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Top 5 Friday: Top 5 Things about cleaning my room and

So I just posted a blog about how I cleaned my room and now I thought I would talk about some odd things that I found or did or learned in the process. These are in no order really.

1) Sequins from my Junior Prom Dress- so for my junior prom, I wore this beautiful black dress with black sequins all around it. I still absolutely love this dress, if I ever have to go to some event in the next few years, like an Emmys or some sort of writing thing, I'll probably wear this until I become like super super famous. It's just an amazing dress... I'd probably have to do a huge diet to fit in it, but that's neither here nor there... Anyway the dress came with a bag of extra sequins... Guess who found that sequins when everything was just about clean? Shannon did! So it kind of got everywhere. I noticed it on my foot and I didn't know if that was from my prom dress or my sparkly uggs. Prom dress apparently and there have been a few black sequins I've spotted around the house since then. Lol.

2) Storing earrings is incredibly hard- I love my earrings and if there's one piece of jewelry I would wear over anything else it would be earrings... But if I had a choice knowing what I know now... I may not get my ears pierced just because I find them so hard to store. I have an earring tree and I like the way that displays the earrings, but I'm always too lazy to actually put them back in there. I have a jewelry armoir, but I can't see my earrings in there ever. I used to have them hanging up on a paper plate in my dorm so that I could see them... That was actually a little easier to put them back up on, but still most of the time I was too lazy.

So right now I have them in a train case for jewelry or make up. I had been using it for my jewelry in school and. That seems to be working. It's easy to reach for so I can put earrings on and take them off more easily and it's a pretty case and I like it. So that is good.

3) It's easy to forget simple simple things when you're organizing- I wear glasses and lately I've been wearing them more than my contact lenses just because it's easy to wear them. I can just grab them without thinking about it, but when I was rearranging my room I actually put my glasses in their case and I forgot I had them and didn't wear them to work. Which is okay, I don't drive so I wasn't like putting myself in danger and I'm not all that blind. It was a lot harder to see where different items in the store were and that affected my day a lot. It made me kind of loopy.

Ironically enough the next day I was wearing my glasses and I went to take a bath and my glasses were still on. Lol.

4) I still never found my damn pocket knife- When I started college I used to always carry around a multi tool by leatherman I think and it was really nice and came in handy a lot of times. I always had scissors on me when no one else did. I always felt safe with a knife, and if I really felt scared I would just take the nail file part and leave that out because if I needed to I could hurt someone with that long enough to run away and I wouldn't cut myself like I might with a knife. Plus it had tweezers on it and that's always cool. Also guys really liked it. It was funny because I was suddenly getting attention from guys that wouldn't normally talk to me probably because I had this pocketknife and it was like a cool toy to them.

Anyway I took it out of my purse when I went in for training at my job a couple of years ago because I figured I wouldn't need it and I didn't want to look scary to any of the managers when they checked my bags. I always thought that I would find it once I really clean out my room. Nope. No such luck. I did find my pepper spray, but still no pocketknife. I actually still have one place I could check... May do that right after I post this.

5) I found my Wand- Probably the most exciting thing I have found was my wand that my parents gave me for Christmas one year. They got this for me before the Harry potter world wands and it wasn't like one of those things you could buy from the pamphlet that came in the DVD, but it was still a really cool wand that came in a nice box and everything. It looks super official and is probably one of the best Christmas gifts I've ever gotten... And now that I'm an adult I think it's even cooler! I love it I remember opening the box and thinking it looked like a wand box but it couldn't be... And it was! And I wasn't like a kid at the time, I was probably in 7th or 8th grade at least and it was still really really awesome. And it's been really useful to me in real life believe it or not. I actually used it for a part of a project. When I went to Europe it was for like a school affiliated organization called people to people and we had to do a project on something from one of the countries we were visiting and I choose Harry potter and I did a poster board of facts about JK Rowling and I served Bertie botts beans that everyone was too scared to try and I wore a Sirius black shirt because he's one of my favorite characters and I had the wand. And I thought I was super super cool. Lol. Anyway yeah this is an awesome find and I'm really happy about it!


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