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Things That Pissed Me Off This Week+ 2 Things I'm excited About 1/22/16 

So here I'm going to go on a rant about things that only mildly annoy me. Basically I'm jabbing a thorn in my side and airing my grievances, Festivus Style... So yeah. This is also really for 2 weeks cause I'm posting these every other week... so its really things that have been pissing me off the last couple weeks... but that doesn't sound right.

The Dog Wearing Pants Meme 
If you haven't seen this yet... basically its the dumbest meme of all time... and I'm including Rebecca Black and The Dress. Basically they show a dog wearing pants and it says "If dogs wore pants would it be under both of their paws and over their belly, or just over the back paws to cover their butt and tail... Ummm duhhh. Pants are just to cover your Hoo Ha and your butt... not to cover your belly... I don't understand why they need to complicate things. And like... why give a dog pants. Who started this argument because thats a weird thing to argue about... there are more important things!

I Could Care Less vs I Couldn't Care Less 
So this phrase is very off-pissing. It should be I couldn't care less, but people's argument for that is "I could care less means that you do care." I feel like I couldn't care less also makes it sound like you care. I feel like if you're even bringing it up you probably care a little tiny bit. And saying I could care less, yes does imply that you care. And really you could care less about everything... but you choose what you care about. I feel like you could also care if you say I couldn't care less because the amount of care you have will remain the same and won't be less. Get what I'm saying. It doesn't make much sense either way... don't be a dick about which one to use because chances are the person cares a little bit in some way shape or form if they are mentioning it. I feel like you should just say "I don't care" or just not care silently instead of bringing it up if you really don't care.

I hate when I'm just walking through the mall and then I get stopped by someone working at some kiosk for some bullshit skincare product. Idk why... but I've been getting stopped ALL THE DAMN TIME recently. And they have like a bad standup routine... and its weird because I've been stopped 2 times in the last 2 months and in different malls and for different companies... but they pretty much say the same things... the girl more recently also said I have slightly enlarged pores... I guess I sort of do... but my pores aren't that big! Lol. I have like one section of pores that is slightly enlarged... but not bad. I don't know why they're like "Ohhh you have huge pores" cause really I don't. They just want me to buy their bullshit product.

And it doesn't work. I'm happy with my Purity Made Simple from Philosophy, which goes on sale often and my Elf Night Cream and stuff like that. All significantly cheaper than the $90 stuff they were selling... that they said would last a year but it didn't look like it did... so yeah. I'm a little pissed about that. Lol. Don't buy from Kiosks. Unless you really know the brand... I wouldn't do that.

Also it claimed to be "infused with real diamonds" and I'm sure its not... but I'm VERY against conflict diamonds. And I would only get a non-conflict diamond... and this cream said "cruelty free" on it... which is good, but I don't want it to be infused with anything supporting war crimes...

So thats how I feel about Kiosks. I feel bad for the people working there cause that job has to be the worst... but I feel worse for the people getting tricked into buying this stuff. If it works for you... let me know... but my skin is too dry for any of this stuff and I know its not gonna change my life and it isn't worth the money.

And The One Thing I'm Excited About... or the 2 things I'm actually excited about... 

Season 5 of Arrested Development! I'm pretty excited for this! Its an amazing show and I love that they are doing a spoof of Making a Murderer and they'll also be mocking Donald Trump pretty hard... so thats always good. This is my favorite show and Season 4 wasn't totally my favorite... but it was still good and different... and this season I think will be better than Season 4. I'm obviously very excited about this.

And I'm pretty excited about the newly announced collaboration between Lady Gaga and Elton John. This was just announced and I'll believe it when I hear it... but they are 2 of my favorite singers and I'm happy they're joining forces.

So yeah! This week was slightly more positive because I'm excited about 2 things... so thats an improvement. Want to rant about your mild annoyances? Let me know!



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