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The Great American Horror Story Re-watch: Every Season Episode 2

So keeping up with the AHS Rewatch theme... I'm re-watching all the seasons but week by week and episode by episode and just giving a recap of what I think of the episode in the current season. This is just for me to try to connect different things and piece together how everything is related. I'm going out of order with the seasons and... yeah. Its just kind of a fun and different way for me to enjoy one of my favorite shows.

Boy Parts 
I started off with Coven this time because I didn't want to watch anything too scary right now... and Coven is probably the least scary season and... this episode is sort of on the light side too. I don't like the Frankenstein thing... I feel like this was a terrible misuse of Evan Peters. Ryan Murphy said he was good with physical acting... meh. I feel like Max Greenfield would have been good in this part! But yeah... no. I really like Cordelia, but at the start of the season, she's not nearly as good a character as Lana Winters. I think she has great chemistry with the guy that plays her husband though and its interesting to see the variations of chemistry with the different actors. I didn't think her and Evan Peters had great romantic chemistry last season... but I thought in Asylum they were a great pair that were just exciting to watch together onscreen. I'm excited to see her this season with Max Greenfield and it looks like maybe we'll see her with some of the other men also... not sure. Pretty interesting though.

Also love Emma Roberts in this role! I'm really happy that she's on the show again this season and I love her on Scream Queens. I didn't love her as Maggie last year...but she's amazing at being bitchy and its just fun to see her that way. I like Misty Day a lot also. I think she's my favorite of all of Lilly Rabe's characters too... although I'm excited to see her in Hotel... idk if her character is on tonight... but that would be cool!

Yeah. Good Second Episode. Kind of a good follow up to Bitchcraft, we got to learn a few more things, although I have to say... all kind of predictable. Not just because I've seen it before, but Madam Lalaurie being upset because her daughters are dead... not hugely surprising. Idk. Good not great.

Chutes and Ladders 
Ohhh I get it cause of the hidden chutes. The disturbing part of this is that Evan Peter's character is based off a real person. This episode was horrifying. I almost watched this home alone... but that didn't end up happening and I'm really glad about that because this one was dark. It was good though. We saw more of The Countess, we found out what happened to Max Greenfield. The Cops Daughter found her brother... a lot happened in this episode. We learned all about the hotel and Evan Peter's character and it was shocking and disturbing and horrifying and amazing. I think Evan Peter's may be the scariest character on the show so far. Other than the killer Santa... he might be the scariest. It was good.

Murder House 
Home Invasion
I decided to watch Murder House next because Hotel could also be called Murder Hotel. Also random, and I'm sure everyone knows Murder House=Season 1. It isn't officially subtitled Murder House, but thats the setting and that seems to be what the cool AHS kids call it, so thats what I'm calling it.

This is one of the best episodes of the entire series I think. And there are so many things that I totally didn't notice the first time seeing it because this is the season you really had no idea what to expect or what was going on. I didn't know Tate was Jessica Lange's son at this point, I didn't know that he was the one that had sex with Connie Britton and it was his evil baby that she was carrying... like when she says there's something wrong with the baby... thats kind of what that is. I forgot Kate Mara got an abortion or that her character seemed totally normal at first... The cupcake with the stuff that makes you sick in it, the fact that the girl knew who Tate was... there's a ton you miss the first time around because you couldn't possibly predict this season at all. It was really good.

Tricks and Treats 
This makes more sense after watching Dr. Arden in Freakshow. We know that he cut off Elsa's legs and that explains the disturbing pictures of women that the prostitute found when she was with him. They really made it seem like he was Bloodyface and I think I even thought Kit was at the time... and they really made Zachary Quinto's character seem likable and they did a good job with that. It makes more sense now that I know the end that the demon was channeling his mother and it almost gave away his secret... and he seems so progressive and level headed compared to everyone else. I think in the 2nd episode with him, I knew he was Bloodyface, but it was just a wild guess and a fact that I didn't really trust him that I was like "he's bloodyface." And honestly one of the best twists in AHS history. I feel like a lot of the twists are predictable... even though I may have guessed this twist... I don't think it was really that predictable at all. It was just kind of a lucky guess. I want to write for tv... so its pretty easy for me to predict endings... and I'm right pretty often.

Dr. Arden reminds me of Mr. March a little bit too... idk he's just creepy and he likes dismembering people and stuff... so yeah.

