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Chart Chat! 2/6/17

Alrighty... another chart chat here! I know I said I'd have a Jane The Virgin Recap/ Reaction today... but I think I'm going to save it until Friday just in case people are a little behind on watching it because there will be spoilers... so please watch the show first and then come back here to read my recap Friday!

10) Lion- This movie looked really really good. Dev Patel is in it... I really like him! I loved Slumdog Millionaire and this sounded like an interesting story also. Nicole Kidman is in it too... it just looked like a really great movie.

9) The Space Between Us- This is a weird movie... why do so many science fiction movies want to keep humans hostage on Mars it seems? This looks interesting but there's a lot going on in it for a movie... also the title "The Space Between Us" is kind of too much... they don't even play the Dave Matthews song in the previews... idk it looks a little too familiar and a little too over the top for me... it's the movie equivalent of the new Jack The Ripper time travel show with the Cyndi Lauper song as a title... yet for some reason they play "Don't Stop" by Kesha in the tv spots for that... anyway yeah this looks like a great way of storytelling and a powerful story... but it just looks too much for me... it looks bad. I'll see it when its on TV but there are too many of these "let's live on space" movies and this one looks different... but it's just not quite there.

Also he freaks out when he sees a horse... He's raised by scientists and they never show him what a horse looks like? Lol. Please let me know how you liked this if you saw it... I just can't really imagine it being that great. Here is the trailer... you should probably watch that to make more sense of what I just said in this little blurb.

8) xXx: The Return of Xander Cage- I talked about this last week... but the original xXx movie was released in 2002... so it was released 15 years ago? That's crazy. Someone born 2 years after the release of the original is now old enough to see this movie without parental guidance. (the movie is PG-13) ... so yeah that's a little crazy. I also feel like Action movies can get away with this pretty easily. They're easy to make and make money... even though this wasn't #1 on the charts or anything... it's still done pretty well and it'll probably do better worldwide. Plus Vin Diesel... yeah. This is good probably! Not my thing, but I'm sure people will love it!

7) Sing- I want to see this! I'm happy it's still out!

6) Resident Evil: The Final Chapter- What I said about xXx only for this... plus Resident Evil is a video game too I think... and Idk if gamers necessarily like the film adaptations of the games... for the most part it seems like they are pretty low on the charts despite having a great following... but this is The Final Chapter so I'm sure it's good. If I had seen any of the other Resident Evil movies I might be more intrigued... but I know nothing about this. Again the original came out in 2002... sensing a theme here.

5) La La Land- This movie looks really good too! I'm intrigued... I really want to see the movie so that I can listen to the soundtrack, because I'm sure that will be something I'll want to listen to a lot too!

4) Hidden Figures- I know everyone is favoring La La Land to win... but I'm wondering if this or Moonlight will end up winning. I think this looks like something I'm more interested in and I think Moonlight looks like a better movie than this or La La Land... but this is already kind of winning at the box office. I have a feeling this is something people may be seeing in big groups. I could imagine a lot of college classes requiring to see this movie... or even high school classes and possibly churches too. Plus I can't see who wouldn't want to see this movie. It's an incredibly fascinating story that no one has ever heard of before! And I'm sure there are lots of other stories like it... so I'm pretty intrigued. It looks great!

3) A Dog's Purpose- I think I'll see this when it's on TV. Maybe not... idk it just looks so sad. I can't get through watching the previews without bawling my eyes out.

2) Rings- This is one I sort of think looks good. I liked the original Ring movies... but they were kind of the same movie. They don't have a ton of plot... but they're scary. This one looks different. A 21st century version...and I think the other 2 movies were made in the 21st century... so that shows how dated they probably look now. Lol.

1) Split-Again at #1! Horror movies really sneak in there when there's not much else out. This doesn't look bad... I don't think it looks that great though... so yeah? Lol. Not much to say about that. I said a lot last week about mental illness and the portrayal in movies and media... and yeah. It would be nice if some of the money a movie like this makes went to help mental illness... but it probably goes to buying the director a fancy car or something. No offense director of the movie Split... not saying that for sure... but you know... it's probably not going to charity.



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