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Fitbit Friday 1/29/16-2/18/16

January 29th
So far I have 360 steps... lol. Its only 11:30 am tho... so thats not bad. I need to clean my room and I think I'm going out some places today... so we'll see what happens. We pretty much always go out for Pizza Friday night... so I might try to get 10,000 steps before then... and try for 15,000 or 20,000 cause I don't want to lose this challenge! Lol.

And I did it! 11,157 Steps total. Still lost the Workweek Hustle challenge... but I don't work so it is quite a challenge. Lol.

January 30th 
Didn't do well today... at all. Lol. This was just a lazy saturday. I watched 10 Things I Hate About You and went out to dinner... and that was that. Lol. Really bad... but some days you just need a lazy day.

January 31st 
Yes! I got 10,254 steps because I went to the movies and saw Star Wars and we parked far away from the movie theater to get more steps... and I did a lot that day in general I think... so it wasn't bad! I liked it!

February 1st 
This was the first day of my "I'm going to get 10,000 steps every day this month day... so I was really determined. I basically walked all around my house for about an hour and a half... give or take... lol. No one else was in the house so it was pretty easy and I liked that. I got 10,254 steps that day... so thats good! 10, 289 was the final count here!

February 2nd
I did a little more throughout the day... I still walked around my house for a little while... but it wasn't like that was all I was doing lol. It was good. I ended up getting 10,274 steps.

February 3rd 
I'm feeling a little lazy today... lol. But I think in a little bit I'm going to just start walking all around the house.

And I did! I ended up with 10,150 steps... and thats good!

February 4th
So far, this was the most organic 10,000 steps I got. I actually did go shopping and walked a lot. I didn't go to the gym or anything... but I walked a lot and got 10,801 steps! So that was good.

February 5th
So... this is where I got bad. I'm going to lie and say I didn't wear my fitbit for most of the day and only got to 3,930 steps... but know that that is a bold-faced lie. Lol. I just wanted to sit down. No other reason. I just didn't feel like moving. Lol. It happens. I didn't want to not get to 10,000... but the thought of moving just to get to 10,000 didn't appeal to me. So I didn't.

February 6th 
I'm in a daily showdown challenge and not many people are joining. Right now there are 4 people and one just joined... so thats a little funny. And of corse the person that just joined is winning already. I kind of want to get 20,000 steps so that I can make up for yesterday... but I will be happy just getting to 10,000. We'll see what happens.

Alright... this is the first in a long line of failures. My fitbit wasn't syncing for a week... and I just lost the motivation to do very good... so I only got 4,331 steps here... and yeah... I'll have some more failures here to come.

February 7th 
3,625... there were some snow days... some days when I just wasn't feeling very good cause the week my fitbit didn't sync coincided with my least favorite time of month... plus you know when tiny things just upset you for little to no reason... that happened a bunch these days.

February 8th
3,863... ugh.

February 9th 
5,457... must have done something this day... lol.

February 10th 
5,989... alright at least there's improvement... lol.

February 11th 
5,826 steps... not much to say. I think this was the day someone kicked me when I was down... so thats a thing.

February 12th 

February 13th 

February 14th 
4,078... :( Lol.

February 15th 
4,099... this is bad.

February 16th 
3,628... really bad.

February 17th 
Alright I'm back on track now! 10,035! That's more like it! Now to be honest... I didn't feel that accomplished when I reached 10,000... its like I'm loosing the sort of high I used to get from it... I think tomorrow I'll get back to actually logging it... I didn't actually log the bad streak until today... so I think it'll help me a little bit more if I actually make sure that I actually get to 10,000... so yeah.

February 18th
Now its 4 minutes past midnight. So I really want to get the Peanut Butter and Jelly Palette from Too Faced... and its available for pre-release for Ulta Platinum members on February 22nd... so I think I'm going to say I can get that unless I get over 10,000 steps every day. It'll help if wake up a little earlier... so I'm doing that....and I'm writing it here so you have to hold me to that! And if that happens I'll go on a complete no buy until I get a 10,000 streak... probably for a full Fitbit Friday... which will be bi-weekly so I'll have to do 10,000 for 2 weeks. Lol. Maybe I'll do that after I buy the Too Faced Palette... lol.

Alright it is 1 o'clock and I have 1,000 steps... so I'm off to a pretty good start.

And now it is 4:30 and I have 4.604 steps... also not bad! I like having my steps coincide with the time... that helps. Lol.

And I got there again! It took forever because I really did just wanted to sit down and watch Grey's... which I sorta did. I sat down a lot during the day. I was stuck at 9,997 for a long time... and that sucked. But I made it to 10,119 steps... so its all good!

And that is it! Stay tuned to see how I'm doing today... It's 4:04 as I'm finishing this and I'm just about halfway to 5,000... but I'm going to dinner with friends tonight... so Idk if I'm going to quite get there... but I think I will. I'll try. Lol.



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