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TMI Tag - Your Mom joke edition.

I saw this on youtube... so I wanted to do it here. I changed some questions to make it more blog-friendly instead of youtube friendly.

1: What are you wearing? 

A t shirt that says make cupcakes not war and really comfy sweatpants from American Eagle with a whole in the crotch... well not really the crotch but close enough. Pretty picture I know. 

2: Ever been in love? 

I love puppies does that count? 

3: Ever had a terrible breakup? 
I wouldn't say I've had a terrible breakup. I've only ever had one breakup because I'm obviously super successful with relationships, and it was pretty bad not gonna lie.

5: How much do you weigh? 

A kagillion pounds. 

6: Any tattoos? 

No. I don't ever see myself getting one, I'm not really a tattoo type of person. I just don't think it would look right on me. 

7: Any piercings? 

Just my ears. Only one piercing. I almost want to get my bellybutton pierced but that sounds painful and I don't usually show my belly to people... I mean I wear bikinis but thats only because my boobs fall out of regular bathing suits... sooo.... yeah. This is the way TMI tag. 

8: OTP? 

Ben and Leslie, April and Andy, Rumbelle... and thats it I think. 

9: Favourite show? 

Arrested Development. It isn't even a contest. 

10: Favourite bands? 

I love me some David Bowie and Lady Gaga but they aren't really bands. In High School I was allll about Fall Out Boy, Cobra Starship, Panic at the Disco and The Academy is. I think my favorite out of them right now is Panic and older Fall Out Boy (their new stuff isn't bad tho.) And I really like The Lumineers. I'm still going to have to say Fall Out Boy though. If you're around my age, you probably either love them or hate them so you can relate hopefully. 

11: Something you miss? 

Lucky Dog <3 

12: Favourite song?

Soul Love by David Bowie. It is beautiful. Listen to it now. 

13: How old are you? 

I don't know about you, but I'm 22. I'm so happy that joke worked out... people seriously think I'm younger though! I don't think I look younger than 22... well not younger than 21. 

14: Zodiac sign? 

I am a Libra. I feel like most of the traits are pretty legit. 

15: Quality you look for in a partner? 

Sense of humor. I can't be with someone that doesn't get my sense of humor. If a guy doesn't like Arrested Development, Parks and Recreation or Demetri Martin... he's out of the question. And Louis CK too... but I don't know anyone that doesn't like Louis CK. 

16: Favourite Quote? 

"Give me all the bacon and eggs you have." - Ron Swanson. 

17: Favourite actor? 

JGL probably... yeah him. Also James Franco and Andy Samberg probably. Actress would probably have to be my queen Miss Tina Fey. And Amy Poehler. And Mindy Kaling and Zooey Deschanel. You get the point. (also Nick Kroll and Will Ferrell and Bateman and Arnet...) 

More serious actress though Meryl Streep. 

18: Favourite color? 
Pink, but I also really love purple and teal blue. 

19: Loud music or soft? 
I love going def at concerts but I'm a softer listener all in all. 

20: Where do you go when you're sad? 

Shopping. It's bad. 

21: How long does it take you to shower? 

It depends on if your mom is in the shower with me. Waaaaaatttt! 

22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 

I usually wake up and go "ohhh shit I have to go to class" and rush out the door. Well not really. I usually watch youtube and stuff like that but no. 

23: Ever been in a physical fight? 

I punched my sister on Christmas... yeah thats as bad as it sounds. 

24: Turn on?

Guys that smell good. 

25: Turn off? 

Douchebags mostly. 

26: The reason I started this blog. 
I write things and I thought why not do them in a daily blogish type of thing. 

27: Fears? 

Spiders and other gross bugs. 

28: Last thing that made you cry? 

Probably that Budwiser commercial where the dog becomes friends with the horse. OMG so cute. 

29: Last time you said you loved someone? 

Your mom last night. 

30: Meaning behind your Blog Name? 

I write about life and things that I think are relevant to my life and should be relevant to other peoples lives. 

31: Last book you read? 

Stuff for class. I have honestly not been in a book reading mood lately at all.I mean I'm getting back into it, but I haven't finished a book in a long time. 

32: The book you're currently reading?

Orange is the New Black. I'm not very far in but I want to start doing book reviews on here too! 

33: Last show you watched? 

E! News. Thats embarrassing lol. Before that Bob's Burgers. 

34: Last person you talked to? 

I texted my mom. 

35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? 

She gave birth to me and sometimes I live with her and we hang out sometimes. Lol. 

36: Favourite food? 

Penne pasta with vodka sauce. If you have not had this what are you doing with your life? I was like you not quite one year ago... and then I tried Penne Vodka and I was converted. It is my reason for living and I love it. 

37: Place you want to visit?

Italy (see above). Also Greek because I'm Greek and stuff. Also some places in America... haven't been to too many other states. 

38: Last place you were? 

The kitchen. 

39: Do you have a crush?

How adorable is Adam Brody! And he just got married to Leighton Meester! Ughhh so jealous but they are also so adorbs. 

40: Last time you kissed someone? 

Your Mom last night. 

41: Last time you were insulted? 

idk... probably sometime somewhat recently. Ohhh okay I kind of think I know. I always take personal offense whenever someone insults Lady Gaga and someone insulted Lady Gaga in front of me and I was like "no." 

42: Favourite flavour of sweet? 

Chocolate. I also like peanut butter and s'mores. 

43: What instruments do you play?

I don't. 

44: Favourite piece of jewellery?

My grandmother gave me an opal ring and opal is my birthstone. I don't wear it a lot because I'm nervous I'm going to loose it or it'll get stolen but I love it. 

45: Last sport you played? 


46: Last song you sang?

 I think it was something by Lorde last night. With your mom. 

47: Favourite chat up line?

"Hey if one of your legs is Thanksgiving and the Other is Christmas can I visit between holidays." It's pretty bad but also makes me laugh. Also "Am I making you uncomfortable." Always a classic. 

48: Have you ever used it?

Lol neither. 1st one was sorta kinda used on me, 2nd one I heard in a real situation. I'm probably going to use that one some day. But not on your mom, she's super comfortable. 

49: Last time you hung out with anyone? 

Other than your mom? A while ago. With all this damn snow I've barely left my room. 

50: Who should answer these questions next?

Anyone that wants to. Also your mom.


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