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Scribble About Life: Cleaning/ redoing my room.

So right now my life is in a huge transitional phase in pretty much every aspect. I've moved out of college, and I haven't graduated quite yet,but I am living at home for quite a bit, I'm not moving back into the dorms this fall and I realized something... I have far to much crap for one household! 

This is kind of a struggle! Ever since I moved back home I've been trying to find a place for all of my stuff and trying to decide what stuff to keep, what stuff to get rid of and where exactly to put everything. Some of it was actually not that difficult. I have a lot of drawers and other stuff from my dorms, that's good for some storage at least...but I have so many clothes and books and all sorts of things that I have to sort through and get rid of and all of that jazz.

The first step was getting rid of things. This was probably the most difficult, but there are so many things that I have that I'm not using any more or it doesn't fit me and it's just time to get rid of. A lot of my dresser space was filled with band t shirts that I hardly ever wear anymore except for pajamas. This is something so hard to get rid of because I feel like I'm getting rid of a huge part of my past. I loved cobra starship in high school. LOVED them! I still love them but I don't really listen to them anymore and I don't really want to wear their t shirts all the time any more,whereas in high school I wore cobra starship t shirts just about every day. Well I wore a uniform to school, but after school it was cobra t shirts. I got rid of a lot of my t shirts... But I did keep a lot too so there's a big plastic drawer in my closet filled with them.

Another thing that was kind of hard to get rid of... And I'm not totally sure I did get rid of it was my high school history homework from my junior year... Yes this is kind of bizarre... But I learned a lot about history from Mr. Long's class junior year and I really want to keep that knowledge. He gave us words and people to define and talk about in our homework and I actually liked doing that believe it or not and it was a lot of stuff from every decade that we were learning about really! It was really cool. Actually now that I think about it I probably dreaded that homework at the time, even though I liked the subject and Mr. Long is definitely one of my favorite teachers I've ever had it took a long time to do! Now that I'm older I realize that was time well spent. Pretty soon I won't have to homework like that ever again and I won't know as much about history as I did back then. I still remember a bit of it, but it's not something I'll need in my day to day life now which is kind of sad.

The thing I think is most useful to anyone that is going through a similar room reorganization process right now is to have a place for everything and then put everything in that place. And don't overthink it too much, things can be moved for more convenience and more things can be gotten rid of. I think my biggest breakthrough of project room was the other day when I just cleaned my room without thinking "well I need to put this there" or "if that goes there than where will I put this." Don't overthink, just get it cleaned and don't stress about it. I'm really proud of two areas in particular that I'll try to show a picture of, but some of it isn't 100 percent don't as of this minute and my room doesn't photograph that well, so I will explain it also.

I have this drawer next to my bed that can get messy a lot, but I always like to try and have it look cute so that I won't mess it up as much. And this is pretty much the first thin I see when I wake up, so it makes me happy when it's all cute. I did this in my dorm also and maybe I'll show a pic of that too lol.

So on it I have 3 minion toys. I'm obsessed with the minions of Despicable Me and so... I have a lot of minion toys for an adult. I have my talking Tim minion, he's the bigger one and he sings too and he's really funny. I also have my two purple minions from McDonalds because I'm kind of a purple minion in the mornings... Not a happy camper. I love the one with the party noisemaker in his mouth...he just looks so sarcastic. And it makes me laugh so much.

I also have a couple of cupcakes... Because I love cupcakes. That's kind of the theme of my room. Minions, cupcakes, and awesome female comedians and singers. That's probably my theme of life also lol. The one cupcake is an ornament and I think it looks so cute it has a little heart on top. And I have a cupcake bank... Which I don't really put money in or anything. There might be a few pennies in it but I think it's adorable and I keep it there.

I also have Mindy Kaling's book Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me on my stand. I love this book and I love Mindy Kaling but I also thought it went really well with the colors of my room and on that drawer in particular. It's also a cute book with funny chapters, so if I need to laugh sometime, it's right there!

I also have my Too Face Boudoir Eyes Palette there, I was kind of just using the mirror and then I put it down there and I thought that the packaging looked adorable there. I have the Pure Seduction Bloom lotion there because I thought it looked really cute there too. Lol. And my Macadamia Lip Butter is out so that I remember to moisturize my lips before going to bed.

In the back I have a vintage looking coke glass that my friend Deanna gave as part of a Christmas present a few years ago. She filled it with treats, it was super adorable. And it's too cute to drink from so I put some tickets, papers and memorable things from my trip to Europe in there. And I put a fake daisy in there also. The Disney Store was giving these out at Fashions Night Out a few years ago with a spray of a limited edition perfume that they launched there that night. It was super cute. And an Eiffel Tower is there next to it because it's near my travel things. That Eiffel Tower isn't from the Eiffel Tower, but I do have one that is, which has a funny story to that that I will explain in another blog. Lol.

Behind that I have some wristlets, a cd alarm clock I don't really use anymore and a little stuffed Zero on top of that that I need a place for. I also have a bank that I keep my change in. This bank is pretty cool because it counts your change for you... But it doesn't work to well because it doesn't count the dimes usually and it counts pennies as dimes. Still pretty cool though.

And above it I have a cute tote bag that I got on sale from American Eagle that's pink and tropical and it says Spring Break Forever on it. I don't love the saying all that much because it's from the movie spring breakers which was kind of something that was supposed to be de glorifying spring break and having that on a tote bag glorifies it a little bit... But I don't spring break like that, I mostly just shop so yeah. It looks really cute there lol.

I'm also really proud of my desk... Which isn't really finished yet, and I will definitely post about that when I get the chance because I think that's my favorite. It's just sooo so me. I hardly ever use my desk... But now that I'm writing more and stuff I think I will try to utilize that space a little better. Overall out of everything in my room right now, I like this so much because it is completely 100 percent me. This desk is just the shannonyest part of my room right now and I love it. I might need to have Tina Feys book displayed there. I put it somewhere else because it didn't really fit and I like where it is now... But it needs a bit of a female comedy influence on it. Ohh well. Judy Greer has a book and Amy Poehler had one coming out soon... Maybe I'll fit them there somehow. Idk. We shall see.

So I think that is it for now... I'll definitely post more as the process goes on because I'm really proud of it, and I think it's something fun that I've kind of started from the bottom from... And now I'm here. About 80 percent done.

I still want to clear off my dresser a little bit... Well probably a lot of bit and I need to fit a few more things up here, and I also need my tv in here. But I'm getting there. And soon I will just be there! So great!

Byeeeee! Hope my ramblings could be of use to anyone with a similar abundance of stuff and lack of space.



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