Freak Show 
Massacres and Matinees 
This one wasn't bad. If I were to rank all the episode 2 episodes, this might be at the bottom though. I think as far as the 2nd episodes go, my ranking from best to worst is Murder House, Hotel, Asylum, Freak Show and Coven. This one had one of the scariest opening scenes of the series... but it wasn't quite as interesting throughout the episode. It still felt like the first episode to me where they were introducing people and it was good with the plot and everything... but not the best. With Coven I thought it was pretty good but I think a lot of the plots they set up didn't have as great payoff.

Anyway back to what I thought of this episode. I like Angela Basset's character a lot, I wish they used her a little more or a little better. Francis Conroy is amazing and I think that she and Dandy help make the season for me. Without those two character I think it would feel kind of disconnected and I think they do a good job at that.

I like that we're seeing more of Dot coming out of her shell. Her character changes quite a lot from the first episode on and I think this is the episode where she really establishes her changing and being different than her sister.

Favorite Characters 
I thought it'd be fun to kind of talk about all the different characters that we've met so far with the recurring actors in the series.

Evan Peters- Evan Peters is the big one that everyone is talking about this week. His character actually makes Twisty look cute... thats how scary he is. And he's super hot so it is... conflicting. Lol. I think my favorite character from him is definitely Tate. Until this episode... Tate's been the only character of his that I've liked... and he is a great actor, but I didn't like the alien thing in Asylum, I didn't like Kyle, Jimmy Darling was okay but he was a little boring and just kind of annoying... so yeah. I really think he's doing a great job as Mr. March. They could have easily cast him as Donovan or the male model and it would have been pretty boring... but I thought he did a great job, and I might end up liking him more than Tate... but Idk really. In order I think so far Tate, Mr. March, Kit Walker, Jimmy Darling and then Kyle would be last.

Sarah Paulson- This is a tough one! She's always such a great actress and we often see the world through her eyes kind of. I don't really remember her character from Murder House... so I'm not going to include her. I would say Bette and Dot are probably my favorites just because it really does seem like 2 actresses are playing her. She did such a good job as Bette and Dot that I don't think any other actress could really pull that off. And Bette and Dot did have a really good arc throughout the show. All of her characters are good. I can't even pick a favorite or least favorite just cause I like them all. I didn't think Lana had that great of an arc at the end of Asylum... so maybe she's my least favorite... but I don't know. They're all good. Hypodermic Sally is really cool but we don't know much about her yet so I don't really want to include her or not.  Also I just love that American Horror Story can't just name someone Sally, she needs to be Hypodermic Sally. I think that's hilarious.

Jessica Lange- This is probably the hardest. Again all of her characters are really great. I think Fiona might be my favorite for her just because I really liked Coven and she was bitchy and hilarious and just amazing. I think my least favorite is Elsa Mars, who I really really liked and that whole season I really liked... but just compared to everyone else, I just didn't totally love. She's a lot like Fiona. I just didn't find her that different from anyone else.

Lilly Rabe- Lilly Rabe only has 3 characters to choose from. All really good, she wasn't in Murder House that much but I loved her character there. I thought she did a great job. I really like Misty Day though, she is one of my favorite characters and I just hate that (spoilers) she gets trapped in hell. It just doesn't seem fair. But yeah, great actress and I really liked her.

Kathy Bates- The only character I didn't like of Kathy Bates was Ethel. She just wasn't my favorite and if they kept her around a bit longer, I still don't think she'd be my favorite. That's the thing with AHS sometimes when they get these good people they want to keep them, but they don't always have a part that is to the best of their abilities. And her Baltimore Accent really serves no purpose other than Kathy Bates trying hard to kind of expand her character, I think anyway. That being said, I like Iris a lot. I think she might end up being my favorite of all of her characters. She's just a good character. I think she does a good job of being a mom to Donovan, but also is kind of a villain when she ties up the girls and she seems like she's the moral center of the group... it's just kind of cool. I like her this year so far. She was good on Coven too... but not my favorite character on coven at all.

Francis Conroy- I don't even know how to pick for this one... she's always so amazing. I really liked her character in Coven, and as I said, I think she and Finn Wittrock did a good job in Freakshow of kind of bringing the show together... I honestly really liked her in Murder House though. I think she did a really good job and she was creepy and mysterious and kind of annoying but overall kind of a good guy... I don't know I really liked her.

Those are all the people I'm going to talk about right now. I'll get to the other characters like Emma Roberts, Zachary Quinto, Finn Wintrock and some others later. There are so many characters that we just don't know about this season or even in previous seasons so far as I've watched. I need to re-familiarize myself with a lot of it because there's so much I don't remember.


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