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Valentines Day Gift Guide!

So I did one of these for my other blog and I thought... meh I can do it here too. I'm not a big believer in Valentines Day Gifts... I'm pretty simple and would be fine with dinner and a movie... but not everyone is... so here are a few ideas. If you want to see more beauty related ideas you can check out that blog right here... but here we go!

Valentines Day Survival Kit 
One thing I'm going to recommend that I mentioned in the other post too... but if you have a significant other and your friend is going to be spending Valentines Day alone... maybe for Galentine's Day, February 13th... you could get her a few cute little gifts to cheer her up. I suggested some chick flicks, maybe some magazines or books. Tea or wine maybe... Cookies and candy and some nail polish and face masks would all be good. You could even get a best friends necklace or something. When I came up with this idea I thought "Ohh this might be mean" but I'm single and I thought of it and I was like "aww that would actually be a sweet way to let your friend know you're thinking of them." I'm not afraid to spend February 14th by myself because it is a lot of fun and there's no pressure or anything... so I think this would be fine.

A Cooking Class or Cookbook 
So this is something that I think can be fun. If you like to cook and your S.O likes to cook, this is a fun thing that you could open up and do together for Valentines day, or even if neither of you cook... you could try doing it together and it can be fun. My grandparents always cooked together and my parents cook together quite often too... so I think I would want to do that with my significant other because its just something you can enjoy together. This would be good maybe if you just moved in together or even if you haven't been dating all that long... this is a good way to get to know each other I think, and I feel like this could be really fun.

You can never go wrong with Jewelry. Well... you can go wrong with Jewelry lol... but Jewelry is nice. My top pick would be Alex and Ani... chicks love that stuff. I think I mention that in my other post too, but I have the Crystal Infusion Necklace... which is pricy but its really gorgeous. They have nice rings and their bangles are nice. You could get ones with hearts that are more valentines-y or you could look at the meanings and go "Ohhh thats nice" and buy it based off of that.

I mention in my other post that I have kind of a rule when it comes to affordable jewelry... if she's over 21... don't get her jewelry from Forever 21. Lol. There is nothing wrong with forever 21 jewelry... but if you get me jewelry from Forever 21, I hope you enjoy your copy of Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 that I will be buying you. Lol. There's nothing wrong with Paul Blart Mall Cop 2... but thats probably not going to be on my imaginary boyfriends list.

So... this is my go-to guide if you don't know what to get someone. I didn't want this, but I got it as a gift and I love it. Its just an all around great gift that someone doesn't necessarily know that it makes a difference... but its fun and they'll love it.

Some sort of container filled with inside jokes or sentimental things 
This is based off of the episode of The Office where Jim gets Pam a tea kettle and fills it with inside jokes between the two of them and a letter confessing his love... which he took out. Lol. But I think this would be a great idea. Because they'll be excited when they see the big gift, but then once they open it up they'll be even more surprised when they see everything thats inside! I think this would be really adorable. You could even give one of the meme valentines... that would be funny

A Box of their favorite things 
If someone were to get me a box of my favorite things... that would be awesome! It could be favorite snacks, movies they want to see but haven't yet... books they like, something they might need would be good too, just thoughtful things that prove you notice. If I were buying this for myself... I'd get Cool Ranch Doritos, something with minions, one of the new Friends Funko Pops, One of those cute starbucks mugs... and idk. Just cute stuff like that. This would work for anyone really, wives girlfriends best friends... just sort of adjust what your buying and how much your buying based on how much you love that person.  Lol. X Files Blu Rays... just a lot. Lol.

If you watch Grav3Yardgirl on Youtube, she always puts together a Valentine's day basket for her boyfriend. She does things like that and its really cute and thoughtful. Just have fun putting it together.

Luggage/ Travel Essentials and a Trip 
This would be the best idea. Lol. Start with a bag of travel essentials... then maybe the luggage and then they'll maybe start getting the idea and show them the tickets. This is very extravagant, but an adorable idea if you want to do something together. If you don't have the money to go on a trip right now... it might even be romantic to make a jar where you can save money to go somewhere or to buy a house together or something. This is something for a more mature and financially stable couple maybe... but I feel like its not a bad idea. And its sort of romantic.

Something for their pet
This is something that I think would be especially good if you just started dating someone... get their pets approval! They will love you for it!

Pictures or a photo album or something of your time together as a couple is always super romantic.

Make/ Draw them something 
If you know how to make something... make it for them! My sister's fiancé does woodworking and has made a lot of her gifts from wood. He's made my mom a cutting board too, its a really hard thing to do and its not like you can do this last minute... but this is super thoughtful and great.

An Engagement Ring/Diamonds 
This isn't so much an idea as it is a PSA. I know a lot of people are probably getting engaged on Valentines day and during the summer months... but the diamond industry is scary and terrible. Diamond mining can be cruel... and they fund war crimes. There are many non conflict options out there. You could get a non-conflict diamond, a lab-created diamond... or get a different stone that is not a real diamond. There are so many beautiful non-conflict diamond that there is no reason to buy a blood diamond. This is a cause I feel very strongly about, so I really encourage researching and making sure that your diamond is non-conflict before buying it.

So on that note, have a fun and safe Valentines day... since I'm on the PSA kick here... lol. Don't drink and drive, don't text and drive, don't do anything distracting while driving... other safety issues... and most importantly... DON'T FART! Not even lying about this story, one time I was by myself on the light rail, and this guy was with his girl, and then he walked away from her for a little bit and FARTED! If anyone does that, just call them out on it. Tell their girl "Yo, your boy just walked over here to fart. If he goes to the bathroom before you guys do anything... he's pooping." Lol.



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