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Chart Chat 2/15/16- Movies, iTunes Movies, and Books

Excited about this week's Chart Chat... I had a feeling it would be an exciting week for the movie charts because a lot was coming out and one movie in particular was shaking things up... can you guess what movie???


5) The Revenant- This is the first time since its release that Star Wars has not been in my Chart Chats!!! I love Star Wars. And this has been out for a while also and has been doing very well for an Academy Award Nominated movie. People love Leonardo Dicaprio... so even if this doesn't end up winning any of the big oscars... I think this is the biggest Box Office success of them all. Mad Max was maybe a little more successful... but this one has certainly been successful!

4) Zoolander 2- This movie hasn't been received greatly by the critics... but I don't think the original Zoolander was either... lol. I'm probably going to wait till this is on TV to watch it cause it might ruin the original for me and I don't want to pay money for something that might ruin a movie I would consider one of my favorites... so yeah. Lol. It looks super funny though, I don't think it will be as bad as everyone is saying. Somewhat surprised this is 4th though... Lets see what beat it out for #3...

3) How To Be Single- A little surprised this was the #2 movie of the week! I wonder if teenagers were buying tickets to this and seeing Deadpool. I bet thats what happened with the #2 movie... but that could be legitimate too... I'll get to that. This seemed the movie for Galentine's Day. I didn't end up seeing it... but it looks really funny. I don't think this got great reviews either... but it looks really funny.

2) Kung Fu Panda 3- I'm sure there were a lot of families seeing this movie... but I bet some of the ticket sales were kids sneaking into Deadpool. I can't really see this beating out 2 new movies that are sort of highly anticipated. I saw the original Kung Fu Panda... it was cute... not my favorite... so I probably won't see this. I'm old. Lol.

1) Deadpool- I kind of wish I had posted a prediction for this Chart Chat before I posted what I thought would happen... because I really thought Deadpool was not only going to be the #1 of the week... but I did predict it would do super well for an R Rated movie. This is the first R Rated movie to make over 100 Million Dollars on opening weekend... it made 135 mill. People were saying that Deadpool should have been rated PG-13 so it could make more money or that they should come out with a PG 13 version of it... but no. I love that Marvel took a gamble and decided to do an R rated movie. With this and Jessica Jones I feel like Marvel isn't just for kids anymore. Kids shouldn't read Deadpool either really... so just do what I did and either watch it with your parents or wait till the DVD or just wait till your 17! Lol. I did have my parents get tickets for me to see some movies though. I wanted to see Paranormal Activity for my 18th Birthday, but 3 of my friends were under 17... so they got the tickets and we snuck in. Lol.

If there was a movie that would be able to be released in both a PG-13 version and an R-rated version... it'd be Deadpool. Deadpool would comment on the fact that they would need 2 versions of the movie and it would be funny.

iTunes Top Movies 
The iTunes charts are always the same... and I don't know much about music... so I'm
going to do top movies and maybe top books too just for good measure.

5) The Intern- I've talked about this in previous chart chats... I think this is funny. Its just a funny concept for a movie for me that's a little overdone. "Ohhh you're an intern but you're old thats funny.' And when my friend got an internship I asked "Ohhh so you're an intern now. Does the Robert Dinero movie the Intern relate to your life." Because of corse it doesn't. Lol. Its funny.

4) The Martian- This is another Oscar Nominee that was good at the box office... and for good reason. Matt Damon is charming and a great actor. It looks like a great movie. 3 oscar nominees are in it (Kristin Wiig's nomination was for writing Bridesmaids.) It looks good. I kinda want to read the book then see the movie.

3) The Peanuts Movie- I want to see this one too! I love The Peanuts and Paul Feig and I think this is probably going to be a good movie. Maybe not as good as the Original Peanuts... but still a good movie nonetheless.

2) Bridge of Spies- Tom Hanks is good. This movie looks good. Everything about it... probably good. So I'll probably see it sometime. Lol.

1) Spectre- The last James Bond movie for a little bit. I like Daniel Craig... idk if I like him that much as James Bond. I feel like I need to see other James Bonds because idk the good from the bad.


Figured I'd just round this out with the top 5 from Ibooks.

5) Find Her by Lisa Gardner- This is a mystery book it looks like... it probably says somewhere and I should check. Yes it is Mysteries and Thrillers. Its about a girl that went missing who returns and it seems like she is a vigilante and then she goes missing again and the detective needs to find her. I like mysteries so this sounds pretty good to me. One I would like to check out!

4) Me before you by Jojo Moyes- This sounds good... but idk if I'll read it. Its a love story between 2 people that have nothing in common, the guy was athletic but is wheelchair bound and bossy but they fall in love or something. Idk if this is for me... lol. But it seems like people like it, or people are reading it at least! Ohhh wow it got really good reviews! First 3 reviews are 5 stars... might be worth checking out!

3) When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi and Abraham Verghese - This is a Biography and it sounds really sad. Its about a neuroscientist who was diagnosed with cancer and, unfortunately passed away last year while working on the book. It seems like its about dying and how to accept it. Very sad, but is getting lots of praise and is something that probably is really worth reading because you never know what is going to happen... and this guy was a Doctor and a Patient... so he can see it from both ends. It sounds really sad and beautiful.

1&2) Calendar Girls Series: January and February- So this is an erotic romance series... so this is for the 18 and older crowd. It looks like each book in the series follows a different girl with a different reason for needing money to be an escort... not my kind of book lol. I'm not much of someone to like Romance novels, let alone erotic romance and I think this sort of sounds cheesy. I don;t mean to disrespect the author, Audrey Carlan... she probably isn't a bad writer, clearly this is probably the next 50 shades of grey or something and I'm just not getting it.... and also don't think I'd get 50 shades either. Didn't love the movie or really see a plot other than the sexy stuff... and I like plots. Lol. I was thinking this was some new mystery series or something, now I'm embarrassed... but this is what #1 on the charts is. A lot of these are on the charts too... maybe Valentine's Day related? Lol.

So on that note... These are the charts as of February 14th... idk if they've changed since this is posted... but the movies are for reals. Lol.



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