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Scribbles About Stories: The Radio Contest

A few months ago, I was having a pretty good streak of luck. Around Christmas time, my mall did a black friday type of giveaway where the first 500 or so people to stand in line got a mall gift card, anywhere from $5-$500 and they had some other gift cards and goodies that they were giving out too... and as it turned out, I won a $40 mall gift card! Then around Easter Time I won another radio trivia contest and I got a chocolate bunny filled with delicious cookies from The Chocolate Carousel... which if you haven't heard of yet and you live in Jersey... I highly recommend. They are delicious and have all types of goodies. And they're right by a Pokemon Gym! Side Note: I don't like Pokemon gyms!

What was I talking about? I wrote about 5 more sentences about Pokemon Go and I forgot where I was... oh yeah, so shortly after the Radio Contest my mom heard about this other radio giveaway where they were giving away goody bag type things filled with all sorts of stuff. The way it sounded made it seem like everyone would get something. Concert tickets, gift cards and the big giveaway was 1,000 in cash! So... we thought hey... lets try this!

So we got up really early in the morning... my dad left a little bit earlier and we met up with him. My mom probably wouldn't want to tell you this part... but I'm going to be a good daughter describing it. My mom is not a bad parker... but parking isn't an easy thing to do... so we were in this parking lot that was essentially empty... but there were cars around the mall to try to get the goody bag because you needed to drive up to get it... so everyone could see her in the parking lot. And I was out there like "a little bit this way... a little more that way..." and it was funny. My dad actually texted me saying "that was funny" because it was that funny. Everyone was watching her... and she did a good job eventually... but it took some time. So that was fun... but yeah.

So we got the goody bags... and they weren't quite what we expected. It was all just a bunch of coupons and they were all pretty small coupons as well because it was all local businesses and they were giving these out to 1,000 people. So it was very generous for them to do that... and I'm not complaining about that. We only used one of the coupons which was for a free Bundlette cake from Nothing Bundt Cakes... which I also recommend you try! That is a chain so its not like you need to travel to Jersey to get. You can get it probably anywhere... I think they have a website you can order from... I might be making that up... but check them out if you can... we got a few bundlettes so we could try the different ones... I think the lemon one was my favorite.

So yeah... not totally worth it and not really what we thought. I have no beef and no complaints... but I thought I'd just tell the story of anticipointment... I didn't coin that phrase I think I heard it on The Dis podcast... It was still fun and a funny experience but we were like "what are we going to do if we all win a bunch of concert tickets" and we didn't. That's the way radio stations get their advertisers... so Nothing Bundt Cakes sees a bunch of people using their coupons... and they do a prize or something for that station. And its good for Nothing Bundt Cakes too because we got more than just the free bundlettes and we told everyone how great it was and we'll probably be back... so its good all over!

So yeah. I might make story times a more regular thing... I can't think of too many fun stories right now... but I love doing these more personal type of blogs... so yeah!



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