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Supernatural Season 2 part 1

In the Time Of Dying 
The first half of this I was like "Huhhhh?" It just seemed so blah compared to the incredible finale of the first season... but after that it really picked up at the end. I loved the actor that played the Demon when John first summoned him. He reminded me a lot of Travolta playing Nicholas Cage in Face/Off... which is probably the best performance of all time. I also liked the actress that played Tessa because she was good at being a regular girl, a reaper and then for a few seconds the Demon. And I really like how The Demon's personality is so prominent and consistent. I thought it was good.

Everybody Loves a Clown
Didn't like this one that much. I thought that the opening with the clown scene was creepy, but then it took forever for them to get back to that and then when they did get to it... it wasn't as good as the other stuff in the episode really. I just felt it was a little slow and weird and it wasn't all that scary... and clowns are pretty scary. There was a good twist in it and everything and its definitely a good episode for more insight into Sam and Dean and how they're dealing with the loss of their father... but it was so slow compared to that first episode that it was just a little bit disappointing. Not the worst episode, but not my favorite. Just mehh. Not good, not bad... just kind of slow. Not skippable, but not my favorite.

I liked this a lot better than the last vampire episode. Its kind of one of those things where you don't know if Dean is a good guy or if he's just a killer and this really encapsulates that Dean doesn't really know either. I loved the other hunter as like a foil for Sam and Dean. I thought he was great. I thought it was a really dark episode and they just did a really great job with it. It was great to watch after Everybody Loves a Clown... which wasn't that great.

Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things 
What a weird title... there weren't really any children... idk what I was expecting. I really ended up liking the episode though. Very scary and good. I like zombies... so I really ended up liking it. I liked the creepiness of Neal and I liked Dean's whole troubled story. Sam is such a good brother too, he really just wants to help and Dean is just being such a jerk to him.

Also lots of porn jokes in this one... that was a little weird. Idk it felt like maybe there was a new writer or something writing it. That would make sense usually there are in season 2 and season 3... but this felt very much like someone new writing it. And it was good... but it did feel like a first episode for a writer. Not bad, but its just new and the tone and characters are a little different and it makes sense and its canonical... but still. Idk just a little different. Loved the creepiness of this episode though, I thought it was cool!

Simon Said
This one was really good too. Its picking up and getting good earlier than I expected it to. This one was actually scary and there were a lot of twists. It had a lot to do with the mythology of it all and the end was very open. We don't know if Andy was good or bad... we don't know how bad the effects of what Sam and Dean found out about the other kids like Sam... we know its bad but not how bad... and we don't know if Sam could turn bad. It was like the Dean could go dark theme in Bloodlust, but this one was about Sam going dark. So really... they could go dark at any time. They could be murderers right now and thats kind of the theme of this season I feel like. Good or bad, can good guys go bad and will our good guys go bad. All good questions.

No Exit 
I liked this one because I wasn't a big fan of Jo and this episode made me like her a lot. I think its kind of funny when tv shows do episodes like "Ohhh this monster is only killing pretty blonde girls" because really, its just an excuse to get hot blonde girls on the show... and thats kind of a problem. I have to say I really find the chemistry between Dean and Jo to be creepy because they both like each other and want to hook up... but he's so brotherly towards her its kind of gross. And it made sense the way it ended... it was obvious John had gotten Jo's father killed and Ellen resented them over it... and thats just how it played out. We only get the Ellen and Jo side of the story and not the John side... so thats kind of hard to just know that and accept that as the end... but I'm sure there will be more of it.

The Usual Suspects 
This one was funny. Very Meta. References... every movie, tv show and everything ever. Its really suspenseful but it is really funny too. Mulder and Scully are referenced. The cop that they help out is played by Linda Blair aka Regan from The Exorcist, which is funny. At the end they reference that. Sam says "hey does she look familiar" and then dean says "I have a sudden craving for pea soup." And then I was like... wait something more is here and I looked it up... lol. I kind of want to re-watch the episode and see if there are more references to that that I'm missing. This was another great tone-switch type episode like the episode they had last season with the symbol that made the monster come to life.

Also... Dean is so Mulder. And he went full Mulder in this episode when he just said what really happened... which is the distinction between Sam and Dean and Mulder. They never say "It was 100 year old monster than can stretch himself to fit through vents." I just thought that was funny how Dean did that. And I love when he turns to the camera and says "I love long walks on the beach and Frisky Women" or something like that... it was funny.

I love that the show really does answer any questions about Sam and Dean too... like how are they getting away with all the insurance fraud and getting away with all the disguises... especially when Dean is convicted of murder. This was a fun and not to serious way to explore a lot of serious questions and I really liked it. It turned out really good, funny, meta and had no trouble poking fun at itself.

Crossroad Blues 
This was a good one. Really scary, really interesting and well done and I just really like it. I liked that they still commented on the previous episode... some of Dean's feelings about his dad were somewhat resolved and we saw his genuine weakness and it was really real and amazing... and also just how success has a price. There's no good way to be an overnight sensation really... unless you work hard for it. They also had a coming attraction for the next few episodes... I'm guessing there was some sort of hiatus in between this episode and the next and they wanted to keep you interested in it... and yeah. The shows coming up look good. I'm excited to figure out more about Sam's thing. That's pretty cool.

That is one great cliffhanger! This was a good episode. At first, once everything was done I was like "woah that's it? That's a cop out?" But then we find out the demon was just testing Sam to make sure he was immune because he has plans for him. This reminded me a lot of the episode of The X Files called Ice... which is on most people's Top 10 lists and if you want a scary stand alone episode, thats a good one to start with. It was oddly more peaceful than that episode because no one was arguing once people got infected... but also they just kind of killed people right away without asking any questions, and on The X Files they didn't do that.

Lots of twists in this one. I was a big fan of it... and then it ended on a cliffhanger... so excuse me, I gotta go watch the next episode! Lol.

Great follow up... not what I was expecting Dean to say. This one also ended on a Cliffhanger that I don't think will be resolved for a little while. Really scary, really great way to bring back the other hunter and to kind of keep in mind that there are lots of other hunters out there that might even be hunting for Sam. It was filled with twists and turns... I really liked the Funkytown thing, I thought that was funny and a good codeword for Sam and Dean... and I just liked it.

And that was a good and scary way to end the first batch of Season 2! I really liked this one it was fun and scary.That was a big twist that I didn't see coming, but I did wonder why the mom only addressed the one little girl and not the other. If I were paying attention a little better I probably could have picked up on that because she mentioned Tyler about a million times and never mentioned Maggie at all. I think its funny that this time the hot, single Mom wanted to bang Sam instead of Dean. Lol. I feel like the theme of last season was that Sam and Dean investigated things with hot single moms and I was pretty sure Dean banged all of them! Lol. This season its Sam! And the underlying theme is that these guys have a dark side.

So far loving this season. Its a little more exciting than Season 1 even... but I think I like the stand-alone episodes in Season 1 a little bit better! I'm excited to see how this all ends and see what's in store for the next seasons!



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