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Scribbles About TV: Lets talk about that American Gothic Finale...(no big spoilers)

Okay CBS just aired the finale of American Gothic... I didn't know it was going to be 2 hours and I saw it was 10:20 and I didn't watch it... but I had to watch it from the beginning and see the whole thing because there are some people in my life that are spoilers and they would have ruined it for me... so I just sat down and watched the whole thing... and holy crap! I have had my complaints about the show throughout the season... I really think it was finding its ground and its been pretty much a great show the whole year... but this finale was just awesome. Well written and totally totally awesome! The finale was everything I wished the AHS finales would be.

Now the reveal of who SBK was was shocking... and I think I'm going to wait to spoil that for a bit. Just because there is only one living SBK that we don't know about doesn't mean there aren't other bad guys... so thats sort of a plot twist in itself. The person I thought was SBK was not correct... but that person still has questionable morals... so I feel like they did that really nicely. Its not who you think it is maybe... but maybe you weren't far off.

And I've been saying pretty much the last few weeks that I didn't think I'd be that impressed with the finale because I thought it would be an afterthought and not something they planned from the beginning. I figured they probably filmed a few different killers and then just picked the most shocking of all of them... and I thought it would be bad because of that... and while I think maybe this was an afterthought... I think maybe that strengthened it a little bit. As a writer... I feel like that is a good way to grasp who the most shocking person is. And I think they chose the right ending. I'm not usually a fan of alternate endings because typically those weren't chosen for a reason and it just seems very "why?" But I thought this was pretty great. I don't know for sure whether they did plan it the whole time or if it was an afterthought... but they did a really good job on it.

And... how terrible of a character was Garrett? Right? I get that he was there to make us think it was him that was SBK... but I did not like the episode where he was in jail. I just thought that was kind of pointless and it really spelled it out for us. The old man saying "I have congestive heart failure" and Garrett saying he couldn't say he didn't kill anyone... it just kind of set itself up a little too on the nose... but that being said... nothing else about the show really was on the nose... so they did have to give us something. And he was totally going to ditch being a dad just to be with those crazy people? No way!

I also thought that they had a creative way of explaining how the killer chose their victims and why they used the silver bell... it really did make it more maddening to the SBK accomplice that the Hawthorne family was a copycat.

There were a lot of misdirects too... and good ones. I wasn't surprised by the killer because my mom came into my room and basically told me who it was because she started watching it at 10 when the killer was revealed... but there were still quite a lot of shocks and misdirects.

The one thing I thought was cool about this show was the very VERY strong theme of motherhood throughout it, and that really plays a part in the finale big time. There's Tessa trying to get pregnant which we see in one of the first scenes, there's Momma Hawthorne and her... motherly charm, Alison with her kids, Sophie and Jack, Christina's pregnancy... its just a huge theme and I thought the way the ending worked out with that theme sort of looming over the whole series... that was cool. And there was a mother largely at play in the original SBK killings... it all made sense. Even the blind old lady that was murdered ended up being sort of a mother figure to SBK accomplice as well... I really liked the way they used that theme and sort of hid it... but really it all comes together at the end of the season... and it was in a good and creepy way. Not everything was resolved but the ends were tied up just enough to keep me happy... but still wanting more.

I really hope they do this as an anthology with all new characters next year. I think its a really clever show and I think it'll be great for many years!

What did you think of the finale? Did you guess who SBK was or any of the other people? Let me know! Also let me know any good mystery books cause I think I'm on a mystery book kick right now!

Byeee! I will have a Throwback Thursday on the movie Big Fat Liar at 11: 30am... I just wanted to post this now cause it was awesome! I thought it was HBO quality and it was on CBS... so good for you CBS! It was censored enough while still being really dark and mysterious and well told. And there were some good meta-jokes in there too... I'm guessing the writers wrote for Boston Legal and the actress that mentioned Boston Legal played the character she mentioned? I thought that scene was brilliant... I could go on and on about the casting of this too... Everyone looked alike and they worked well together and they were just great actors all around in my opinion!

Okay bye for real now!



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