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10 Things To Know About Oscars 2016

So I'm doing more top 10 things lately... and I thought instead of doing a full review, I'd just talk about 10 important things.

1) This years Oscar was controversial because of the lack of diversity. Chris Rock, the host... had no problem addressing this throughout the show. I think he did a good job covering all of the issues and addressing that there needs to be diversity and equality in Hollywood. I thought seeing Rock in The Martian and Tracey Morgan as The Danish Girl was quite funny. A lot of his jokes were about very serious things. but he's Chris Rock, he's probably the funniest person in the world... so obviously he made it work and I don't think anyone doubted that. He's Chris Rock.

2) The Stacy Dash thing... whattt? Ummm... she's a controversial person that I think annoys most people... so I don't know if people were annoyed or happy to laugh at her. If you google Chrissy Teigan's face... thats pretty much the right reaction.

3) I love the Minions and I love Toy Story so when The Minions and Buzz and Woody came out... I liked those parts! That was cool I thought. I'm happy Inside Out won... that was in my predictions... A lot of serious movies were in the Best Animated Feature... and I hope thats not the way that its going. The animated movies are usually the only ones I see... so yeah. Lol. Also the Minions were robbed! Lol.

4) The performances and the winner for best song... I have to say... didn't love any of the songs... I love Lady Gaga... I will never say a bad thing about Lady Gaga! Don't get me wrong, her performance was amazing the song is very powerful and I love that it was nominated... that message will get out. Its important... and the song was very real and very emotional and that made it brilliant and was why the performance was the best of the night... that being said... if I didn't know what the song was about and Lady Gaga wasn't performing it... I probably wouldn't have loved it the way that I do.

I like Sam Smith a lot... the song and his performance was pretty terrible. It was just very screechy and didn't sound very good. I would have preferred Lady Gaga to win.

He was also not the first openly gay man to win an Oscar, as he suggested he might be in his Oscar speech. He got some criticism from Dustin Lance Black, who received an Oscar for his screenplay of the movie Milk. To which Sam Smith said "Oh two's my lucky number!" But no. Lots of openly gay men have won Oscars, including Sir Elton John. Smith referred to an article by Sir Ian McKellen that said no openly gay man has won an oscar, but McKellen said no openly gay man has won for best lead actor. So... yeah. Honest mistake... but a pretty big one. Google before you win your oscars kids!

Ohhh and Dave Grohl performed for the In Memoriam part... and he did a great job. He sang Blackbird and it was very touching. Not Mentioned: Abe Vigoda from the Godfather. I thought he was... Mo was mentioned, I guess that's what I was thinking. They could have included him.

5) Some funny moments that were not Chris Rock's... I thought it was funny when Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe came out. Kevin Hart was funny and I thought his sort of playfulness with Chris Rock was funny. When Charlize Theron presented and said "The writers are super hot too." and then she said "A writer wrote that." Funny chuckle... I feel like that joke has been done before, but it was good. Louis CK was funny... nice to see him with his buddy, Chris Rock.

Ali G was the best though... Sascha Baron Cohen is really funny and I thought it was funny when he was Ali G on the stage.

6) Mad Max won a lot! I thought that was going to win best picture... I didn't see any of the movies, but my friend texted me and said "Why is Mad Max winning everything." And it made sense what it was winning for. Especially sound editing was important because it was a largely silent film.Need to see this one... not sure if I'll love it or hate it... but I'll let you know!

7) A lot of the best picture nominees won for other categories. Room, Bridge of Spies, The Revenant, Mad Max, The Big Short, and of corse Spotlight all won. The Martian and Brooklyn didn't win anything big... idk if they won anything... but The Martian made a lot of money... and Brooklyn sounds like a movie I'd actually see... so that's something.

8) So the big winners! First was Alicia Vikander. Everyone said she's the real star of The Danish Girl... so that made sense...seems like she was more than just a supporting character. Best supporting Actor was a big upset. I thought for sure the safest bet in the whole show was Sylvester Stallone winning for Best Supporting Actor... and I was excited for his acceptance speech... but it went to Bridge of Spies star Mark Rylance. Patricia Arquette paused quite a bit before announcing though... could be because of her glasses... but it could also be a conspiracy. Lol.

Best Actress and Actor were Brie Larson and Leo of corse. Finally for Leo! He now has one more Oscar than I do... as it should be.

And Best Director went to The Revenant's director... which was the 2nd consecutive win for him. Good for him!

And Best Picture was Spotlight! Everyone was saying The Revenant... I thought there would be an upset and it would be Mad Max... but it was Spotlight! Which is good because again... I kind of want to see this movie.

9) After seeing Lady Gaga's powerful performance and not seeing that win for Best song... 2 movies about abuse went on to win big Oscars... and that sends a pretty big message in my opinion. Although the Oscar ratings were the lowest in years this year... people will know the movies and see the movies after and hopefully there will be justice because of this. I like when movies have messages included in them because we need the messages.

10) Alrighty... now for the fun part... the whole reason I watched... The fashion! I thought everyone looked awesome. These are some of the most beautiful people in the world of corse though... and I'm not going to insult them for their fashion... unless they wore the Bjork Swan Dress... which was pretty terrible... but as long as they own it... its fine.

So Lady Gaga wore a white pant suit that was amazing. Mindy Kaling wore a dress with the most beautiful, dramatic train. Priyanka Chopra had my favorite dress of the night... she looked amazing. Saoirse Ronan wore a beautiful green dress and mismatched earrings as a tribute to her home land of Ireland. Olivia Wilde wore a super plunging neckline dress that looked like the Wardrobe Malfunction of the night... but she looked really good! She had a beautiful choker and beautiful earrings on as well. Heidi Klum had a very bold dress... but she owned it and she's gorgeous. Lol. Chrissy Teigan showed off her baby bump and it was very nice. Tina Fey and Reese Witherspoon looked gorgeous in purple! Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara both had sort of bolder dresses on and I thought they looked very pretty in them. Blanchett's looked so whimsical when she was presenting for best costume and Mara's looked very reflective of her own style. Brie Larson looked brilliant. There was a lot of blue and a lot of green on the carpet. Everyone was gorgeous.

And... I don't really pay attention to what the men are wearing... Liev Schriver is pretty hot... and I liked Kevin Hart's suit. Tom Hardy is hot too... but I didn't see what he was wearing. And of corse the winner of all attractiveness awards... Jared Leto.

So yeah. That's it. Pretty important... but low rated lol. So... watch the previews. Watch the Danish Girl thing with Tracey Morgan, google Chrissy Teigan's face when Stacey Dash came out, google Gaga's performance... look at Priyanka Chopra's Dress... and you're good. I liked it. I thought Chris Rock was pretty great, and a lot better than the first time he hosted... so that's always good.



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