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Scribbles About Movies: Top 5 Least Favorite and Why

So I think I've done similar things to this before... but I'm going to do it again. These are all of my least favorite movies... that I've seen as an adult at least. I remember as a kid I saw Master and Commander and it was super boring... but I could probably figure out whats going on in it now to at least make it somewhat enjoyable. Some of these movies are critically acclaimed... I just think they're bad. Lol. Take this with a grain of salt... some of my favorite movies are Ghost Rider and Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle... so that gives you an idea. These are in no particular order.

1) Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind- I figure I'll get the one that is probably a lot of people's favorite out first... this was just a real bummer of a movie. I couldn't get behind it... it was just bad. I felt like this was the most miserable movie-watching experience I've ever had because it just made me so sad and angry. I didn't like the characters much and I just couldn't do it. And its an amazing concept and a truly unique movie that really went for it... and I love Kate Winslet and Jim Carrey... but this just bummed me out. I couldn't get into it. 

And again, nothing essentially wrong with the acting or plot... its just not for me. I also love David Cross... I think his story and the side story of the scientists was my favorite part... idk why... but I liked them. 

2) The X Files: I want to Believe- This was one of the worst movie-going experiences I've ever had... I've probably told this story before... but here it is again. I started watching the X Files when I was in 6th or 7th Grade... and this movie came out when I was going to be a junior in high school... so thats a long time... and when the movie came out I was in Europe, so I didn't get to see it for a while... I think this was the first movie I saw when I came home... so I missed great movies like Wall-E and other things... but somehow I saw this and it was terrible. It wasn't worth the wait of all those years... it wasn't worth the wait of 3 weeks... it just wasn't worth it. It was bad. Such a let down. 

3) The Scortch Trials- Ohhhh boy... this was a whirlwind of an experience. I actually have a review of the movie here ... and basically not only did it suck but it was more or less against my beliefs... so that is something. I don't like unnecessary violence in movies and I don't like children with guns or bombs... I think that is bad... and this not only didn't stick to the book, but it was so incredibly unnecessarily violent that I'm not sure who this movie was for. This was another bad movie going experience because I went with my friend who read the books... and I had just finished reading the book... and the book was not like that AT ALL! And considering how true to the book the first movie was, I thought there would be some form of that in this book... but nope. They decided to make a zombie movie for kids instead... so that was bad. 

4) Battleship- This movie was bad... Out of the whole list this is probably the worst one... but also for me, this was the most enjoyable to watch maybe. I can see why this flopped so badly because it was all over the place... and at one point it was literally just them playing battleship and trying to beat the aliens. This movie was just bad. I think it was offensive to a lot of people also. I remember my friend and I thinking it was offensive to veterans... and I think there were racist overtones... don't quote me on that and complain to people involved in the film saying "Shannon said it was racist because of this" I haven't seen this movie since it came out and I tried blocking it from my mind mostly... but this was bad. 

5) LOL- I had wrote a little snippet of Tyler Perry's Temptation being the worst one on this list... and I'll talk about that in honorable mentions... but after giving it a lot of thought... this Miley Cyrus movie is much worse... and I'd say this is the most entertaining to watch out of all the movies. This is based off of a French movie, and I feel like it just didn't work for the American Culture...and I feel like we ruined it. There were a lot of characters in this movie and a lot of them you're like "do we like them? Do we hate them? Why is Miley with that guy? Why is Demi Moore such a horrible mom? What's going on with her and Tom Jane? Is he a homeless dad? What's going on with Demi Moore and the cop? There are lots of questions... and for a movie called LOL... not really very funny. There is one point where Demi Moore, who plays the mom of Miley Cyrus is in the tub with Miley's younger sister... while Miley is taking a shower in a separate shower stall...

There is also a part where a girl is talking to a guy on a web cam or something and stuffs the camera in a chicken claiming it to be her vagina... not a great movie.

Honorable Mentions 
As I was talking about... Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor was a really bad movie... and I compared that to R. Kelly's Trapped in The Closet... which has the same exact ending... but R. Kelly's has so much suspense and he's so talented that its actually decent despite being problematic... and Temptation is just very harsh.

I've also seen Glitter... which is a bad movie but that I could watch every day. I feel like its pretty amazing in all of its horribleness.

I saw the movie Adventureland thinking it was going to be the next Superbad... and it was a dark comedy and I didn't like it very much. I feel like I'd like it a little bit more knowing what it was. I just really wanted and needed to see a super funny movie and this was not funny.

Any movie with a bunch of different storylines that connect somehow... I'll watch them and I'm entertained... but I don't really like them.

Hansel and Gretel Get Baked wasn't very good... but I don't think I'm the target audience for it... but I don't regret watching it the way I do with most of the other movies on the list. I don't really regret seeing Battleship or LOL... but yeah.

And I didn't care for Inception... but yeah.

I think that's everything worth mentioning. There are some bad movies I've enjoyed... but those I think I've talked about. These are just bad movies.



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