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The Great American Horror Story Rewatch: Every Season Episode 3

Alrighty Episode 3 of every season! I'm trying to watch them in order this time too. I was going to do the Halloween 2 part episodes together, but they don't quite match up every season... so yeah.

Murder House 
Murder House
I kind of love this episode. I think its spooky at the end when Ben builds the Gazebo and Francis Conroy cries because she feels badly for the girl. This is the first appearance of Lilly Rabe, who is great on the show and in this season she's really great. I loved finding out about the history of the house and how it was built and everything. This also has strong connections to Coven. Dr. Montgomery has a Frankenstein complex, Madison Montgomery has a little bit of a frankenstein complex as well. Its just good.

Sister Mary Eunice being possessed is really quite scary. And I remember being disturbed by the fact that she kills the Mexican woman. It's even more disturbing that it will later be blamed on Pepper who is completely innocent. This is the episode where I was first suspicious of Thredson. I guess this is only his second episode too. It just seemed convenient to me that he knew what happened to Lana's girlfriend. And he told her that he didn't want to disobey Sister Jude... but he and Sister Jude don't get along. So its very manipulative and you can tell. I also thought Jessica Lange was great in this episode. You really get all of Sister Jude's story pretty early on and that's cool.

I didn't realize that the stuff with Shelly becoming one of Dr. Arden's experiments happened this early either. That's the Frankenstein part of this season I guess... which I guess so far every season has had a Frankenstein thing if you count Dr. Arden in Freakshow as well. This was a scary one.

Also this aired around the time of Hurricane Sandy... Idk if I saw it before or after the storm, but that made it a little extra scary too.

The Replacements 
Ohhh I just got this title and I like it. This has always been an episode I really liked. I remember seeing it and I was kind of shocked that Fiona killed Madison... and thats something I think American Horror Story likes to do, but then they can't get rid of all the main cast... which is what it seemed like they were doing this season so they brought them all back too often with little explanation. In Freakshow they tried to improve on this... but they killed too many main people too early and didn't bring them back until it was too late. So hopefully they find some sort of middle ground there this year. Kyle's mom is creepy right? She's the maid this year and she's wayyy better in her role this year. I feel like the only thing this episode is really missing is Francis Conroy who is always amazing and they could have used her a little more I think.

There are also some really great shots in this episode. I liked the director a lot. There was one shot of Fiona eating with Madison and they're both shown eating outside but we see the inside of the restaurant like we're looking out the window... so Madison and Fiona are framed inside the window and the window says something about we don't have enough time or something about making the best of the time you have. Its a really ominous quote knowing the fate of both women... and even not knowing it, at that point you know that Fiona is dying because a new Supreme is rising and Madison may be that supreme. I really liked it.

Edward Mordrake pt 1 
I was excited to see this one. Edward Mordrake is probably one of my favorite characters on AHS... I just thought he was really cool. I'm not quite done watching the episode yet, I wanted to write a little something about it before watching the new episode because I was really trying to put these in order this time. I think the conclusion to this is better than this episode... but I still like it a lot. I just think its really good and scary overall. Dandy is scary. I love Patty Labelle and she's amazing in this. Another famous Patty, Patty Lupone was in the episode of Coven. Both great. I'm liking the guy that played Edward Mordrake a lot this season too. I think he's good.

I don't love the Ethel, Del and Jimmy story. Or Maggie Esmerelda. Especially since its very obvious Del is Jimmy's father and he seems completely oblivious. Ethel could just shave her beard... I don't see what her big grievance is lol. If they had made it a point that it grows right back I'd feel a little worse for her... but really.

And what an exciting end too! I already can't wait for next week... even though I already know what's going to happen! Lol.

I thought this one was really good. I like the whole "mommy" theme of it. Its like AHS: Mother's day. I liked the end. I like Chloe Sevingny's character... I kind of feel like she's the 10 Commandments killer. I didn't like her before this episode either, but I think she's an interesting character and she's a good person to play it. Max Greenfield was back for a little longer, that was pretty cool. We finally get to see Angela Basset. I thought her story was cool. Elizabeth Taylor is such a nice change of pace for Dennis O'hare. This is the first likable character I've seen him play, other than in The Proposal. I thought it was good all in all. Not my favorite of the season so far... but good! I liked seeing a little bit more of Sally... still not too much, but we kind of understand most of her story now.

Binge-worthy Award 
So this is a little different since I'm not bingewatching the episodes I'm going to judge what I think is the most binge worthy episode because at the end of all of these I was pretty much like "wow I can't wait for the next episode!" This doesn't mean it was the best episode... I think the best episode was Murder House and I didn't necessarily feel like that while watching it, I just thought that finding out about the Murder House was cool.

I'd say I'm most intrigued by Edward Mordrake part 1. Obviously, its a 2 parter so it was designed that way... but this was a pretty suspenseful episode and I know the conclusion... but I really like how it was concluded. Its one of my favorite AHS episodes... so yeah.

Then I would say Coven. I really liked that episode too, I remember watching it and I was like "they keep killing everyone off! That's really exciting! So I liked that one a lot too and I don't totally remember what happens on Coven, so I'm intrigued by that.

Third I think is Asylum. I remember watching this, and maybe because it was either right before or right after Hurricane Sandy, but I remember really wanting to know what was going on... especially because that's when I started suspecting Thredson. I wanted to know his deal. I feel like Thredson was such a big reveal... but I think even at the time I knew it was him from this episode... so maybe that wasn't as great... but I liked it. I felt like I knew what was going on... so I felt good knowing that's what it was.

Fourth... possibly slightly tied is Murder House. I don't know if I was really anxious to see it the first couple times I watched this. I don't think its as suspenseful as the previous episode... but I think at least the second time I watched it I thought it was good. And I'm excited for more now... so yeah. I know the Halloween episode is coming up too... so that might be part of it. Lol.

And last is Hotel. I really liked the episode, but it didn't completely leave me wanting more the way that the others did... and keep in mind, I know what happens in the other ones... so I feel like this one is maybe my least favorite episode so far. I think having a 90 minute premiere and 2nd episode just made me feel underwhelmed. Idk it wasn't my fave and its been so good so far.

That is it! I hope you all enjoyed it... this isn't easy to do lol. I think I've found a pattern, but its not that easy to watch 5 different season of a show in one week... lol. I'm feeling a bit of pressure. I might do every 2 weeks or something soon... idk.



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