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Tag Tuesday: The Hamilton Tag

I really like Tags now apparently. I saw this tag over here and decided to do the tag! 
1) How did you find out about Hamilton?

I heard about it when it was first out... maybe before it was on broadway? On a radio station they said it was an amazing rap musical about Alexander Hamilton and the owner of Jouer, Christina, mentioned it in one of her snapchats and I took note of that. I'm a fan of musicals, but I had seen In The Heights and sometimes hip hop and rap are a little harder to understand on stage so I was like "Well... I'll just listen to the soundtrack and see if I like it." And I listened to it in like January or February while cleaning my room during a snow storm... and then I listened to it again and again and again... and I've been obsessed ever since then and now I would LOVE to see it live. I don't think I will anytime soon... but I'd LOVE too! 

Also I didn't realize Lin Manuel Miranda did both In The Heights and Hamilton... and I'm happy I didn't know that because In The Heights wasn't really my favorite. I was young when I saw it and it was the saddest musical I had seen at that point (besides Into The Woods.) And yeah. After seeing Something Rotten I wanted to get more into broadway musicals, so that kind of helped too. 

2) Favorite Character?
This changes ALL THE TIME. Not even joking. When I first started listening to it it was Anjelica, then it was Washington, Burr, Hamilton... everyone. Right now I'm very into the Thomas Jefferson songs, so I would say him. Ultimately though, its Anjelica. I love her, I'm thinking of being Anjelica for Halloween. Girls are probably already looking for Slutty Lobster costumes and I'm like "I'm going as a colonial woman!" Lol. 

3) Character you would want to play?
Anjelica or Lafayette. I could also see being Maria Reynolds cause I can do her voice and I'd also be Peggy... and that seems fun to me. 

4) Favorite song to listen to?
This changes often too... I know my actual favorite though, but my favorite of the moment is definitely We Know. That song is so cleverly written. I just love it. But my actual hands down favorite of all time is The Room Where It Happens. That song just has a lot going for it. 

5) Favorite song to sing along with?
The Schuyler Sisters probably. Anytime I hear people say "All Men are Created Equal" I go "And when I meet Thomas Jefferson, Imma compel him to include women in the sequel! Work!" 

6) Part you always mess up when you're singing along?
I mess up a lot. "The 10 dollar founding father without a father got a lot farther by..." what? Lol. Also I can't do Eliza's voice. I've gotten better... but I'm pretty bad at being Eliza. 

7) Can you rap guns and ships?
Yes! Kind of!I need to perfect it because I want to learn the full thing! But I'm getting pretty good at it. Also My Shot I'm pretty good at. 

8) Which cast member would you most want to meet?
Lin Manuel Miranda. I would love to work with him, he's an awesome guy. Anyone really. I love Leslie Odom Jr... also Jonathan Groff and Brian D'arcy James who I believe played the Original King George and also was the lead of Something Rotten when I saw it/ the original cast... so he'd be cool to meet too. 

9) Have you seen the show?
No :( 10) Have you read the book?
No, but I think I have it in the house somewhere. My dad read it years ago I think. 

11) Favorite line in the show?

"If you got skin in the game you stay in the game, but you ain't gonna win unless you playin the game. You get love for it, you get hate for it, you get nothin if you wait for it." 

"Teach them how to say goodbye" - I'm playing this at my funeral. 

Dear Theodosia has some good ones, Yorktown. 

"How do you assume you're the smartest in the room?" 

The lines that are from Macbeth. 

"I'm a general wheeee!" 

"I probably shouldn't brag, but dag I amaze and astonish." 

I could probably list every line of every song. 

12)Five words to describe the show?
Dang, it amazes and Astonishes. 


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