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Woman Crush Wednesday: Harley Quinn

I'm going to be kind of honest... I don't know much about Harley Quinn at all. I know that she's a batman villain, I know she's The Joker's Girlfriend and I know Margot Robbie is playing her in Suicide Squad. That's about it... plus she may not be an "inspiring woman" the way I wanted to sort of have all these things because she is a villain... but she is a badass lady and does seem to fit that mold. Plus she's a little different in every comic or cartoon... so thats cool.

1) There aren't many female villains- I feel like comic books are really lacking in their female villains and it's pretty cool that the Batman series has so many. Gillian Flynn says she likes writing her female characters with major flaws to show women aren't perfect. Women can be just as evil and flawed as the male villains too, and the facet that we don't show enough bad women is partially one of the problems of giving these high standards for women to be perfect. We aren't all Katniss Everdeen (who is a great character... I'm just using her as an example.) Some of us are Effie Trinkett, Analeese Keating, Bellatrix Lestrange, Hermione Granger, Olivia Pope, Amy Schumer. There's no right way to be a person and no right way to be a woman... so I always think lady villains are cool.

2) She's more than just The Joker's Girlfriend- I didn't know who Harley Quinn was for a long time and when I found out who she was it was just "ohhh she's the Joker's girlfriend." But I don't think she's just a female version of The Joker. Part of the reason why the George Clooney Batman movie was bad (side note: I like that movie because of childhood nostalgia... but I recognize its not good. It's fun and funny... but its definitely a bad movie) was that they kind of just made Batgirl a female version of Robin. I like to think my female characters are more than that, and the Suicide Squad trailer and poster seem to show that Harley is more than a girl version of The Joker. I don't know much about the Batman comics or the Harley Quinn comics, but I think she has her own series too and that's pretty cool. It seems like she's really a cool character.

3) There are so many different versions of her- I feel like Harley is such a complex character, partially because there are a lot of different versions of her. There's the classic comic book, and then they have animated series versions and video games and now this movie. And its easy to see her as all these different people too because she has kind of changed as the times changed and the Batman series and its villains are still strong. And its just interesting to see how she's changed. I actually watched this video on the history of Harley Quinn and she did start out in the Animated Series and then started in the comics, which is pretty cool. That doesn't happen often either.

4) Her Loyalty- Harley is crazy loyal to the joker... which I learned after watching that video, but she's also best friends with Poison Ivy and she's loyal to her also. There aren't many best friends in comic book universes... even Batman and Robin probably don't get along that well... but Poison Ivy and Harley are best friends and that's pretty cool. Not a lot of love amongst the Batman family... but Harley seems to have a heart.

And I think that's it. That's about all I know about Harley Quinn. Lol. I'm going to see if I can find the animated series online cause that just seems good.



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