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Weekly Wrap Up- 1.31.16 (featuring pictures of Mulder and Scully)


The X Files-So I was nervous about this... but also excited and I did a whole review on the premiere... but it needed a shout out here too because it was really good and I loved it honestly. It was good and I just like it being back on. Check out my review here.

The Hamilton Soundtrack- I've been talking about this one a lot too... but the music is so good! I mentioned loving Apple Music last week and I feel like I'm trying to get into other cds... but this one is just so good! I want to eventually see it live... but if I can't I feel like I have a good grasp of the characters from this musical. And I think its pretty accurate. I kind of wonder if Hamilton really wrote Anjelica a letter that said My Dearest, Angelica instead of My Dearest Angelica... that seems like it could have happened.I don't know... so that was good.

Periscope- This is weird... but a pretty fun app! There are some people I follow on youtube that go on Periscope and they hang out and show whats going on with them. I've been watching Jen Luv's Reviews periscope... I think you can find her under the name Jen Luv's. She's one of the best people to watch on Youtube. If you like watching Makeup videos on youtube, she does a makeup news show called What's Up In Makeup and its so cool and great and informative. She's also one of the nicest people and she's very nice on Periscope and she does cooking on periscope and getting ready in the morning. And you don't need to follow her if you aren't into makeup... you could because she does cooking too... but there are lots of people on Periscope and its just a great really fun app.

Sunday I was snowed in again... so I just watched TV. X Files was on. Monday same thing... and again, more X Files. I watched Seaon 1 too cause I just got the Blu Ray, which are available at target for 14.99! When I started watching X Files... there was no Netflix or Hulu and I had to buy all the DVDS and they were like $50-$60... and now the DVDS are probably worth about a dollar and you can get the Blu Rays for 14.99! So if there's some sort of time warp thingy and you're reading this in the early 2000s and thinking of buying the DVDs... just wait a little while because something called Netflix and something called Hulu will make those obsolete and you can buy the blu rays for 14.99 each! I can't believe it!

Monday and Tuesday... didn't do too much.I feel like most days I didn't do too much. Lol. I went out to dinner on Friday and rearranged my desk a little bit and I really like it! And Saturday I went out for dinner and that was good too!

Tv Highlights
Did I mention The X Files yet? Cause that was on this week.

I don't remember if I mentioned that I watched Grumpy Old Men last week... but I love that movie. I tivoed it around Christmas, it is so funny. Its kind of long... but its still really good. I loved it as a kid and I'd really like to re-watch Grumpier Old Men also because I remember when the trick or treaters come and they have no candy so they give them a stapler... GREAT movie. In the 90s I feel like the Sequels were always just as good or better than the original. Side not... I love that I say GREAT movie when all I remember is the stapler part. Lol.

I watched the movie Get Hard... and there were a lot of really really funny and great people there... but it just wasn't a good movie. And everyone in it was trying to be really funny and I don't want to insult the people in it or the people that made it or are in it because... there's a lot of things that go into making a movie and there are lots of things that can make it just not work... and it just wasn't good. I love Will Ferrell and pretty much everyone in the movie I was like "ohh Matt Walsh is in this, ohhh Ron Funchs is in this, ohhh Allison Brie is in this... " And it wasn't that they were not funny... they were super funny... but yeah. I can't recommend it. Lol. And I didn't even see the full movie.

Total opposite of that I watched 10 Things I hate About You... That movie is one of the best movies ever. And I didn't really even notice until now. Its so clever and just such a fun movie. I need to watch it over and over now... its amazing! Side Note: This movie would have the weirdest "Where Are They Now" ever. Joeseph Gordon Levitt is in it when he's just a baby. David Krumholtz who you know from every movie and TV Show ever. Heath Ledger of corse, very tragic story there... he will be missed. Julia Stiles, Gabrielle Union, both very successful. And then the guy that plays Joey started his own cult... and its a pretty weird one.

