincts and Keith is the ultimate example of them I guess. She doesn't really know anything about the guy- she asks for no proof... but she trusts him and that proves to maybe be problematic... although it did ultimately lead her to Chantal. 

It also led her to break up with her boyfriend Drew... and for Drew to end up murdering him. 

So yeah maybe we will find out a little bit more about him in season 2- since we don't know if he has anything to do with Chantal or if he was just some crazy person that stalked Dory or whatever. I'm pretty intrigued by this! 


Drew is Dory's loyal boyfriend... and even in the first episode you can kind of tell that it isn't going to work out for them and that maybe they both need to grow a little bit before being in a relationship with each other or anyone else. 

And with that being said... I knew that they would break up but I did not want it to happen at all. I thought that they were really cute and he was a pretty funny character and it just felt especially tragic. 

Dory did make Drew more impulsive- which is shown when he kills Keith without much context to the situation at all. He just sees what looks like Keith about to kill or attack dory and he reacts very quickly to save her. Since we're shown with Dory as the instinctive and impulsive one in the relationship, so its nice to see that he kind of grew and changed with Dory... which I guess is what I was getting at for them to be a better couple... so again- who knows what will happen in season 2! 


Elliott is funny because he is really seen as Portia's best friend throughout the show...but a lot is revealed that brings him and Dory closer together... not in a romantic way- Elliott is gay... but in a morally ambiguous way. 

Elliott always tells a story about having cancer at a young age and how that has shaped his whole life... and that turns out to be a lie. Dory finds this out at the same time she cheats on Drew... so she's kind of the only person she can turn to and the only person that sticks by him. He also saw Drew kill Keith and immediately advised them on what to do next... so yeah. He's shady- but he's helpful. 

And even though he's mostly comic relief... I just really liked seeing his relationship with Dory. I thought it ended up turning out super interesting and helpful. He's a surprisingly amazing character. 

Also he can see right through people. He said Chantal was the worst in the first episode... he definitely knew that she was faking her disappearance. 

Portia is also more comic relief throughout the series... but she has kind of a sad story that they tell in a really interesting way. She's a struggling actress that appears as a series regular on a popular NCIS- type show and she ends up getting killed off. In the episode where they blackmail the "Nanny Daddy" you can really see that she loves acting and she is quite a great actress. 

And she's the person that ends up fining Chantal... and she actually kind of sympathizes with Chantal's very basic problems. And she hated Chantal... but it was fun to see them relate. 


Chantal is the worst... literally. She's just a very boring girl that has a very average if not above average life and she thinks that she has problems... and she just runs away from them without thinking of the consequences or what it will mean to her family. 


I already talked about Dory in yesterday's post... but I don't think I can really say enough how important to the story it is that she acts on Instinct instead of actually thinking things through. All she can think about is Chantal... so that kind of explains how she acts on impulse and how that gets her into a lot of trouble! 

And that is everything I think I want to say about season 1 right now! I'll probably talk about season 2 tomorrow if it's interesting enough... if not I'll talk about what a fun Father's Day I had... but either way- as long as I have enough to discuss in season 2 I'll post another review about it! 



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