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Shannon Watches Older Movies: Scream 1

So I used to do a lot of Mini Movie reviews when I was in college... but I haven't really been watching any older movies since I've been out of college so... yeah.

I also decided I wanted to watch a horror movie tonight and can't choose what I want to watch... I want something kinda funny so I'm between Scream and Tusk... and tonight I think I'm gonna go with Scream... I've never seen this movie and why not watch it now?

This movie is brilliant. Its kind of poking fun at itself and scary movies. Its very meta and tells you all the rules of scary movies, explains how they work and everything and breaks them at the same time! Its pretty cool! It was a lot like watching a long episode of Community. It was kind of exactly like Community, they should get Dan Harmon to write the next one.

And its actually really scary and suspenseful too! When I watched it a long time ago I only saw the Drew Barrymore part and I was like "Why doesn't she just put down the phone??? She keeps answering." But I can see it. The killer is kind of charming and someone that she kind of believes will kill her if she doesn't hang up the phone. She doesn't think that he'll kill her anyway and its just kind of... high school. I can see this happening in High School.

Also lots of cool people in this movie and a good representation of female characters. Rose McGowin, recently taking a stand and even getting fired basically for feminism and she could easily get blacklisted for what she said... but she didn't let that stop her! Her character was also smarter than most girls in horror movies... as were all the girls in this movie. Sure no one had a clue who the killer was... but they kind of all did. Sidney was suspicious of Billy all along and Courtney Cox knew that her moms killer wasn't the one that Sidney thought it was.

And yeah, I wish Rose McGowin was in the sequel because I really like her as an actress... but I'm glad Neve Campbell and Courtney Cox are both back! Courtney Cox is flawless. Just amazing.

FUN FACT WITH A SPOILER: So there was a scene in the movie where Sidney was running through the house with the killer chasing her and she goes into a room that is really scary looking. Its very dark, there are creepy dolls everywhere hanging from the ceiling (similar to the way that people were hanging from trees) and theres a surf board signifying that its a teenager's room. Sidney is at Stu's house at the time for the party, so this points to him being the killer and gives us more insight into his character... didn't notice that at all until I read it on IMDB! Weird!!!

Okay I wrote this in the summer and I fully intended to watch Scream 2 and Scream 3 before posting this... but I didn't get to watch them yet! I'm not sure I want to! I liked the first one soo much that I know I'll eventually watch the others... but right now the first one is so new to me I don't want to ruin it yet... lol. The descriptions sounded good but also like they could be a little cheesy... but Scream is so self-aware I don't think it'd be too cheesy. Idk... I'll probably try to watch Scream 2 tonight. I hope its still on Netflix tomorrow... I know Scream is disappearing after tonight... so idk.

I also really have to be in the mood to watch a horror movie. I want to start watching more, but I only watch them late at night because they aren't scary to me during the day... and I get nightmares, so I don't love watching them when I'm watching other scary TV shows like AHS, Scream Queens and even How To Get Away With Murder. Idk. It's just one of those weird things.

So check this movie out when you have the chance to on Netflix. If you've seen them already, try re-watching it. There are a ton of little details you may miss. If the sequels or the tv show ruined it for you... maybe don't lol.

Wes Craven was really brilliant and I thought the characters were all unique and I just overall had a fun time watching this movie. I watched this just before his passing and it really was such a sad passing.

Byeee! Happy Halloween!


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