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Scribbles About TV: Scream Queens Season 2

Scream Queens was my favorite show last year... so I was super excited that it was returning this year! I was also really excited that some of the same characters were back! The Chanels were all returning, Chad Radwell is coming back... there was a different killer and a different subject, but it was still the same characters and the same Murder Mystery format.

I didn't like the premiere as much as the premiere last season. It was 2 hours, there were a lot of killings and a lot of surprises and I just thought it was a really funny and great episode. This episode was also funny... it didn't have as many laughs as the Pilot and Hell Week because it wasn't as long, there weren't as many jokes packed in. Plus Nick Jonas wasn't in this episode... so it was a bit of a let down compared to last year... but I still think it's going to be an exciting season!

A lot of time was spent explaining why everyone was in a hospital now... so I didn't think that was quite as exciting... I still liked the new characters. John Stamos is in it... Taylor Lautner is in it... so I'm not really complaining there as they are both kinda hot... so I'm good with that. I liked their scenes with Chanel and Chanel #3.

I liked that Chanel was actually trying to cure the girl... but they were all still the same Chanels. Nothing really changed them while they were in the Insane Asylum... once they got out they were back to being the same Chanels.

And I liked seeing these idiots trying to be doctors and with all the medical stuff and the Chanels trying to understand it all... it was funny.

I didn't know that Kirstie Ally would be on the show at all! I thought her character was pretty cool. Same with Jerry O'connel... I just thought they made sense and they added something... which is really the same with the other new characters too. They make sense and they add to the show... which spoilers... did kill off a main character in the first episode! And I'll get to that...

I wanted to talk about Dean Munsch a little too... she's the same Dean as last season... but she seems more mysterious and sinister this season I would say. I wouldn't doubt that she's the killer... but I also think she's not going to be "The Killer" but she's "A Killer." I think it would be funny if they show her immortality again because that was a pretty funny episode last year.

I'm a little upset that it appears they've killed off Chanel #5 in the first episode... but the whole time I was watching this I was just thinking "Wow, there are wayyy too many Chanels and there aren't as many characters as last year to balance them out." So it was kind of less funny because there was just too much crazy and too much stupid going on to really focus on the jokes. It was so over the top... that I was a little relieved. I hope that she doesn't come back.

And I thought the end scene was really scary. It was obvious it was going to happen... I didn't think they would kill #5 off... but as I said, I thought it was kind of fitting... it was pretty unexpected and as I said, I was in suspense.

And the costume was kind of funny too. I was wondering what they would do this year (I've been avoiding the previews, so I didn't know if they showed it or not. ) So all in all... it wasn't my favorite premiere... I didn't love it the way I loved the first few episodes last year, but I'm glad its still on and I'm excited to see where it goes!



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