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Favorite Movie list!

I don't know why, but I thought a list of movies that I think will always be my favorites would be a good thing for this blog. These aren't in any real order, but the first few are my favorites.

1) Despicable Me 1&2- these are amazing and adorable movies I could watch thousands of times and still laugh harder than any kid at them! I love the minions, I'm obsessed. Whenever I'm in a bad mood, these movies cheer me up!

2) Bridesmaids- Best Comedy of all time. Not only do I love this movie a lot and think it's hilarious, it's also an important movie. It changed female centric comedies and it was just awesome all around.

3) Forgetting Sarah Marshall- freaking hilarious movie. This is another one that is just so sooo funny I can have a terrible day and watch this and laugh my ass off. I feel like this is underrated, but not super underrated because I think this is a lot of people's favorite movie.

4) The Big Lebowski- yet another great comedy. I need to watch this one again. I bought the DVD and I still haven't watched it since then and it is one of my favorites! Definitely one of the most quotable movies watch!

5) My Big Fat Greek Wedding- I have watched this movie a thousand times and I haven't seen it in years but I know every single line. This movie is what made me want to become a comedy writer. Nia Vardalos is my absolute hero and I totally love this!

6) Goodfellas- most movies I like are comedies, this is the only drama I can watch again and again without getting tired of it. I actually watched this for a class I was taking on gangster films and this and the next movie on the list were probably the best. It's just such a great movie and it's a little long and boring at parts, hut there are some amazing scenes. Probably the most beautiful and tragic scene in any movie is the death montage in this movie. It's just so so great.

7) The Godfather- Who doesn't like TheGodfather? Great movie... Watch it!

8) The Addams Family Values- this is actually pretty high on the list and this is the whole reason I decided to blog about this... It's such a great movie. The Thanksgiving scene is one of the best scenes ever. One of the funniest lines is at the end when Fester says " My name is Fester, it means to rot!" Such a great movie! Probably the best sequel ever.

9) Monsters Inc- I could probably do a whole blog on my favorite Pixar movies, but this is probably still my favorite of all. I love. Mike and Sulley and Boo and I think as an adult I can see a lot of weird plotholes in the movie, but it's still really great.

10)  Forrest Gump- this is probably on everyone's list, but it's for a good reason. It's Forrest Gump! It's amazing! Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep are two actors that can be in anything and it will be amazing. Meryl Streep is not in this,.. But still a great movie.

11) pretty much any will ferrel movie- I'm not crazy about Step Brothers, but every other Will Ferrel movie is pretty fucking cool. Elf, Anchorman, Blades of glory, Ricky. Bobby, zoo lander, old school. Anything, the man just makes me laugh and I think he's great. Even the sequel for Anchorman was good. It's all good. Lol.

12) Saving Silverman- I've only seen this once, so this is kind of an honorable mention, but I liked this movie quite a lot and after seeing another similar comedy recently, I kind of realized why this worked so soo well. I watched There's something about Mary, which is a comedy very similar and it came out at a similar time, and that was a good movie but it was lacking basically everything Saving Silverman had. It didn't have as much heart, not everyone in the movie was funny it was just kind of the funny moments of the movie that were funny. And. I think Saving Silverman is just good all around because everyone in it is funny and it just works so well... Idk I just liked this one.

13) Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle- I love this movie. It's stupid but amazing. I love that it takes place in Jersey, I hate that they closed the White Castle in Cherry Hill because I always wanted to go there and it's just super funny. The second one wasn't that good, the third one was super funny though.

14) The Hangover- This is more of an honorable mention because I loved it when it first came out... But the sequels ruined it sooo soo much. Harold and Kumar had sequels too, but I don't think those ruined the original the way The Hangover 2 ruined the original for me. The third hangover movie wasn't that bad... But I would still put both of the Harold and Kumar sequels above both of the hangover sequels. They were pretty awful. But the original in its glory was the perfect comedy.

15) 21 Jump Street- This is one of those movies I had always wanted but had never seen. It's the perfect action comedy because the Action was still super interesting and the comedy was just soo soo funny. It's one of those movies I don't get tired of too. Even when I watch it now it still makes me laugh soo hard and I've seen it a bunch of times. Really good movie. Again didn't love the sequel, but the sequel was better than The Hangover and Harold and Kumar. I usually don't like sequels that much now that I look at it... But there are rare sequels that are incredibly funny. Great movie. Really dug it!

Honorable Mention- 

Sleepaway Camp- I'm somehow going to get everyone to see this movie... it is spectacular. So many twists and it's just a definite must see best horror movie ever. Also great cheesy 80s movie. I feel like if I got my friends to watch this they would all turn to me and say "WTF DID YOU JUST MAKE ME WATCH!" This will happen. Lol.

So that is my random selection of favorite movies, it's kind of a lot to do top 15, but I like movies a lot so this helped.



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