X Files Ratings have been great! They held steady the 2nd night too, I think I mentioned in the review of it that the ratings were really good, especially by today's standards. I feel like a lot of people I know watched it. And its been well received. I'm excited because I'm guessing this will mean more. People like this stuff... and it has actually been watchable... so yeah. Its nice.

Emily Blunt is expecting a second child with husband John Krasinski. In other Krasinski-news last week Jenna Fischer said she and Krasinski were "genuinely in love" with each other while on the office, while Krasinski says... not really this week. I feel like thats a weird thing to say and it made sense the way that Fischer put it... but they are both married with children, so saying "genuinely in love" is kind of a weird thing to say. But whatever. I think they have a healthy relationship and a great relationship with their Significant others.

American Eagle has featured a more curvy model in their Aerie campaign. Barbie Ferreira is the new gorgeous face and body... and fierce eyebrows of the underwear line. I love Aerie's underwear and I love that they don't retouch their models... but they have always had pretty classically skinny models for their campaign... which is fine, nothing wrong with that... but its nice to have someone with a body type more similar to mine. Although I don't think they have any sizes past a Double D on their bras... its still a step in the right direction.

Tyra Banks announced the birth of her baby boy that she had via a surrogate. I'm very happy for her, she's been trying for a while and I know she must be very happy. I think she's going to be a great mom. She seems like a very nice person.

I keep typing and erasing this because I keep writing long, opinionated thing... Barbies are now coming in 3 different styles... Petite, Tall and Curvy. I think they're doing it for the right reasons and I think ultimately its positive and the right thing to do... but also I don't think its really going to change the world the way people think it is and I can see more problems with this than the problems its solving. I think all people are beautiful, I think all the new barbies look absolutely beautiful and its a kind of cool thing... but there are a lot more issues with it but its a pretty cool new thing thats happening too. I like barbies in general. Its not like I still collect them or play with them... but they're a fond childhood memory that I'd still collect if I saw a cool one. I have a George Washington Barbie which I know is rare and valuable and its awesome. She looks so pretty but she also looks like George Washington. I think it'd be really cool to have more barbies like that. Lol. But yeah this is like American Eagle. A step in the right direction. Maybe all these little changes will cause bigger changes. So it is a good thing. But I think its also to let kids know, its okay not to look like their toys or the cartoons they watch... or even models in magazines. This may be a whole different post I think its worthy of its own thing... yeah.

Man Crush(es) of the week 
So I feel like this is going to be slightly obvious... but Scruffy Mulder and Joel McHale. The X Files is a great show... but I like my man candy lol. Thats so gross to say... but seriously they're hot! My Woman Crush of the week is definitely Dana Scully... she is like an all the time Woman Crush because she's just awesome. But for reals... I just can't with this show. Everyone is too good looking even 20 years later!

I feel like I need to post some pics here... Most of are Mulder, there is a Joel McHale one and one of Scully and a few of Mulder and Scully... so... enjoy.

Mulder and Scully from This Season. Mulder sans beard. 

Mulder from the original Series. 

Mulder and Scully this season again. 

Scully in an early season promo just Slayin! 

Mulder and Scully and the beard from this season. 

Joel McHale. 

More of Scully and Mulderbeard. 

Also I have a crush on Jonathan Groff... which has always been a thing, but somehow listening to him on the Hamilton soundtrack... not particularly the sexiest song... but definitely the funniest just sort of made me like "Ohh I kind of love Jonathan Groff." His episodes of Glee were my FAVORITE. I think he just played really well with his bestie Lea Michele and Cory Montieth. He was just really good. And he still is really good... also probably my favorite part of Frozen. Is he still dating Zachary Quinto?No. They broke up in 2013... which I knew, but I guess I thought they got back together. Ohhh well. I hope Groff goes on Scream Queens. He would be great! I could see him doing a Chad Radwell type... but I guess Broadway is more his thing. Whatevs point is I also love him!


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