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Throwback Thursday: Tangled!

So this isn't much of a throwback... but I haven't seen it in a while... so Throwback Thursday!

This is one of my favorite movies... definitely from Disney possibly in my Top 30 movies I'd say... maybe a little higher than that.

I'm not sure why... but I feel like I'm not unlike Rapunzel. I used to always have long tangly hair, and now I cut it short... but also personality wise... idk why, I just connect with her more than any of the other princesses. She's smart and sassy, but still doesn't totally believe in herself, but she befriends and loves everyone she meets.... I feel like I'm like that. Maybe that's being to positive... but not really because of the whole "doesn't believe in herself thing." I dunno. Not trying to toot my own horn... but I'm Rapunzel. Lol.

And this is a really underrated movie too. I don't think it was even nominated for Best Animated Feature and it was brilliant. I love the music in it too. The scene on the river is absolutely gorgeous...and honestly, I like it wayyy more than Frozen. Frozen I'll be getting too soon... I've already watched it a second time and I'm going to watch it again tonight because its on ABC... but yeah. I'll have that maybe in the next few weeks about Frozen... cause I actually like it now.

Also every time I watch this, I keep hoping Mother Gothel will be less wicked... and each time, she's even more wicked than the last time. It's just that she only loves Rapunzel's Hair. When she says "I love you most" she's talking to Rapunzel's hair... Rapunzel really really loves her and she's just using Rapunzel for her hair... and won't even really let her talk. I think she's charmed by Rapunzel and I think she has some love for her... but overall she really is just using her for the hair. And that makes me sad.

She has an ambiguous demise too... not sure if she's dead or what really happened to her... which makes me wonder if there will maybe be a sequel? Probably not, they did Tangled Ever After and now they're doing an animated show... so probably not... but yeah.

And Mandy Moore. Not sure why, I love Mandy Moore though. She's an excellent singer, I love her acting... I've weirdly seen most things she's been in and loved them all. Zachary Levi is also in this ad Flynn Rider... So good! Also Brad Garret, Jeffrey Tambor and Paul F Tompkins have cameos in this movie... which is really cool! If you're into comedy... you probably recognize at least one of those names! Very talented voice actors too!

I didn't even get to Flynn Rider. I like how Flynn is sort of Aladdin, but he's a little bit less lovestruck with Rapunzel... its more of a gradual love. You can tell he thinks she's pretty at first, but he really gets to know and love her... whereas Aladdin just kind of lovestruck with Jasmine right away and he did fall further for her... it was still good. Aladdin is my favorite Disney Prince... but Flynn Rider is quite similar and a close second. Really love him in this movie.

And it's such a beautiful movie! The floating lanterns, Rapunzel's hair, the use of chiaroscuro... which is the shading of light and dark which this movie does A LOT of and its really beautiful and means something and it just adds a level of brilliance to this movie. It is sooo soo pretty and just well made.

So yeah... still love this movie. Always going to be a favorite... it's just a lot of fun!



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